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The double standards on

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Double Standards?
How about police using the law to protect themselves from their own crimes?

"I wish to exercise my right and claim the penalty privilege on the basis my answers might tend to expose me to penalty," he said.
Rolfe also claimed privilege over other allegedly racist messages found on his phone after he killed Walker.
He confirmed he would also invoke privilege over evidence related to his alleged misuse of police body-worn cameras and excessive force on the job.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 16 November 2022 6:02:00 PM
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No, I am not including the native population. What are you getting at?

I'm talking about the bleeding heart moaners and groaners, who wouldn't be here moaning and groaning if the country hadn't been colonised.

I don't "assume" the country was going to waste: it was going to waste. It was wasted on Stone Age hunter gatherers until the British arrived. You know what Australia has contributed to the world; what do you think it would have contributed if it had remained uncivilised?

I am a third generation Australian. My ancestors were all free settlers who harmed nobody. I'm not going anywhere. If you want to blame yourself for what you apparently see as injustices, that's your problem. Just don't try to project your (completely unnecessary) guilt onto other people. If your situation gets too much to bear, you could always find somewhere never colonised to live.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 16 November 2022 6:56:22 PM
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If the British wanted to keep the French out then why did they not claim the whole continent?
Cook only claimed as far west as the 135th Parallel, roughly half of the country, the rest was up for grabs by any country.
In 1772 Louis Aleno de St Alouarn landed at Shark Bay and claimed the western half for France.
Britain was apparently quite happy with this and it was not till after the Revolurion and the rise and defeat of Napoleon that Britain took any action and annexed the other half in 1826

Comprenez-vous maintenant se qui s’est passe ?
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 16 November 2022 7:15:55 PM
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Hey ttbn,
Sorry, I am in a kind of obnoxious nitpicking sort of a mood today.
I didn't mean to stir you up.

But just because you think the country was going to waste doesn't mean anyone else had a moral right to take it.

Hasbeen points out that "This is the history of the world, everywhere, not just Australia." and I accept that this is the way things were in those times.
FYI, I'm not trying to blame anyone for it nor do I feel guilt, and maybe on some level its wrong to even have an opinion on things way back long ago when the world was different.

But I do feel bad for their plight at least in some part.
200+ years later and many of them are still hating on us for it.
'The tree remembers what the axe forgets'

Really I'm just saying that it was no more right for the English or anyone else to colonise Australia anymore than it's right for me to take over someone else's house because I think it's going to waste with them currently living in it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 16 November 2022 9:11:43 PM
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Hey Is Mise,
"If the British wanted to keep the French out then why did they not claim the whole continent?"

Well I don't know the truth of it, but there's an article here:
"Dr Gerard Carney, one of Australia’s leading constitutional experts, said in a Public Lecture Series that when Dutch explorer Abel Tasman named only the western half of the new continent as New Holland in 1644, he left the eastern half of the country as Terra Australis.

This eastern part of the country was technically within the control of Spain because of the centuries-old Treaty of Tordesillas.
He did this in order to avoid conflict with Spain, which Holland was fighting for its independence on the other side of the world.

Dr Carney, says this boundary was later used by the British so they didn’t offend the Dutch.

Also while I'm here, I had to spend a little time digging for this old conversation we had.
I do in fact now have the book I was speaking about back in my possession.

'Gungarlook - The Story of the Aboriginal Riley Family of the Burragorang Valley.'
It has 90 pages of photos and info to go through, I haven't found Tom and Syl yet.
My grandmother (My Dads mum) was Mabel, born in Yerranderie in 1923.
She was one of 11 children and her parents were Lily May Riley and Alfred Earnest Riley.
My father never knew his mother, from what I understand she later died in a car accident aged 38, so that would've been around 1961.

There's plenty of stuff about the Riley family history in this book.
Maybe I'll share some of the 'How the Aboriginal people were treated' section tomorrow.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 16 November 2022 9:57:30 PM
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This continent didn't even have a name before the British found it and settled it. Before 1606, it had never been seen by a European, and then it was left for more than a century before it was put to good use. It is 'believed' to have been populated for 50 or 60 thousand years, but it was still in the same condition that it was that long ago when settled in the 18th. Century.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 17 November 2022 9:46:32 AM
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