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Palestine: outing state-sponsored Jew-hatred : Comments

By David Singer, published 17/12/2010

If Brazil were to have its way, 500,000 Jews would have to leave their homes, or be removed.

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#rexw and Ulis

I don't correspond with professed Jew-haters. You both have something else in common - anonymity. Pretty gutless.


Not sure what to make of you.

Perhaps you can explain what you mean by the statement:
"So... the best place for those Jews who wish to undermine Western Society is Israel...where they can 'undermine' to their hearts content."

What are "Jews who wish to undermine Western Society" actually doing that seems to be of concern to you?


You ask:

"I would like to know what the author has to say about settlement construction that is illegal under international law."

Settlement construction is not illegal in international law. It is legal and is sanctioned by article 6 of the Mandate for Palestine and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter.

You also ask:

"I know the former Yugoslavia and Israel-Palestine are not 100% identical, but the issue at heart was more or less the same, right?"

Wrong. The issue was not the elimination of Yugoslavia in that conflict but the elimination of Israel is the issue in the case of the conflict between the Arabs and Jews which you incorrectly refer to as "Israel- Palestine". It is a conflict that has gone on for 130 years and did not start in 1948 as Arab propaganda has obviously led you to believe.


"what genuine geopolitical reason the US supports Israel to the point of losing international credibility?"

Perhaps the US believes in upholding international law which provided for the reconstitution of the Jewish National Home in Palestine. Attempts are being made to subvert that law by the Arabs who never accepted the legitimacy of that decision. They have suffered greatly for their obduracy.
Posted by david singer, Saturday, 18 December 2010 9:20:43 AM
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"...tell me what geopolitical reason the US supports Israel to the point of loosing international credibility ?"
I think we all wonder about that one Stezza .
Although not necessarily a geopolitical reason , someone once explained to me that money from the US Jewish Lobby (whose loyalty is Israel first & US second) simultaneously bribes & threatens US politicians into submission , & they , preferring to be reelected ,cooperate in snowing the electorate .
I wonder if there is any truth in that .
Posted by Oz, Saturday, 18 December 2010 9:44:49 AM
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Just a quick answer to your question. The reason is called AIPAC. Look it up. It is involved in graft, corruption with the ultimate result of controlling the weak US Congress and most of The Senate. It is the Israel Fifth Column. It is an evil organisation and the sleepy, apathetic US public are too complacent to see its danger to date.

This together with all the US presidents since Carter being weak and submissive to the Zionist lobby to the point of never recording a verdict of the perfidy that was the USS Liberty (look that up as well) . In 1967 Israel attacked the USS Liberty, an intelligence gathering vessel flying a US flag, killing 34 crew members. In 2004, Captain Ward Boston, Senior Legal Counsel for the Navy’s Court of Inquiry into the attack swears under oath that President Lyndon Johnson ordered the investigation to reach a verdict of “accident”, even though the evidence indicates the attack was deliberate. Given the use by Israel of unmarked boats and planes, and the machine-gunning of USS Liberty’s lifeboats, the most likely explanation is that USS Liberty was to be sunk with all hands, with evidence left to frame Egypt for the sinking. This would have dragged the US into the war on Israel’s side. False flag, once again.

President Johnson was under the spell of an Israeli spy called Mattilde Krim.. No President since then has done anything.

Raed about the massacres of Shatila and Sabra by the Israelis; the Lebanon Marine Barracks; the killing of the Lebanese PM; Iraq and Afghanistan; 9/11 and on. They are all worth a good read. Is it any wonder that the Israelis are arrogant, receiving as they do US3 billion in aid from the compliant Congress of the USA. .

It just goes on and on. Only have 350 words. The internet is full of the perfidious actions of Israel, false flag episodes, currently the effort they are making to get the US to attack Iran so that Americans do the fighting and dying, not Israelis.

A sad story, I’m afraid,
Posted by rexw, Saturday, 18 December 2010 9:47:26 AM
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Stezza I will oblige you with a reply with a true story of the time I lived in New York and this was back in the 1980's.

I was watching CNN and an Israeli politician was on an official visit to Washingtom. The reporter asked him "And what do you think of all this talk of making Israel the 51st State of the Union?" to which the official replied "Ummm, Israel the 51st State of America or America the 2nd. State of Israel?"

That is the extent of the power that Israel holds over America.
Posted by Ulis, Saturday, 18 December 2010 10:58:49 AM
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David Stinger, your answer to everything is Jew Hater; you did not contradict one statement that I made in my comment with a factual rebuttal. Try to be a little original and call me an anti-Semite it is as big a lie as anything else you wrote. As for my identity at times I chose to be anonymous but I assure you it isn't out of fear. I'm not a Prime Minister you can bring down but you know me. I was on SBS and debated Jeremy Jones of your exceptionally powerful Israeli lobby in Australia AIJAC on the merits of the two state solution. It went on for four hours but he couldn't say much more when I produced four title deeds two in Haifa and two in Jaffa with Palestine clearly written across them. You see he was trying to argue that Palestine never existed. He lost.
Posted by Ulis, Saturday, 18 December 2010 11:49:31 AM
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So I am assuming all the news and reports that continually state that settlement building is illegal are just fabrications? UNSC Resolution 446 (1979) determined they were illegal. And the following from the UK:

Also, wasn't the Mandate for Palestine during the British period several decades ago? Is it relevant now?

And the UN Charter:

Article 80

1. Except as may be agreed upon in individual trusteeship agreements, made under Articles 77, 79, and 81, placing each territory under the trusteeship system, and until such agreements have been concluded, nothing in this Chapter shall be construed in or of itself to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments to which Members of the United Nations may respectively be parties.
2. Paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be interpreted as giving grounds for delay or postponement of the negotiation and conclusion of agreements for placing mandated and other territories under the trusteeship system as provided for in Article 77.

Is Palestine considered a territory under the trusteeship system?

Personally I wouldn't expect an unbiased answer from you but just posting it here to see if others can give insight into the above.

As for the former Yugoslavia, correct if I am wrong, but wasn't the issue there ethnic/religious conflict? Serbs against Croats against Bosnians then agains Kosovars etc. etc. Not unlike the case in Israel.

Also if you see the other side as wanting the elimination of Israel, then I guess there isn't much anyone can do. Sure there are elements in the Palestinian and Arab camps that actively pursue the destruction of Israel. I think they are extremists. But what do you make of this news report out today:
I am sure this may only be part of the story, but if true then I find it disgraceful. It really seems both sides on this issue just find new ways to prolong the conflict and keep adding fuel to the fire.
Posted by jorge, Saturday, 18 December 2010 2:27:42 PM
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