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Goodbye Palestinian Authority - welcome Jordan : Comments
By David Singer, published 7/7/2010If the PA dissolves itself in December, it could mean Jordan becoming Israel’s negotiating partner on the future of the West Bank.
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Posted by MaNiK_JoSiAh, Thursday, 8 July 2010 2:37:52 AM
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It seems to me that the whole idea of a "Palestinian" authority and a "Palestinaian" state is not politically viable or workable. Tooooo many ratbags full of Islamo fascist hate among them.
JORDANIAN SOLUTION. Jordan should incorporate palestinian people into Jordan... the Israeli's will over time take complete control of, and grow their populations in the so called 'West Bank' ..which is more appropriately called "Eastern Israel", and Jerusalem will increasingly be populated by Jews until the last vestiges of Palestinian presense are insignificant. GAZA HUNG OUT TO DRY This will leave a hysterical but irrelevant Gaza and it's Hamas fascists to shriek and bemoan their unsolvable plight, it will give left wing fools a cause and reason to live dangerously, but meaninglessly.... and ultimately arab muslims from Gaza will migrate to more peaceful place like Australia.. where they can set up 'pseudo villages' like the Chaouks from Lebanon have done..and make a wonderful contribution to Australian life. Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Thursday, 8 July 2010 6:58:57 AM
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Forget it Singer.
It is far more likely that the Palestinians (through the PA or some new political entity) will declare statehood over the land beyond the green line and the rest of the world will recognise it. Leaving Israel as an undoubted illegitimate occupying power opening the way for sanctions unless Israel finally does the right thing and withdraws and settles its border issues once and for all. The world is running out of patience with Israel. The holocaust guilt has almost all been used up. Rogue nations within the community of advanced western countries will not be tolerated and Israel WILL be brought to heel. The pressure is building on Israel as their now constant bleating about "demonisation" shows. The Gaza flotilla proved that there are now plenty of outsiders willing to put their lives where their mouths are and go up against Israeli thuggery in support of the Palestinians. There is only one just solution and sorry Israel you arent going to like it. Israel should be grateful for the support given in the creation of your new home and stop being so greedy and dishonest. Posted by mikk, Thursday, 8 July 2010 9:13:33 AM
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Good. Jordan already holds most of the area that was mandated to the Palestinian State in the 1947 UN Partition Plan. It is past time that they took in the remainder of the West Bank and responsibility for the people therein.
How that will be viewed by the members of Fatah, Black September (formed in response to a massacre of the PFLP by the Jordanian Army), etc. remains to be seen. But I am sure the Hashemite King will welcome the expansion of his domain. I'd hate to be any member of Hamas/Hizbollah (both backed by hereditary enemies of the Hashemite's) who attempted to operate in the newly expanded Jordan... All in all, a very good idea, it will also remove any need for Israel to provide electricity, water, jobs, etc. There will also be a proper national border, which will be crossed only at designated crossings and require a valid visa. That should be good for Israel. However, have a good look at the shape of the 1967 lines, as they will be the ones that will be reverted to. The bungled Arab invasion in 1947 destroyed the partition plan, the positions held in 1967 would be agreeable I'm sure to a lot of Israeli's, It would hand Gaza back to Egypt and the West Bank to Jordan. As Israel has no major issues with either (cf the PA & HAMAS), that would be a great move. Posted by Custard, Friday, 9 July 2010 10:00:43 AM
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Ah, the Singer is back! Whenever he sings, you can be sure that the words of his discordant song will involve strategies that further screw the hapless Palestinians and advantage the amoral Israelis.
Friends, beware of Greeks bearing gifts and fanatical Jews singing discordant, duplicitous songs. Posted by David G, Friday, 9 July 2010 2:03:36 PM
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Hezbollah has already shown that it can cross the Shia/Sunni divide, as well as take the (assymetrical) battle to the Israelis, such as during the 2006 war in Southern Lebanon. Their stated goals aren't the formation of a Palestinian state, but the annihilation of Israel. Let's not forget that they can also perform with political clout, as they've shown in the Lebanese elections.
So the Palestinian West Bank residents will have a choice: to support and join a nation that recognizes Israel and has diplomatic ties with them (Jordan); or to align themselves with a sub-political, sub-military, ideologically-driven movement, who (like their patron Iran) want to do away with diplomatic solutions altogether. The latter option will more likely resonate with a disillusioned people.
Look at the traction that the other Iranian proxy has gained in the Gaza Strip!