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Bumbling Obama could be the antidote to bumbling George Bush : Comments
By Houston Ash, published 3/3/2011Niall Ferguson isn't impressed with US foreign policy, but is the rest of the world?
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As for “Coherent Grand Strategy” appealing to such as Niall Ferguson, anything other than Obama’s ability to peacefully sit out the remainder of his tenure as a lame duck US President before he heads off to Hawaii in 18 months, is an annoying distraction. For him it is just going through the motions. The veto in the UN last month for his masters was his final coupe de grace
For any reader of Tom Clancy, with his predilection for major international military actions, nuclear attacks, imminent catastrophic danger, etc., now would be the time to attack the US, totally preoccupied as they are with internal political machinations, the neutering of the Unions for one, serious stuff kicked along by the ‘Tea Party’, the fight to find the most likely Republican candidate to takeover the White House and wreak havoc on the world, and shoring up the Zionist control of the AIPAC Congress and Senate. Everything else is irrelevant and fortunately for the neocons, the apathetic US people aren’t even sure who is in power and really couldn’t care less, anyway.
One should not read into that statement that the evil CIA is not keeping “the rhetorical stooge” informed, as would also be the Mossad assassinators reporting on the hour to Netanyahu. It is still business as usual and both would be thick on the ground in Egypt as they would be in Libya right now, Pakistan which we are all aware about with the recent killing in the streets by US ‘blacktops’ person of Pakistanis. No fuss...that’s what they are paid to do.
So the US Grand Plan is there but not active in the mind of the Israeli stooge, Obama, every bit as bad as Bush, if that is possible.
But for the likes of Ferguson, his admiration for Kissinger says it all, really. Anyone that can admire such a devious and evil man, is hardly worth quoting.