The Forum > Article Comments > Ten years after Bali, the death penalty is still wrong > Comments
Ten years after Bali, the death penalty is still wrong : Comments
By Thomas Serafin, Benedict Coyne and Stephen Keim, published 28/11/2012According to Amnesty International, 21 countries recorded executions in 2011 compared to the 31 countries that did so ten years ago.
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I believe that there is a time and place for the death penalty, which simply needs to represent true justice, rather than hate or revenge.
I can recall, when a recidivist rapist was released from jail, as a born again Christian, whose ability as an extremely convincing liar, had fooled some good people, who also don't believe in a death sentence?
And so, he walked free, and then went on a rape and killing spree, with a single survivor, a young nurse, living through the hell of repeated rape and around 40 or so stabbings!
One doesn't know how or why she survived for the 24 or more hours, it took to crawl inch by inch, back to the side of the road, where she elicited help, and then lived to tell her story!
Even so, the inherent delay, still gave one of the most monstrous mass murdering criminals, time to go on crime wave rampage, from Queensland to Western Australia; and rape and kill more innocent victims.
There was a death sentence, and it was carried out by a recidivist re-offender, on entirely innocent victims; and, who now lounges in comparative comfort, in one of our jails!
And, will likely die still incarcerated!
He, a much less than human, 100% proven, re-offending animal, costs the community around $70,000.00 PA, just to house him.
And there are others, who can be guaranteed 100%, to hunt down and sexually abuse/kill, very small children, if ever released.
On the other hand, the very same people, who argue against the death sentence, will almost always agree with both abortion, or the stilling of a beating human heart, and euthanasia.
Both of which are, I believe, a death sentence by another name.