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The Forum > Article Comments > Justice delayed is justice denied > Comments

Justice delayed is justice denied : Comments

By Julie McKay, published 8/7/2011

Women must become men's true equals in the eyes of the law - in their home and working lives and in the public sphere.

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"Legal aid statistical data for the period 1 July 2002 to 30 June 2003 show that, nationally, the highest number of applications approved for grants of legal aid in Commonwealth matters was in the family law area. In addition, statistics for the same period show that, nationally, the highest number of applications approved for grants of legal aid by gender was for women."

GOVERNMENT RESPONSE to The Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee inquiry report Legal aid and access to justice
2004 and the Minority Report by Government Senators

I doubt much has changed, and when talking legal aid, it is mostly about family law and most of the money goes to the woman.

As for appointing more female judges so as to get more justice for women, I'm very suspect about that.

I would much rather see juries being used to get more justice into the justice system.

Guilty beyond reasonable doubt, as opposed to affirmative action and empowerment for women
Posted by vanna, Friday, 8 July 2011 8:27:55 AM
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From the article:"n 2009, major bilateral donors spent $4.2 billion on justice, of which just 5% specifically targeted women and girls."

And how much was specifically targetted at men and boys? Take your time... As long as you people continue to cherry-pick your "facts" your credibility will rank alongside the shills and shysters who sell dodgy solar panels and install dodgy insulation.

Sadly, this sort of polemic from those who earn their living from public money is all to common. A bit of intellectual honesty and a sense of the justice that the author is so fond of talking about would soon sort that out. Does anyone really think UN Women is an organisation devoted to anything but the promotion of people working for UN Women?
Posted by Antiseptic, Friday, 8 July 2011 8:43:57 AM
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We need to get complete equality....less than 10% of the prison population is female. We need to fix up this obviously discriminatory practice!
Posted by Grey, Friday, 8 July 2011 11:22:27 AM
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Five months, to the day. And you came back to have a whinge about the very articles I suspect your original complaint on OLO editorial policies was about. I smiling at the irony.

Welcome back anyway.
Posted by rstuart, Friday, 8 July 2011 11:44:04 AM
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rstuart:"Five months, to the day"

Really? OCD much?

rstuart:"you came back to have a whinge about the very articles I suspect your original complaint on OLO editorial policies was about"

Not at all. My disagreement with Graham was on an entirely different subject and I'm big enough to say I over-reacted. However, I haven't missed posting much, since I've been rather busy doing some crisis management and restructuring in my business, which has suffered badly through the significant construction industry slump of the last 18 months or so. The problem seems to have passed for the moment, so I can spend a little time here.

Besides, there is no whinge, my disparaging friend, merely an observation of the self-serving nature of the UN Public Feminist Promotion group or whatever they call themselves today. As an Australian of either gender they're about as genuinely relevant to me as weather on alpha Centauri's 5th planet's third moon, but I suppose they do provide some employment for the otherwise unemployable, even if that's normally the job of the Australian Government.
Posted by Antiseptic, Saturday, 9 July 2011 4:32:22 AM
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Justice for women is sadly lacking in the developing world with most inequities stemming from entrenched cultural practices, overall economic disadvantage (men and women) economic dispowerment of women, lack of participation in work and other spheres of life.

The nature of Justice in the developed world is different and I am not sure I agree that more women judges in modern democracies necessarily equates with better justice for women. Certainly in the developing world women are not well represented in the legal system in any form.

The UN has a big job on it's hands if it seeks to change cultural norms around girls and early marriages and childbirth. Much of it is ingrained and access to education would be beneficial where there are not despotic regimes in place.

Recent AusAid data reveal that much of aid funding has been misspent and failed to deliver on essential services to those most in need. Sometimes Aid agencies inadvertently prop up corrupt regimes and overlooking issues of governance is one of the primary causes of injustice and poverty for men, women and children in the developing world.

The UN has no control over what happens in some of these countries such as the food provided for those in immigration centres in Africa are often purloined by locals who are also economically disadvantaged. The UN has no teeth, they do not guard or manage these centres in many cases.

I suspect attempts to address issues of justice will be met with similar obstacles but it does not mean that we should not try as long as the mechanisms used are relevant and appropriate to each unique environment.
Posted by pelican, Saturday, 9 July 2011 10:55:59 AM
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