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Bin Laden's unpaid media push : Comments
By Judy Cannon, published 9/2/2010Terrorists get high on the oxygen of publicity, so how do we go about suffocating them?
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Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 9 February 2010 6:10:25 PM
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Like many other articles on this subject, this article reveals a fundamental flaw in the author's understanding of nature of terrorism.
There is overwhelming evidence that nearly all of the most well-known acts of terrorism in recent years, starting from the 9/11 false flag terrorist attack, have been staged by elements within the US and other Western Governments or, if they have been carried out by apparently sincere jihadists, such as Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who attempted to blow up Flight 253 on Christmas Day last year have been facilitated by Western Intelligence agencies who have bent over backwards to make it possible for them to succeed. I refer people to the article "Flight 253: Intelligence Agencies Nixed State Department Move to Revoke Bomber’s Visa" at as well as extensive discussions on 9/11 and related topics at Posted by daggett, Tuesday, 9 February 2010 6:24:11 PM
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Good one, Judy. I enjoyed your article.
Don't be dismayed by commenters who, on the basis of God knows what, think that you're part of a CIA/capitalist/crusader/racist conspiracy. They can't help it. It's the secret CIA thought-rays sent through their dental bridgework, you see. :) I look forward to your next contribution! Posted by Parser, Tuesday, 9 February 2010 10:10:08 PM
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What a load of rubbish. Sure terrorists use the media when they can but denying them publicity will not stop them. After all it is not publicity they crave but JUSTICE. Until the west stops exploiting, repressing and killing people in other countries terrorist acts, or worse,(imagine if bin laden had a REAL army!) will continue to be the ONLY way for poor and desperate people to make their point and punish their oppressors.
Posted by mikk, Wednesday, 10 February 2010 1:57:42 AM
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I find it rather paradox that one group of people interferes with another's life & even destroys age-old cultures calls those who have had a gut full Terrorists. Does anyone really believe that the west would be a terrorist target if this west actually stayed within the its own boundaries & did not stick it's beak into other's affairs ? Does anyone really believe that this west is really right in its mentality of doing good & playing world copper ? Do these westerners really believe they're doing a good deed by forcing western values onto those cultures who can not comprehend & reject western values but because of western ignorance & greed make use of western commodities to hit back at the west. I for one object to educate people who's only agenda is to use this education to hit back at us rather than use it to make the world a better place. I can understand what motivates a terrorist but I fail to understand why a westerner is so stupid a offer western ingenuity & commodity to facilitate the terrorists' agenda. Let's educate them more so we can go down the gurgler sooner.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 10 February 2010 6:27:33 AM
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I'm sorry but this is a terrible idea:
And coming from Maggie Hatcher does FAR from help. If a terrorist bombed us, I'm sure everyone would very much like to know why to prevent another bombing. It only serves the government's benefit to keep statements of scandalous foreign policies causing terrorist attacks away from the voters. Posted by King Hazza, Wednesday, 10 February 2010 3:11:36 PM
Bin laden was a creation of the Oligarchs and he is long dead.Bin Laden was created to fill the gap left by "Reds Under Our beds"
When the Cold war ended the fat controllers needed another tool to surpress the masses and the war against terrorism that was never ending,was the perfect ruse to keep the masses in fear and surpressed.