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The Forum > Article Comments > Security for Australia in the ‘Asia Pacific century’ > Comments

Security for Australia in the ‘Asia Pacific century’ : Comments

By Jake Lynch, published 21/5/2010

If Australia is to make provision against even a faint threat of military power who would be the most likely antagonist?

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I reckon that, without doubt, the most likely enemy for Australia in the future will be America.

I mean, since Vietnam when the U.S. had its butt kicked, it has spread its tentacles over much of the world. If you Google American Bases, you'll find some shocking news.

Currently it is doing a job on Afghanistan and is softening up Pakistan while simultaneously preparing to, with Israel's help, nuke Iran.

Once the Middle East is under control, S.E.Asia must be the next target for its imperialism and which place has lots and lots of resources and little in the way of armed forces? Australia of course!

Better learn to sing: God Bless America.

It could save your life.
Posted by David G, Saturday, 22 May 2010 5:34:49 PM
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Well David G....I really didn't think I could ever agree with you on anything.. we seem poles apart.. until now!

How in this wide world could America be our 'enemy' ?

Simple. If the people trying to gain control of the place NOW are successful they will without doubt be an ENEMY of freedom.

Here are the connected dots.

The white house is now reflecting the thinking of one Joel Rodgers a prolific Socialist (communist)College proffessor in Politics.

How do I know this ? Let's ask Van Jones former Green Jobs Czar
He says: (is video of this by the way)

//VAN JONES, I also wanted to take a little bit of time before I get to my comments to brag a little bit on Joel Rogers. If I were Joel Rogers, I would be insufferably proud. I wouldn't be able to walk around. My head would be huge. The best thinking that he represents here is now reflected in the White House.//

Rogers is also one of the founding members of the Apollo Alliance. [1]. This group was credited with writing the controversial $787 billion dollar stimulus package for the US Congress in 2009. The Director of the NY chapter of the Apollo Alliance is Jeff Jones, co-founder of the Weather underground that conducted acts of domestice terrorism in the 1960's

WHO IS JEFF JONES ? (besides a freaking TERRORIST!)

He is a red hot communist who says (video support for this) re anti communists "We have to stand up.. jump on the table and tell them we'll BURY you"

So there you have it. America is currently gearing up for some kind of revolution and it might not be pretty.. let's hope it remains political and not guns and bullets.

HARD CORE COMMUNISTS writing the stimulus bill ? (head explodes)

There are 2 types of security we need.

Ideological (see above)
Military. (think "Indonesia")
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Saturday, 22 May 2010 7:15:18 PM
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The US saved our skin while our own soldiers were off fighting Romel. Churchill, the architect of a stack of miltary failures, wanted to keep our troops in Europe to protect a resource poor, land mass one fortieth the size of Australia. Luckly, Curtin and not Menzies was in our PM.

With East Timor, the US were ready to back us, if required.

Australia was the third country in the world to launch a satellite from its own soil. Nuclear weapons aside (and we were involved in Los Alamos), a high atmospheric explosion of 1000s of Cobalt-60 isotopes over our enemies capitals would render them unhabitable for 50,000 years.
Posted by Oliver, Sunday, 23 May 2010 12:24:53 PM
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Interesting question.

I read a military report that looked at credible future threats to Australia and it concluded that the only countries with a capacity to possibly invade and conquer Australia were China and the United States.
Anyone else, like Indonesia, Japan etc were too small, backward or unsophisticated militarily. Australians would fight a vicious guerrilla war against anyone who tried to invade and our familiarity with this land and its alieness and harshness to those who are unfamiliar with it would give us a big advantage in any invasion. Even the Chinese and Americans would struggle and pay a huge price to conquer Australia. The supply lines needed for an invasion would be long and vulnerable and they would have to be willing to virtually commit genocide on us and lose a comparative amount of their own troops. Not to mention in the case of the US I doubt the population of the US would support such a thing. They love us aussies.

Having said that I did think of writing a book about a US invasion of Australia. The story went something like this.
A catastrophic volcanic eruption from the Yellowstone supervolcano has devastated the US and their government is looking for somewhere to move the whole country. Australia comes up as the ideal place (which its not) and they approach the Australian government of the day, which I was going to depict as just like johnny cowards gov, who immediately says yes, no worries, come on down. Lick lick. Once the Australian population hears of this, despite the government trying to keep it quiet, it ends up in a revolt and overthrow of the government. The Americans meanwhile are desperate and become belligerent when they learn the people of Australia have overthrown their government and reneged on their promise of sanctuary for the entire American population. They send warships and proceed to invade but we fight them off with slick new technology that we come up with because we are smart like that, especially under pressure. LOL
Posted by mikk, Sunday, 23 May 2010 5:01:05 PM
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This saying is usually attributed to Publius Flavius Vegetius.

Actually he supposedly said "Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum".

It was true in the fourth century and it is still a harsh truth seventeen centuries later
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Monday, 24 May 2010 12:26:59 PM
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