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Behind Bars : Comments

By Andrew Leigh, published 10/11/2010

In 1990 there were 112 prisoners per 100,000 adults and now it is 175, an increase of 56 percent.

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"Getting prison policy right isn't easy, but if there's one country that can show the way, it should be Australia: the nation that showed the world that if they're given a chance, convicts can do just as well as anyone".

Ok, now you are a politician (and a former academic), how about some ideas about how you will address rising prison rates.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Wednesday, 10 November 2010 8:05:33 AM
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if there's one word that makes hypocrites out of all the politicians and the electorate who voted them in, it's "rehabilitation."
Posted by SHRODE, Wednesday, 10 November 2010 8:40:28 AM
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I would of thought the answer was quite simple. Train and send off to Afghanistan/Iraq in stead of wasting good solid Australian men and stop doing it backwards.

If they come back alive, freedom might be granted on the grounds of a complete psychological profile for reintegration back into society. Plus they may continue to serve and complete a trade.

(win win win )

I don't know what you would do with the likes of Ivan Malat or Martin Bryant, but Iam sure the army will take good care of them:)

Call it human recycling, and Iam also sure the wives of killed Australian service men would not disagree.

If they want to act like heroes ( well here's a get out of goal card ) Lets give them the chance to show us what there made of instead of filling the goals up.

Just wasted of human resources. ( both sides )

We just might make boys into men.

Posted by Deep-Blue, Wednesday, 10 November 2010 9:00:39 AM
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Ok There's one thing I'm sure of - people aren't in a jail for riding a bicycle without a helmut.

They're there having been found guilty of serious crime, on remand on high level charges or lesser if already on parole or for chronic evasion of lesser penalties like fines and community service orders.

So there is a higher per capita incarceration rate now than 20 years ago? And yet in that 20 years it seems to have become harder to earn a custodial sentence. My perception - correct me if wrong.

My viewpoint is on two levels. Firstly I believe JAIL is the most appropriate punishment for violent crime. It is also appropriate for those who, having been given a second or third, absolute maximum chance, reoffend.
I believe there are better ways of dealing with non-violent crime such as in-community intensive correction, garnishing of income of seizure of property to pay fines and restitution and especially in early intervention where juveniles are concerned.
Also some jails (or sections) should be reserved for the most serious unlikely to ever reform criminals only.

Continued .....
Posted by divine_msn, Wednesday, 10 November 2010 10:11:13 AM
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Second level: 'Society' has brought about this state of affairs and if lawlessness and crime are to be reduced - a return to some old-fashioned values needs to happen. I have viewed some interesting USA data and if the Author were to delve deeper into the underlying statistics here, he would probably find that a 'disproportionate' number of this countries convict population have backgrounds which include 'dysfunctional' 'abusive/neglectful' upbringing. Of course it is Politically Incorrect BIGTIME to state facts like children raised in single parent households - particularly if 'single parent' has serial 'partners' and children to more than one, kids raised in neglect and abuse (indigenous children particularly at risk), children raised in homes where respect for law or absence of any set of moral values prevails are at far greater risk of both criminal activity and recidivism.
Over the past 20 - 35 years, 'society' has removed many formal and informal 'blocks' to these lifestyles and behaviors, weakened the power of schools, police and other agencies to apply discipline and correction and generally fostered selfish irresponsible mindsets - particularly in our most impressionable youth.

So should we be surprised ... ? No.
Should we seek to remedy the root cause of lawlessness and crime - particularly violent crime ...? YES
Posted by divine_msn, Wednesday, 10 November 2010 10:13:33 AM
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How to empty the gaols - legalise (and regulate) drugs.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 10 November 2010 11:06:00 AM
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