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The Forum > General Discussion > How to Crash and Burn in Australian Politics.

How to Crash and Burn in Australian Politics.

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The Coalition under Morrison gave us the perfect example of how not to treat the Australian people, and expect to retain office. Failures to act on climate change, integrity, women's concerns, a whole range of issues vital to the Australian public seen the Coalition banished to the political wilderness. The first big test for the Liberal Party will come when they elect a new leader, should they opt for the hard right Peter Dutton it will indicate they are not willing to embrace change, and deserve to spend years in exile. Should the party continue in an unacceptable policy alliance with the reactionary Nationals who are out of touch with mainstream Australia on many issues it will be another sign of their uselessness to Australia. The test will begin within days, and the Liberal Party needs to embrace fundamental change if its to return to office in the foreseeable future.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 23 May 2022 5:47:14 AM
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It IS time to acknowledge what has been staring us in the face.
The whole Global Warming rort is just that.
It is based on a simple mistake back some years, and it has become
accepted as a self confirming truth.
Too many predicted disasters which never happened.
Unanswered questions like;
Why does the temperature rise and then the co2 increases ?
If you think the science is settled, where have you been ?

Why do they insist that global warming is about to engulf us all ?
Simple; they have so much invested in their position that they
cannot climb down. Think of the court cases if they admitted they
had it all wrong, and imagine the political repercussions if whole
parties had so say, "eeerrr, we got it wrong !"
Then there are the wind & solar subsidies, what a gold mine !
The Teals all funded by those same subsidies !
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 23 May 2022 10:21:44 AM
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Australians have made their voices heard -
loud and clear. Australians do not fear change -
they have embraced it! They are no longer the
rusted-on supporters of outmoded politicians.
They want the concerns in their communities,
and their own voices to be heard and not ignored.
And they have expressed their feeling in their
votes. The politics in this country will never be
the same. Politicians who will insist on doing things
the same old way - will do so at their peril.

Climate change does matter, as does integrity, and
equality, and so many other concerns. Very exciting
times lie ahead - smarty-pants political tactics and
messaging no longer works. This election has been a
call for our political leaders to take the job of government

It isn't just the independent candidates running on climate
change who made spectacular gains. There were swings to the
Greens and even in "coal" seats a swing to Labor.

Labor now has multiple options to negotiate on particular
issues and it significantly has a path through roadblocks
that have held Australia back for decades. Now things can
and will be able to go forward - from a proper integrity
commission - which could re-establish some sense of
probity in government and trust from voters. And an
Indigenous Voice to Parliament may also finally make progress.

I am so happy to be alive during this very exciting time in
Australia. This has indeed been the most transformative
election you can imagine both in the country and in the way
we govern ourselves.

Thank You Australia - and Congratulations!
And anyone who doesn't see this and appreciates this
is as Bob Hawke would say - is a bum!
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 23 May 2022 10:47:28 AM
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Interesting Foxy, but have you noticed it is inner city folk who have made the change. Yes the ones who live in a constructed world, where their feet never actually come in contact with nature, & now have some idealised idea of what the real world is that were conned.

The cliff is waiting for the lemmings, & they just took a giant step closer to it.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 23 May 2022 11:06:57 AM
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Bazz, huff and puff all you like, the war is over, the climate debate is settled, and people like you were on the losing side. You made your argument, and it wasn't accepted by the vast majority of Australians, its time to move on and accept that the people have voted, and they voted for real action by government on climate change. No longer will the tail wag the dog on this issue like was the case with the Coalition government.

Hassy, you are another who is out of touch with mainstream Australia. This negativity is typical, and you will never change. So be it.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 23 May 2022 2:22:04 PM
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Hi Paul,

Those who want to bag the legitimate MPs who have
now been elected are obviously rusted-on supporters
of their political party. They are out of touch and have
poor understanding of how Australian politics works and
more importantly how it has evolved in recent

We are seeing politics being given a new lease of life in
Australia. People have voted for decency. For a better
future. Voters are sick of the sense of entitlement and
winner takes all behaviour and mentality. What a change it
will be to see legislation negotiated instead of the
gladiatorial fights on the floor of the House. Politics will
now improve out of sight. With mature, well-educated women
in Parliament how can it not improve?
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 23 May 2022 3:06:24 PM
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How to Crash and Burn in Australian Politics.
Easy, just hint at a little responsibility & no pay rise !
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 23 May 2022 5:45:11 PM
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the sense of entitlement and winner takes all behaviour and mentality.
That's Leftists all over ! Demanding more for less i.e. have a Degree therefore I'm entitled to more than what the actual producer of the revenue is has become the Leftist's mentality !
If Albo manages to change that than that's a good outcome that requires support from the beneficiaries. Alas, he's already said how important bureaucrats are !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 24 May 2022 5:35:11 AM
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Try to imagine a parliament where there is no more
glatiatorial spectacles on the floor of the house.
Where legislation is negotiated and not shouted
through Parliament. Where people with principles
sit in our Parliament. The quality of MPs would improve
out of sight. It's too early to continue to bag and
label MPs who have now been elected and to do so only
shows a poor understanding of how Australian politics works
and how it has evolved in recent decades.

Wait and see what the results will be and which side of
politics is unable to change. It won't take long to
see if any lessons have been learned. Not listening to
voters and simply finger-pointing once again - is so
yesterday and out of touch.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:24:58 AM
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It's too early to continue to bag and
label MPs who have now been elected.
They've given us more than enough insight by their antics in opposition. For all our sake I hope a couple of them have what it takes to look ahead ! Albo is not in an enviable position when one looks at his gang !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 24 May 2022 6:24:14 PM
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And anyone who doesn't see this and appreciates this
is as Bob Hawke would say - is a bum!
he also famously said 'by 1992 no Australian child shall live in poverty'. Well, Union pay demands put a stop to that noble gesture !
They'll do the same to Albo. They're already asking for more.
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 24 May 2022 6:28:28 PM
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You claim to be a "conservative", but support unearned welfare for the aged, such as yourself. Conservative when it comes to others, but happy to freely suck off the taxpayer teat yourself. If you had so called principles you would take yourself off welfare, and get a job!
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 24 May 2022 6:53:06 PM
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Dear indyvidual,

You wrote: "Well, Union pay demands put a stop to that noble gesture !"

What an utterly cretinous thing to say.

Australian's wages have either been stagnating or going backwards for over a decade and you are saying wages have resulted in child poverty not being solved? What rot. How about the billions of dollars in foregone mining taxes or the tens of billions of dollars for tax cuts for our top earners?

"It was duh unions wot did it mate".

Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 24 May 2022 6:53:33 PM
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"It was duh unions wot did it mate".
Spot-on !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:31:35 PM
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but happy to freely suck off the taxpayer teat yourself.
You're getting confused, you should be talking about me not yourself !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 25 May 2022 6:53:24 AM
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The prediction is that 'Dud' Dutton will be the next leader of the Federal Liberal Party, and 'Barnyard' Joy will retain the leadership of the Nationals. Not since Heinrich Himmler's offer to the British to lead post war Germany has there been such a dumb arse, out of touch proposal of what's wanted in political leadership. What was obvious from Saturday's election is how out of touch the Coalition had become with the electorate. To install a pair of political idiots into the leadership rolls now will show that the Coalition has learned nothing from the election. When the vast majority of people are looking for progressive leadership, the Coalition appears to be offering a pair of dumbdowned conservatives.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 25 May 2022 7:17:47 AM
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