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The tentacles of extradition : Comments
By Kellie Tranter, published 23/10/2012People are being extradited to the US to face criminal charges when they have never been to the US and the alleged act occurred wholly outside the US.
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If someone hacks into my computer for bank account/ID numbers or any confidential records, [which by the way are never ever held in any electronic memory bank, be it a cell phone, my PC or the cloud etc.] And just leaves behind a mess I'm obliged clean up, just so I can continue to communicate with family and friends, then I would like to see them caught and treated as the common criminals they truly are!
They ought to be held accountable for the harm, all of it, and punished appropriately.
Some of which could be community service, like holding periodic public lessons at an approved public location, for oldies not yet computer literate?
To say, standing trail for their part, in say, several revenge killings etc!
If for example, the "bail jumping common criminal" acts in a way that puts real lives at real risk or worse, by failing to validate or verify, with a publish and be dammed approach; that then causes someone to be actually killed for say, simply doing their civic duty!
Or shot in the head, for simply writing a diary or holding a contrary opinion? For heaven's sake, why can't your privately held views or peccadilloes remain, just your privately held views or peccadilloes!
[Crimes of association are I believe, worse than the actual crime!] But particularly, if the unbelievably arrogant coward, plays their principle role, from a very safe and secure location, or a cowards castle?]
[There's an old saying which goes, if you lay down with with dogs, don't be surprised if you get fleas?]
In conclusion, let me finish with, this.
That common criminal ought to be brought to account, to face the very same legal consequences, that applies in spades, to everyone else!