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The Forum > General Discussion > A Woke Warning From the UK

A Woke Warning From the UK

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No Liberals voted against Vicki Chapman. One disgraced ex-Liberal abstained; those against her were Labor and crossbenchers.

Whatever Ms. Chapman did or didn’t do, it was of no interest to us South Australians. It didn't affect us. It was a political move by a very active opposition keen to ensure that the government is a one-term wonder, which it might very well be given its woeful performance. It might have fared better if Chapman (a very capable AG) had been the Premier instead of the dimwitted Marshall, who has at least enough sense not to get rid of her.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 21 November 2021 12:32:12 PM
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As for Porter, he hasn't had any taxpayer support to pay his last legal bill, and there is nothing to support claims that he will do so in the future.

On the other hand, taxpayers did pay the legal bills of the ABC's lying Milligan, Porter's chief antagonist.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 21 November 2021 12:37:18 PM
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It's hard to feel sorry for Mr Porter.
He was the one who sued the ABC for defamation in a
"purely personal capacity." He dropped the case in
May 2021. The case was finalised at the end of August.
Anonymous donors have covered some of his legal fees.
These were paid for by a blind trust with funds from
unknown sources.

There's so many questions that still need answers
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 21 November 2021 1:21:29 PM
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Can you name one Greens elected politician accused of raping a child, you're making it up, trying to defend the grub Porter. Your lover boy Christian Porter stands accused of raping a 16 year old girl, at 16 a child.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 21 November 2021 6:46:51 PM
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Once again you lie through your teeth. Porter doesn't stand accused of rape any more than does crybaby Adam Bandt.

The greens have two officials that stood for election for the greens convicted of paedophilia.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 23 November 2021 4:28:51 AM
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