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The Forum > General Discussion > Has The Morrison Leopard Changed His Spots

Has The Morrison Leopard Changed His Spots

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Scott Morrison has finally admitted something most Australians have known for years, Australia is becoming harder to live in, due to the increased intensity of natural disasters brought on by climate change. The once rare events of severe fires, floods and droughts have now become common place across the country. Morrison said; "We are (now) dealing with a different climate to the one we (were) dealing with before." These seem hollow words coming from a bloke who not long ago brought a lump of coal into the Parliment and declared it was the way of the future.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 10 March 2022 4:35:04 PM
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You would have to be very naive to believe that Morrison has changed his spots: he never had any. Morrison believes in nothing. He has form for sprouting anything that he thinks might be helpful to him, and only him. And he is not very smart, switching to the Green Labor con trick of   human-cause climate change, zero emissions etc, the very things that did for Bill Shorten at the last election - rubbish that people are sick and tired of hearing about. There are no more votes in it now than there were then.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 10 March 2022 9:33:57 PM
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Morrison hasn't changed at all. In fact he's displaying more about himself now than before.

His words are just a pragmatic bid for votes at a time when climate is uppermost in the minds of voters and a way of taking it off the agenda as a potential issue.

It was different when the bushfires were raging. Then it was a matter of "now is not the time to talk about fires" but this time there's an election to be considered.

It's not likely to win him more votes but there's a chance he won't lose as many if he quickly diffuses climate as an issue.
Posted by rache, Thursday, 10 March 2022 11:35:52 PM
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This is the same clown who said at the last election, electric cars would destroy the family weekend. EC's cost between $3 and $8 to fully charge, the average family with a gas guzzler under Morrison have to mortgage their house to fill it with petrol at $2.20lt plus some. There ain't no weekends away these days. Of course low tax Morrison still collects a whopper wind fall tax on petrol.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 11 March 2022 6:50:06 AM
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One of the few politicians worth a pinch of the proverbial, Kimberley Kitching has died at 52. Despite her choice of party, she had a lot of common sense.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 11 March 2022 7:47:15 AM
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In the meantime - while there is still time - put aside the childish waffle about climate change, accept the realities of Australian weather and don't build on flood plains or near flammable scrub.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 11 March 2022 7:53:20 AM
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Sad that Victorian Labor Senator Kimberly Kitching has died at the age of 52 from a suspected heart attack, shades of Shane Warne, RIP.

ttbn, what common sense did you particularly admire about the Senator? Was she like you a climate skeptic, I doubt it.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 11 March 2022 8:11:40 AM
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There is a style of house meant for building on flood plains. The Queenslander is built on stilts so living quarters are above rising waters. If it were required that all houses built on flood plains were Queenslanders there would be less of a problem. With enough food stored the residents of such a house could sit tight until the waters went down.
Posted by david f, Friday, 11 March 2022 10:10:43 AM
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That has been suggested a million & more times but, because of the Holy Dollar irresponsible risks were taken by bureaucracy.
What needs to happen is, make the highest known flood mark as an indisputable bench mark from now on. Only high-set homes including car ports & other starage can built 2metres below that mark. Insurance companies must adjust their policies accordingly.
Treated waste mulched with concrete or similar bonding could be used as fill to built up areas where practical.
Surveyors too need to do their work with a greater degree of responsibility. Their assessments & suggestions are not to be wavered from.
Also, start widening watercourses now & create extra water accommodating channels & lakes which can double as waterfront real estate & recreational facilities which will create revenue & jobs.
Above all, rid the authorities of the incompetents under whose stewardship this present mess was allowed to built up. No promotions, only demotions to make room for new, more dedicated people.
Posted by individual, Friday, 11 March 2022 10:29:29 AM
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The best thing Morrison could do for his own electoral chances and the good of the country is to drop this zero emissions by 2050, or any other time, nonsense and realise that the only way for Australia to be prosperous and protect itself from China and Russia is with cheap, reliable fossil fuels.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 11 March 2022 11:35:20 AM
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It worries me when one man is allocated so much attention.
Surely Mr Morrison is the spokesperson for the government, and very little more?
Why should we treat him as if he WERE the government?
Is it not the parliament as a whole which makes the decisions?
Are members there all so 'improper' or lazy, that they forget their duty, and vote the way Mr Morrison asks them to?
And do so without question?
I see Mr Morrison as simply the messenger.
And we shouldn't shoot the messenger?
When we have concerns with government, we should be informing our local member that he needs to shape up?
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Friday, 11 March 2022 12:47:23 PM
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Ipso Fatso, welcome to the discussions, great post.
I lived in Richmond NSW in the 1960s on the farm shown in the flood reports. The 1961 flood was below the 1857 by 2 meters and 1.5 meters above this flood 2022. In 1960s we had floods 1961, 1964, 1967 and that was after Warragambar Dam was built and it was not attributed to Climate Change. Climate Change is a Hoax as the word of Tim Flannery said Warragamba Dam would never fill again which led the State Government to build the discellenation plant at Botany that stands there today as a white elephant.

Do not build on flood plains, Lisomre is built near the river, so it poses the risk of flood. Richond NSW is also built on a flood plain and has sand deposits from ancient floods on higher ground than the town. In 1857 boats rowed up the main street to remove stranded people from the second story of the Corner Pub. Richmond Lowlands shows evidence that there has been river course change over ancient history.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 11 March 2022 1:24:57 PM
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Posted by Bazz, Friday, 11 March 2022 2:35:56 PM
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Morrison is very presidential. He is the boss. Cabinet government went out the door with Turnbull, and has not been seen since.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 11 March 2022 2:58:09 PM
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"switching to the Green Labor con trick of human-cause climate change, zero emissions"

It doesn't matter anymore ttbn, it's no longer up for discussion.
It's policy, from the UN, the World Economic Forum, and Global Investment Funds Management.

When will you listen?
Our leaders don't call the shots.
They're managers at Bunnings while the real decision makers sit in the Wesfarmers boardroom.

Democracy is just a pretend thing.
The worlds been conquered, sovereign countries conquered by democracy without even realising that they have.
The world has now exists as being completely fake and manufactured.
Everything is propaganda.

Total Spectral Dominance by the globalists.

The stuff we get to decide upon is stuff that doesn't matter.
It simply exists to give the impression that the place we exist in is one of our own choosing.
- But it's not, the whole games been rigged.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 12 March 2022 1:19:50 AM
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Not up for discussion? It still get a good going over here. Any "weather event" has the nutters squealing about climate change and the evils of fossil fuels. Of course this is not the real world, and the main concerns for Australians are petrol prices, cost of living, housing (especially rental costs), aged care, the NDIS, access to GPs and the scarcity of wage rises.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 12 March 2022 8:26:10 AM
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For decades consumers have been promised renewable energy that will be greener, cheaper and more reliable than the power delivered by the derided fossil-fuel generators. Instead, after billions if not trillions of dollars investment in the likes of wind farms and solar panels, consumers worldwide find they must pay much higher energy bills in return for a service that is far less reliable – all for a reduction in emissions that can have no appreciable effect on climate.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 12 March 2022 9:48:07 AM
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Hey ttbn,
I didn't mean its not up for discussion between us.
I meant that its not longer up for discussion as far as government policy is concerned.

I agree with you, and I don't who how many leaders actually believe in or support the agenda, but what I do accept as reasonable is that if these people were to weigh things up, they would undoubtedly realise that what's best for them its to not to go against the tide.

Whether settled or not, if you say it isn't then you'll have a target on your back.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 12 March 2022 12:20:59 PM
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OK. I know what you mean.

You mention 'leaders'. Well, that is something we simply do not have anymore. The idiot in Washington is what we have instead these days. Before Joe Biden stumbled into the White House, the events unravelling in Ukraine would not have been possible.

Western 'leaders' are focused on "juvenile, trite and idiotic concepts such as ‘diversity and inclusion’, ‘gender fluidity’, critical race theory and climate change".

Climate change for one is a child’s obsession. But in this dangerous world, we need adult, manly leadership. Nations can't be protected with net zero emissions, de-growthing, and fantasies about green hydrogen.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 12 March 2022 2:50:16 PM
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Armchair & ttbn;
Sorry to say but it is set in concrete due to the brainwashing by teachers.
Each year another tranche of 18 year old will be added to the voting lists.
The young activists are in that mode, you know where they say
"employ them while they know everything".
Most have not accepted that whatever solar & wind are installed you
have to duplicate them 6 to 12 times to get 100% reliability.
The grid will have to cover the whole of Australia to have buckleys.
But can it be afforded ?

The mood will not change until we have blackouts and they find that
doubling the number of wind turbines makes almost no difference.
The silly part of all this is that the temp rise has almost nothing
to do with CO2. In a 100 years time as the cooling sets in someone
will say, "Oh the CO2 is causing cooling !"
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 12 March 2022 3:40:00 PM
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The West’s weakening is self-imposed, stemming from its policies of pursuing the illusion of low-cost reliable wind and solar energy. Not only has this made consumers hostage to loss of gas and electricity, it has destroyed the profitability of much of the energy-intensive industry which is the backbone of prosperity. Nations rejecting these policies have shifted towards dominance: Russia with energy, China and increasingly India with manufacturing.

German politicians and those of nations like Japan are pragmatically shifting tack and re-embracing fossil fuels and nuclear power. Unfortunately, at present Australia has just a handful of politicians in the minor parties and the Nationals that are seeking such a change of course.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 12 March 2022 4:17:55 PM
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whopper wind fall tax on petrol.
Most of that is needed to pay Labor supporting bureaucrats who sabotage every effort to make things run smooth !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 13 March 2022 7:13:18 AM
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Armchair Critic said "Democracy is just a pretend thing.
The worlds been conquered, sovereign countries conquered by democracy without even realising that they have.
The world has now exists as being completely fake and manufactured.
Everything is propaganda.

Total Spectral Dominance by the globalists."

Answer- Well put Armchair Critic. Kudos.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 13 March 2022 12:37:44 PM
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