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Shifting Sands : Comments

By Bruce Haigh, published 28/2/2011

The Saudi royal family is locked into a timewarp of its own making.

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It is pleasing to see an article on this part of the world by someone who is so well informed.

It was a question that had not been asked, whether Saudi was likely to be involved in the problems that are now engulfing many other countries, one of which has been settled, albeit under military government and the other, hopefully will soon fall into the hands of what appears to be a well-structured committee to apply a level of organisation which will be sorely needed very soon. In the background are another three or four and the explanation by Bruce today clealry indicates that are vulnerable to such internal revolution.

What a trying time that will be for the US, enmeshed with the Saudis. Perhaps even a different approach from the hypocritical Clinton when advising the people of Saudi Arabia how they should act but at the same time telling the 'Royals' that we are behind you all the way ( an aircraft carrier, your Majesty). Whatever the US action is it will be for their benefit and not the Saudis, you can count on that.

Oil. They love it, they need it, they want to control it and they will do anything to bring this about.

If it wasn't for the evil empire, Israel and it's apartheid, ethnic cleansing and massacres, one could almost feel sorry for Israeli people, as they see all this activity for democracy all around them. But their one consolation is that they do control America and its adminstration stooges. Without that control, they will perish.

For Netanyahu, friends are in short supply. Israel should forget the planned false flag and destabilisation exercises in Pakistan; cease trying to convince the world through Zionist media that Iran is armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons and search for a way to get back to the 1967 borders with Palestine.

The battered peoples of Palestine may see a resolution to their problem sooner than they think. The whole world hopes so.
Posted by rexw, Monday, 28 February 2011 2:32:20 PM
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Back a while ago, I knew a bloke with a top security clearance, who did a couple of tours of duty under a UN organisation in Saudi Arabia. He told me nothing about the job, but he had access to a vehicle belonging to one of the princes. Even at that time, the ruling elite were very worried about their own security. He was offered a large sum to return and continue the job he had, but he reckoned that it was more than his life was worth.

Things haven't changed for the better.
Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 28 February 2011 3:03:50 PM
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Well written essay Bruce

I agree with most of it. HOWEVER, it is easy to be smug about American discomfit over potential instability in the Arab oil kingdoms, Libya and Iran. The immediate concern is instability in oil prices. THIS THREATENS AUSTRALIA MORE THAN THE US.

The US has a range of ways to influence events in Saudi Arabia and more so the smaller kingdoms - Australia doesn't. The US' main lever is implied threats to remove US forces in the region that the Saudis rely on for their security.

The Saudis have been under military threat from Iraq twice since 1990 and Iran is a constant worry. The Saudi's also rely on another Western country, Israel, to keep Hezbollah occupied. As an instrument of Iranian power projection Hezbollah could provide Shiites (that you mention) in Saudi Arabia with terrorist, military muscle or people power. HENCE AUSTRALIA RELIES ON THE US AND EVEN ISRAEL TO STABILISE THE REGION AND THEREBY STABILISE OIL PRICE LEVELS.

Many Australians could be hurt in the oil Kingdoms before and during evacuations. Another reason it not just a problem of US power.

The plutonium producing nuclear reactors under construction or planned for the Kingdoms (and Iran) are another reason that instability is not just a US problem

You’re right about the US travel advisory not being updated to include the threat of demonstrations. Australia's DFAT has updated its travel advice

"Civil Unrest/Political Tension

Although demonstrations are illegal in Saudi Arabia, political developments in the region and international events may prompt large demonstrations or civil unrest. These demonstrations could turn violent and should be avoided."

With Australia being a less powerful country than the US in political, economic and military terms I think events in the Middle East are a greater threat to the Australian economy and to the lives of Australians in the Middle East.

Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 28 February 2011 3:19:19 PM
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Excellent article- although I sadly doubt Egypt's, and likely Libya's fate will befall that horrid country- considering the wealth, political/diplomatic influence, and the efficiency of control it has on the region and people, that is.

Even if things got very bad indeed, I would imagine it would do so many things with its resources to fix it.
Posted by King Hazza, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 7:40:18 PM
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