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Alcohol education: a community perspective : Comments

By David Ballhousen, published 13/9/2012

Effective school alcohol education involves considerably more than the sharing of information about alcohol and its effects.

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…To be genuinely effective, alcohol education programs aimed at children and youths, should be supported by Government interventions policies aimed at removing the presence of alcohol from their total environment. This includes prohibitions on alcohol advertising in all public areas; a total ban on alcohol consumption in all public places particularly sporting events; a ban on alcohol in all domestic environments such as the principal residence of the child; service areas for alcohol in clubs and hotels should be screened from view of children, and alcohol consumption prohibited in areas frequented by children, (such as restaurants, hotels and clubs);

…The legal drinking age should be reintroduced to twenty one years, and on the spot fines should be introduced to underage drinkers. (Parents must be responsible for the payment of such fines). This would be a good starting point to control the huge negative social consequences to society of alcohol consumption, and would result in time, as huge savings (and taxation reductions) to taxpayers.
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 13 September 2012 3:51:56 PM
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the idiotic notion that we came from slime leads to the obvious conclusion that we eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. The more 'educated ' we become the more bizarre our behaviour. Many believe that the drunken stupor they enjoy far outweighs the deaths, the injuries and the suffering of others. The more young men and woman prostitute themselves to one another the more alcholol is needed to mask the affects. You would think with all the 'stars'topping themselves from drugs lately that people would be turned off. Instead they want to emulate their heroes who have monuments set up to their heroics.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 13 September 2012 4:59:17 PM
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An enormous problem with no easy or single solution.

Like all drugs alcohol has its adherents - from occasional social user to hopeless addict. Much of it boils down to how much of a kick one gets from champagne...
The rest is due to social influences and dare I suggest, (in this era of denial) self discipline.

In most instances, I believe family is the best training ground and good example the most effective method. Prohibition is least practical or enforcible even if most desirable. In my huge extended family, drinking small amounts fairly frequently was generally a cultural practice. We children were introduced to alcohol at a young age, given a mouthful of wine or beer from our elders cups. There was usually lots of laughter and foolery at family events but slurring staggering drunkeness was both rare and very much frowned on. The only habitual drunk was a Great-Uncle, tolerated only because he was funny, never mean or aggressive. The lesson or attitude was always that a few drinks were good, a few too many was NOT!

In my generation of 32 cousins - 3 problem drinkers. One now drinks lightly, one is deceased (mental illness and multi-substance abuse led to suicide), one is a 'functioning' alcoholic.

My 3 children, reared along same principles, older 2 enjoy a drink occasionally but weren't problematic as teens or 20s. The youngest hardly touches alcohol and never has. Of cousin's children, only know one problem drinker. Mental illness - doesn't drink habitually but if he sinks a few, behaves badly. Too many of them to know well but bad news travels quickly on the family grapevine ...

I believe 2 forces are at play. The first may be genetic. That's good luck. Other - a strong family structure which supports but also censures and culture that values alcohol but abhors misuse.

We'll never eradicate alcohol abuse but there needs to be more control, accountability and harsher outcomes for alcohol fueled crime. A good start would be to once again empower parents and police to exercise their authority!
Posted by divine_msn, Thursday, 13 September 2012 9:13:38 PM
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