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The Forum > General Discussion > Which Australian should feature on our new $5 note?

Which Australian should feature on our new $5 note?

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Following Her Majesty's death the Australian National
Bank announced that King Charles will soon appear on
the $5 note in her place. New coins will also be
minted with his portrait.

Would you rather have an Australian featured on our
$5 note? And if so, which one?
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 18 September 2022 4:38:59 PM
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Hi Foxy,

Since you asked the question. 'MUM SHIRL' Coleen Shirley Perry Smith, a Wiradjuri woman, social worker and humanitarian activist committed to justice and welfare of Aboriginal Australians. Met her several times and she was without a doubt a true Australian, who only thought of others. Another is FRED HOLLOWS a migrant, Fred was born in New Zealand, through his humanitarian work Fred was also another true Australian.

With the death of Elizabeth Windsor, for Australia the anachronism of the monarchy died at the same time, and we should move to a Republic as soon as possible. That discussion should begin now.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 19 September 2022 6:08:15 AM
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Why the need for people on coins ? How about native fauna or flora ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 19 September 2022 7:07:07 AM
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Indy. Yes I would go along with that.
Posted by Shaggy Dog, Monday, 19 September 2022 9:26:57 AM
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"Why the need for people on coins ? How about native fauna or flora ?"

Coins, since their first invention, have had a head of some sort on at least one side. Its tradition.

Besides, how can you play two-up if one side isn't a head?

Equally, when they toss the coin prior to the Swans defeating Geelong on Saturday, they say 'heads or tails?'. Saying 'kangaroos or wattle?' doesn't have the same cadence.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 19 September 2022 10:33:02 AM
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"Would you rather have an Australian featured on our
$5 note? And if so, which one?"

I'd suggest Josh Frydenberg since he created more $aust than any person in history. Most of the $5 in existence are there because of his lack of fiscal rectitude.

His face on the currency would remind people who is responsible for the decline in the value of said currency.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 19 September 2022 10:36:06 AM
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Posted by mikk, Monday, 19 September 2022 5:12:22 PM
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Indyvidual and Shaggy Dog,
If you look at our coins they already have native flora and fauna on them, except the $2 coin.

An Australian on the $5 note, how about the Senior Australian, Charles III, King of Australia.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 19 September 2022 9:46:38 PM
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There are so many Australians to choose from.
Male and female. People who have made a contribution
to our country - large or small. People who've lived,
worked, and gave generously. So many in various fields.

I'm still composing my list.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 20 September 2022 11:15:24 AM
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The Queen is dead
God Save The King
This is the anthem the Brits will now sing
Poor King Charles does not see the joke
That around his neck he'll now wear a yoke
He took an oath to dedicate his life
Sadly it was one he'd reneged on his first wife
Now Camilla no longer needs to hide
She'll have a place firmly by his side
King Charles can of course get rid of the paraphernalia
And he and Camilla can come to Australia
Though on a five dollar note most of us would rather see
A true-blue Aussie, not a bended knee!
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 20 September 2022 11:32:37 AM
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None so mean spirited as those who would deny our King a portrait on our lowly $5 note.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 20 September 2022 1:09:03 PM
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Nobody is denying anything. Merely bringing up the topic
for discussion because Assistant Treasurer Minister
Andrew Leigh said that the Federal Government had yet
to make a decision on who should appear on the country's
lowest denomination bank note.

While the King will appear on the back of Australian coins,
a decision on the $5 note won't be made for a while yet.

There's more at:
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 20 September 2022 1:42:26 PM
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OOOps another typo. Here's the link again:
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 20 September 2022 1:46:31 PM
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I think many of our Aged Welfare mob will be most upset if Queenie is taken of the five dollar bill. Not because they love Queenie so much, they do, but because every time a new fiver comes out, it doesn't feed into their favourite 'One Arm Bandit' the El Dorado down at God's Waiting Room at all well. They are forced to get change at the cash desk, and it slows down their gambling addiction!
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 20 September 2022 4:15:48 PM
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As I said above.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 20 September 2022 9:18:56 PM
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What Australian should feature on our new $5 note?

I had compiled a list of many distinguished people
who had contributed much to our country from
John Flynn to David Unaipon - and I found that they were
already on notes - which was heartening. Then I thought
of more modern entities like Bert Newton, Shane Warne,
Olivia Newton-John, Uncle Jack Charles, even Paul Hogan
and Molly Meldrum, and Bob Hawke. And the list kept growing.

I also learned that our $5 note is the only Australian bank note
which does not recognize a great Australian.

So it became obvious to me who I wanted on the $5 note.

Fred Hollows. No ifs and buts!

Ray Martin stated some time ago that it was fitting that
Fred Hollows should be on the note. Martin reminded us of
the "Fiver For Fred" campaign, because a fiver meant we
could buy a lens to allow a cataract blind person to see.

So for me this is an obvious choice. "Fiver For Fred!
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 21 September 2022 10:39:54 AM
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If the monarchy is an anachronism, then surely your fawning over Aboriginal and Maori culture can't be in any better position.

You admit the aim of a republic would be symbolic, thus conceding the main issue, that your complaints are practically baseless. It is *very rare* in the world for any system of government to have that in its favour.

There is no discussion over a republic because the great majority of Australians don't want it, and recognise that you have not come up with a single reason that does not consist of shallow chauvinist sneering double-talk.

Besides, the Australian Constitution is fully-contained within an ordinary UK statute. Unlike the Constitution itself, which requires a special procedure to amend it - majority of electors in a majority of States and all that jazz - the containing legislation is an ordinary Act of the UK Parliament, and does not have any such legal restrictions on their making whatever changes they want. And the Crown i.e. monarch personally, is an intrinsic part of any act of their legislation. The Australian Constitution is imperial to its very roots.

This means that your *symbolic* aim cannot be achieved by amending the Constitution, as with an ordinary referendum in the premises.

You would need in effect an instrument declaring off, such as a declaration of independence, and a new Constitution under a new polity newly constituted, as the Yanks and Indians did.

Otherwise you have not achieved your basal purpose, which is to end the Constitution's basis in the Crown.

Nor are you in a position to offer assurances that the symbolic change would avoid unintended negative consequences, since it would set up a conflict between Head of State and Head of Government that does not now exist.

Good luck with your electoral chances at re-shaping government in your own image pfffft! You could change your name to King Gough and try your luck.
Posted by Cumberland, Friday, 23 September 2022 3:00:19 PM
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As I understand it the King holds executive power
over Australia and the Governor-General works on
his behalf.

If Australia became a republic it would remove the
King's power and dissolve the office of Governor-General.

The nation would then be led by an elected representative
and this person would hold Australia's executive authority.

If Australia became a republic it would have to choose a
system of government that allowed for the exercise of
authority to be on Australian soil, instead of the power being
wielded by the British monarch.

Australia has the option to retain the Westminster System of
parliament with a Prime Minister elected by a public majority.

It's up to the people of Australia to decide in which direction
they want the country to go in the future. India, Cypress,
Malta, Pakistan, Singapore, and South Africa have been able to
cut their strings. Do we want to do the same? I guess time will
tell. I still would prefer Fred Hollows on our $5 note.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 23 September 2022 3:54:08 PM
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You must be hard of understanding because I have just explained in the post above why what you are saying would not have the effect of cutting the strings.

Nor have you given any reason for it, nor addressed the reasons against it that have been given so much in this and other threads.

The same people who are urging for a republic on the ground of nationality, are the ones saying that anyone from any nationality should be eligible for any position in Australia. You only reserve your prejudice and nationalism for our own traditions and culture, and the one that gave rise to the entire edifice of modern and government including constitutional, civil and human rights, yet when asked why, you ignore the question or give reasons that don't make sense.

That's why you republicans keep losing the argument over and over again.
Posted by Cumberland, Friday, 23 September 2022 9:30:58 PM
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Hi Cumberland,

I think I've explained my position very clearly on the
discussion that I've raised on this forum - "If not
now, when?" I don't want to continue to re-hash the
arguments again with you because it would be pointless.

I firmly believe in telling the true story of a nation's
history, and I do fully support the Uluru Statement From
The Heart. What is being asked I think is quite reasonable.

As for whether Australia becomes a republic or not. As I've
repeated time and time again - that is a decision for the
Australian people to make. I would like to be led by an
elected representative and have this person hold Australia's
executive authority. I would like a system of government
that allowed for the exercise of authority to be on
Australian soil, instead of the power being wielded by a
British monarch.

We have the option to retain the Westminster System of
Parliament with a PM elected by a public majority.

Still that is only my opinion. It will be up to the people
of this country to make the final decision as to what they
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 24 September 2022 11:02:20 AM
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As for having an Australian on our $5 note?

My suggestion was Fred Hollows.

The $5 not is the only Australian note that does not have
an Australian on it. It would be great to see a "Fiver for
Fred," happen.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 24 September 2022 11:06:16 AM
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I don't scrutinise money: I just spend it.
Whose 'head' is on the money is of no consequence.
If we must have something there, toss a coin to decide?
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Saturday, 24 September 2022 1:53:44 PM
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Hi IF,

We could toss a coin for the monarchy as well?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 24 September 2022 3:31:35 PM
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And for the funding of Aboriginal racial exceptionalist propaganda, and another for the ABC, another for the brainwashing of the population during their formative years, another for feminist law and policy...

And, like the republicans, just keep repeating when we don't get an answer we want?
Posted by Cumberland, Saturday, 24 September 2022 8:43:23 PM
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A bit of rant there Old Cumbo, showing your true colours, are we not.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 25 September 2022 7:56:04 AM
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Hi Cumberland,

It seems that you've become mentally lazy and
developed some terribly bad habits of not
focusing on anything that requires any real brain
power. The biggest part of that is - it's not
our fault. We're on different wave-lengths. So
best to move on. Enjoy your day.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 25 September 2022 12:44:06 PM
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If it must have an image, make it an FJ Holden.

This would show that we once were a capable people who did some pretty good things, rather than now being swamped with imported garbage, material & people.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 25 September 2022 4:58:13 PM
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A bit of rant there Old Paul1450, showing your true colours, are we not.

Hi Foxy,

It seems that you've become mentally lazy and
developed some terribly bad habits of not
focusing on anything that requires any real brain
power. The biggest part of that is - it's not
our fault. We're on different wave-lengths. So
best to move on. Enjoy your day.
Posted by Cumberland, Sunday, 25 September 2022 9:32:49 PM
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That's right Hassy, stick a car built by Australians for the profits of the Septic Tanks on our money, how fitting.

Poor old Cumbo's gone into a spin.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 25 September 2022 9:39:09 PM
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Hi Cumberland,

Keep on trying. You'll get there. (smile).
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 26 September 2022 10:23:51 AM
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