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A record that's anything but straight : Comments

By Peter Wertheim, published 11/5/2011

The aim of BDS is a one-state Palestinian solution, not a two-state one, as the record shows.

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Working for the creation of a rainbow nation rather than the continuation of the Israeli apartheid state sounds perfectly legitimate to me.
Posted by Passy, Wednesday, 11 May 2011 8:48:25 AM
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Omar Barghouti's comments are quoted here by the writer, as follows....

“Note that a 'right of return' is demanded not just for the limited number of 1948 refugees who are still alive but for all their descendants ad infinitum, who were born and have lived in other countries for their entire lives. Thus, somebody born and bred in Lebanon or Syria, who has never fled from anywhere, is considered to be a 'Palestinian refugee' if that person has, say, a grandfather or great grandfather who was a 1948 refugee. “

How is that different to a Jew, Mr. Wertheim? There is not a Jew living in any part of the world that would not be accepted into what is currently Israel on application and also paid substantial sums to do so as part of ‘Eretz Israel,’ to squeeze out yet another a Palestinian. It would be very safe to say that the majority of Jews in this country, particularly members of the Jewish Board of Deputies see themselves as Jews first, part Australians second and who enjoy the anomaly of two passports,. So where do they belong?.

Your argument is hypocritical. So it is acceptable for a Jew to do what he likes, maintain his connection to what he sees as “his” country, even with a separate passport, but certainly not for a Palestinian to have such a privilege?

Let us not be accused of being anti-semitic, although in most parts of the world where the inhumane activities of Israel lend the phrase a sense of honour, but the circumstances are the same. Once a Palestinian, robbed of his birthright by a cruel and evil conqueror should remain a Palestinian and will, if the world accepts the UN Resolution in September. All they have against that is the veto of the US, compromised beyond belief with all the bribe monies that Israel has directed over the years to weaken the sense of justice in the Congress.

It will be needed on that day.

Your hypocrisy and lack of humanity is showing, Mr. Wertheim. Only to be expected, I suppose
Posted by rexw, Wednesday, 11 May 2011 10:37:17 AM
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Yes the hypocrisy is amazing. Peter Wertheim states "Thus, somebody born and bred in Lebanon or Syria, who has never fled from anywhere, is considered to be a 'Palestinian refugee' if that person has, say, a grandfather or great grandfather who was a 1948 refugee."
This is exactly the policy of Israel. Just change "Palestinian" to "Jew".
Likewise your fear for Jews becoming the "disempowered and vulnerable minority." You seem to have no problem with disempowered and vulnerable minorities, provided they are Palestinian.
The Palestinians for the most part support a two state solution. However, many of them must be giving up all hope of this coming to pass after 44 years of military occupation.
Rather than criticising the proponents of BDS, you should be pressuring the government of Israel to negotiate a two state solution, or pretty soon the only option left will be a one state solution.
Posted by Rhys Jones, Wednesday, 11 May 2011 11:45:25 AM
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The three earlier correspondents are all part of the powerful pro-Palestinian lobby. In contrast, I think Peter is spot on. The most offensive part of Barghouti's article is his open assertion that the national rights of the Palestinians should take absolute precedence over the rights of what he calls euphemistically the “other inhabitants of the land”. Barghouti simply does not recognize the Jewish right to national self-determination in Israel. This makes him at best a chauvinistic nationalist, and at worst an advocate of ethnic hierarchies.
Posted by lev bronstein, Wednesday, 11 May 2011 1:41:17 PM
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The author seems to fail to distinguish of the aims of a movement (BDS) and
the individual views of its members (which might well vary on an issue such as
supporting a one-state or a two-state solution, for example).

And one's views on one-state versus two-state solution might well sensibly
depend on how a proposed two-state solution deals with the Palestinian refugees.

As for the authors' remarks about inheritance of refugee status - doesn't the
justification for Jews having a privileged position in regard to immigration
into Israel depend on inheritance via (presumed) ancestry going back thousands
of years?
Posted by jeremy, Wednesday, 11 May 2011 2:43:51 PM
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Lev Bronstein accuses myself and fellow posters of being part of a "powerful pro-Palestinian lobby". This is patently ridiculous. If there is any powerful lobby in the Israel Palestinian conflict it is the Jewish one. If there was a powerful pro-Palestinian lobby then there would already be a Palestinian state and the military occupation would have ended decades ago.
He accuses Barghouti of failing to recognise the Jewish right to "national self determination in Israel". How about the rights of the Palestinians to "national self determination in Palestine?"
If only Israel were to show the same respect for Palestinian aspirations as they demand for their own then this conflict would have long ago been resolved. It is this racist hypocrisy that is at the heart of conflict.
Posted by Rhys Jones, Wednesday, 11 May 2011 2:44:25 PM
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