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Multiculturalism is the way to go : Comments

By Mohammed Ali, published 21/5/2010

Multiculturalism: a garden with many different roses is better than a garden with only one type.

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Mohammmed Ali,

I don't doubt the contributions that immigrants from all ethnic groups have made to Ausralia,however muticuluralism and immigration are two completely different issues and they should not be combined.
We can't rely on your faith in human resourcefulness to assume that our country's limitations in arable land and water supply will be overcome, somehow. The USA has been described as 'the best piece of real estate in the world' and has obviously the capacity to support 300 million people,it is a totally inappropriate example of national development. Australia is an old tired desert,so there are legimate reasons to at least reduce our immigration rates.

I don't understand what people mean when they say 'multicultural and ethnic policies',what are they? Liberal democratic states are intrinsically 'multicutural' because of their pluralistic political and social systems and ethos of tolerance.Why do we need specific multicultural policies,to what degree does the state accommodate different cultural practices?
Posted by mac, Friday, 21 May 2010 10:08:18 AM
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Mohammad Ali

I have to agree with mac. Multiculturalism and immigration are two separate issue.

Two facts.

The flow of the Mississippi River is TEN TIMES the COMBINED flow of all Australian rivers combined.

The United States is just south of Canada which contains within its borders over half the WORLD's potable water resources. In coming years Canada will probably make more from selling water to the US than it makes from oil.

Australia, by contrast, is already having to build desal plants to provide its cities.

On the map Australia may appear a large country. In fact it is a small archipelago surrounding a desert sea. If we look only at habitable areas Australia is a country smaller than France with poorer soils and fewer water resources.

While Australia is by no means over-populated cramming ever more people into this relatively SMALL country will cause a deterioration in the quality of life for the majority.

Immigration is BTW a hot issue in the US. Most Americans want the US to dial back on immigration.

And Americans are hotly opposed to illegal immigration as popular support for Arizona's new laws demonstrate.

In the interest of transparency I am an immigrant
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Friday, 21 May 2010 1:49:23 PM
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Mohammed Ali,
You say "I tell myself that what ever Australia is today, it is due to the immense contribution of its diverse ethnic communities and some of their prominent members".

What do you not think that basic anglo-australians have had any part to play in our prosperity or our great mineral and agricultural industries? Then what about our system of governance, which is based on the Westminster system and provides the stability we enjoy?

You also say "Today, various Australian institutes acknowledge the value of difference and benefits gained from the cultural diversity of its citizens. This is clearly proved by the number of permanent citizenships granted in 2008-09, which was greater than 200,000".

Many people want to become permanent residents simply because of the benefits provided, such as social security. It does not neccessarily translate into a love for Australia.

Aside from a greater choice of eaterys, what exactly are the benefits we have gained from cultural diversity? A few arts and crafts maybe, but what significant benefits has cultural diversity provided?

I see a lot of costs to us. Like community disharmony between some ethnic groups that persist with long standing hatreds of others. I see inability by some to integrate with others and insist on their old ways. I see alien cultural practices such as oppression of females, FGM, forced marriages, continued caste system and cock fighting. I see introduced crime of a cultural nature, such as home invasions, knifings and machette attacks. Even acid attacks.

Do you think we should happily continue to bear these costs?

It is a good job that multiculturalism has been discontinued in favour of integration but will take a while to eliminate pockets of the die hards. The next step is to stop immigration of those groups that continue to flaunt our laws and social standards. We must aim for community cohesion.
Posted by Banjo, Friday, 21 May 2010 2:13:32 PM
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Phew... I managed to get back from Intensive care in time to contribute...

Had to be taken there when I read the title of this thread :)

It came as a bit of a shock because the news just an hour ago was about......

Actually this is probably based on the police statement issued today as a result of a leaked document.. pity an admission of widespread ethnic gangs in Melbourne had to be dragged out of them kicking and screaming.

Les Twentyman.. youth worker of over 20 yrs.. probably has more credibility than all the rest. asserts it is widespread and out of control.. Hey chill out there Les.. the Age tells us it's all just 'schoolyard scraps'...nothing to worry about..

//Victorian Community Council on Crime and Violence member Bob Falconer said yesterday some police and academics had failed to acknowledge the existence of street gangs because they did not want to be seen as singling out the ethnic groups involved.

"Invariably there are ethnic-based issues and often visible minorities involved, and political sensitivity of that seems to frighten them off the issue," //

and I think I know why.. those police are in fact participants in OLO :) and the know the 'wrath' which will be poured out on them for their 'racism'

silly me...*Political* sensitivity.. err 'votes'.. Left wing...Labor/Green.. yep..I see it all now.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Friday, 21 May 2010 3:21:25 PM
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Hey Muhammad.... you said:

“we and you” or between “us and them”

You also mention a whole lot of people with a recent migrant background.

But my observations of most of them.. is that they see themselves as 'Aussies' and...this might come as a shock...the day YOU start doing that and embracing as much of the culture here you are surrounded with as possible.. there's a strong chance you won't see any 'you' and 'us' but only 'us'

You seem to be wanting to be accepted yet also urging cultural apartied.

Did it work in Sth Africa ?

I fail to 'get' why Apartied was "bad for south africa" but suddenly morphs into 'good for Australia'..

Perhaps you can help me there ?
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Friday, 21 May 2010 3:28:56 PM
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A nice article. Though the economic and environmental issues are important, it’s good to be reminded that the most important benefit of multiculturalism is that it gives us a richer, more diverse and more enjoyable society and culture and brings to Australia people who make great contributions to our collective wellbeing.

Mac and Steven
Of course multiculturalism and migration are linked – how do you think we came to have the diversity we have? And how on earth do you sustain that diversity without immigration? There are parts of the anti-population movement for whom reducing ethnic diversity is a key aim of reducing migration – check out John Pasquarelli’s contribution to OLO on Wednesday

Banjo, we don’t need to denigrate the Anglo-Saxon parts of our culture to celebrate the rest. Your namesake is still cherished.

stevenlmeyer, we may have a habitable area smaller than France with poor soils, but our agriculture is far more efficient. And France has 60+ million people. Perhaps we could squeeze in a few more
Posted by Rhian, Friday, 21 May 2010 3:30:38 PM
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