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The awakening within Afghanistan : Comments

By Kellie Tranter, published 12/4/2011

Koran burning had less to do with demonstrations in Afghanistan than photos of US troops posing with civilians they had killed.

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In the US, 'Veterans Today' states

"America is in its 10th year of war in Afghanistan and losing. Everyone there hates us, we haven’t won a single “heart” or “mind.” We have succeeded in building an empire of opium and heroin on a scale never before imagined.
Millions at home, tens of millions in Russia, Europe and around the world have been destroyed by the flood of narcotics distributed with deadly efficiency by a combination of rogue military and intelligence operations and the contracting firms we payed to protect us.
American corruption, incompetence and brutality has recruited hundreds of thousands into a war against the United States who could otherwise have been our allies. This is the simple truth of it."

Now that is coming from the Veterans themselves. Must have some credibility. But little old Australia will just meander along with the big brother, serving no purpose, having the occasional funeral for Gillard to attend just to remind us that we do have soldiers in a military dalliance overseas, of no benefit to us and for all the wrong reasons.
That is how it is in the world today allowing governments to accept such evils such as...

9/11 was pure “false flag” staged by Israel with help from Pentagon, CIA and White House “friends”
There were NO 9/11 hijackers, no “box cutters,” no airplane drama, no passengers storming the cockpit, no phone calls, it was all made up
No plane hit the Pentagon, it was a missile
Two airplanes didn’t knock down the 3 WTC towers.. Impossible
Osama bin Laden worked for the CIA and died 10 years ago of kidney failure
Al Qaeda never existed until the US invented it.

Because most of the world either doesn’t care about the above or just cannot believe that such things are possible, they keep on happening, year after year..

In history, no one has ever won a war in Afghanistan. This war is not there to be won just as a cover up for drugs, military spending, a springboard to attack Iran and US military hegemony.

Oh, I forgot oil?
Posted by rexw, Tuesday, 12 April 2011 8:26:37 AM
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But Kellie, the state can do no wrong, remember? I find it amusing that you favour government control of virtually every aspect of society, but inconsistently reserve some criticism for military aggression. But all the policies you are in favour of depend on aggressive force, or hadn't you realised that? However keep up the good work: when you apply your anti-violent principles *consistently* across the board, you will be a libertarian.
Posted by Peter Hume, Tuesday, 12 April 2011 11:02:58 AM
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Don’t hold your breath waiting for the change Peter Hume.

The ways of the Politicians, like those of the gods, are mysterious.

Clear is only their dream to put in order your world.
Posted by skeptic, Tuesday, 12 April 2011 7:20:14 PM
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Sorry Kellie,

You're trying to tell us that the Afghans for peace, (whoever they are) organised a peaceful protest rally with the main slogan being "Death to America, Death to Britain. "

Do you have ANY credulity at all?

Groups and individuals with Islanic countries have ALWAYS used the fact/fiction (whatevers most convenient) of INFIDEL insults to Islam to rally the faithful and drown out the moderate voices. Thats a fact that you seem to gloss over in your search for fellow travellers.

... " Nearly two weeks passed without incident after Mr. Jones and his congregation of about 30 followers burned a Quran in Florida on March 20. Then, on March 31, President Karzai made a speech condemning Mr. Jones and calling for his arrest. A day later, protesters stormed the UN compound in Mazar-e-Sharif, killing seven foreign employees and triggering demonstrations across Afghanistan that left a total of 22 people dead and scores injured."

you say " Would we all be surprised if, as is occurring in North Africa, progressive young city-dwellers mobilised to overthrow the ruling regime? Assuming the improbable, that the invading powers allowed widespread public protest to swell and threaten the Karzai government, how would that sort of movement be portrayed in the press releases that cross directly into the mainstream media?"

Like progressive, inner city dwellers in melbourne and sydney?

Absolutely right, it wouldn't be surprising to have such a movment develop out of nearly 40 years of war. They would be sitting in their cafes sipping their lattes and discussing how to prevent global warming, and deciding whether to write ' DEATH TO AMERICA' or 'KILL ALL AMERICANS' on their banner.

Absolutely spot on.
Posted by PaulL, Tuesday, 12 April 2011 8:25:30 PM
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You forgot a couple Rex

the US is still keeping ALIENS at area 54,

Elvis Presley is alive and well, selling medallions to locals in down town Ho Chi Minh city


Carbon dioide, the naturally occuring substance which all plants need to produce the oxygen we breathe, is now a posionous pollution.
Posted by PaulL, Tuesday, 12 April 2011 8:37:06 PM
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Oh, I forgot to say that, bizarely, the murder of the UN workers occured on a friday ... after mosque ...

But that wouldn't have anything to do with it. Surely. Afhgans don't react to mere burning of a book, or silly cartoons etc etc etc.
Posted by PaulL, Tuesday, 12 April 2011 8:56:00 PM
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