The Forum > Article Comments > After millennia of silence, God is now speaking to us > Comments
After millennia of silence, God is now speaking to us : Comments
By Brian Holden, published 14/12/2011Because of our ability to describe the physical world mathematically, you can take an object from your pocket and speak to your daughter in London as if she was next to you.
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Posted by Stezza, Wednesday, 14 December 2011 7:34:37 AM
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Might I respectfully suggest that your faith in mathematics goes too far. The laws of physics (expressed in mathematical form) do not explain everything about the universe we live in - see 'How solid are science, reason and critical thinking' And as the latter notes, East Asian societies with an ancient Chinese cultural heritage (rather than the West's classical Greek heritage) start by assuming that there are no universal laws. John Craig Posted by CPDS, Wednesday, 14 December 2011 7:53:45 AM
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Brian, in your previous article you wrote "How much more do the masses need to be witness to before finally appreciating that evidence-based knowledge is the only knowledge upon which decisions are to be based?" I am wondering, where is the physical evidence to support your thesis that "God is now speaking to us" David Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 14 December 2011 7:58:34 AM
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Contemplating God in mathematical terms can be confusing, Mr Holden. So it is not surprising that thinking in this manner can become entirely circular, as do all the "God exists because" discussions.
Here's where you chase your own tail in this article: "Most mathematicians have rejected the notion of God as a supernatural being who loves us and wishes to be loved in return" be blitzed by your final statement: "If you cannot accept formal religion or the delusionary world of New Age, but still feel that 'there is something out there,' then the more of a mathematician you become, the more you will know what that something is." Leaving aside for the moment the absence of evidence for "most mathematicians" rejecting God, surely it is a contradictory concept, that greater understanding of mathematics makes you more religious? Or am I missing something? Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 14 December 2011 8:13:15 AM
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Knowledge and the mathematical extrapolation of “God”…
…# I am so afraid to open my clenched fists! Who will I be when I have nothing left to hold on to? Who will I be when I stand before you with empty hands? Please help me to gradually open my hands and to discover that I am not what I own, but what you want to give me # … ...Henry Nouwen… Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 14 December 2011 8:38:32 AM
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Brian Holden
By this outline of the history of Knowledge you manage to reach the same conclusions to which T S Eliot arrived by examining the power war of twelfth century England between Church and Throne, in his play ‘Murder in the Cathedral’. Eliot was then as close to his end as you, and, scared that a vindictive god might be around, had a bob each way on his existence. Mister, relax, no god is there. If a God exists, he can last only as long as Man lasts, which cannot be another 10.000 years. Posted by skeptic, Wednesday, 14 December 2011 8:47:50 AM
Such as this article that discusses the (mis)use of the term 'god particle' for the Higgs boson
Personally I find it amazing that mathematics can predict the existence of things that we currently cannot detect. So often these theoretical particles/forces are later proven accurate. Note the scientists of CERN are completely willing and able to produce new theories regarding the working of the universe based on the results of their measurements and observations. If only religious folk were capable of doing the same.