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The Forum > General Discussion > Slave Labour Finally Outlawed In Agriculture

Slave Labour Finally Outlawed In Agriculture

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Your first lie is that I didn't comment on the present status. Secondly, as you have shown 18 of the 48 are Juliar appointees.

Your second lie is that Porter raped the girl.

Finally is Terence Kelly a member of the greens?

However, not all greens are paedophiles.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 10 November 2021 12:22:46 PM
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Once more I wipe the floor with you!

You claimed; "stuffed with commissioners that are ex trade unionists" then I showed 2/3 of Commissioners are Coalition appointees.

"Porter raped the girl." No, I said; "(he is) alleged to have raped", and the allegation is public knowledge.

I had to think for a moment who is this "Terence Kelly", Ah! then I remembered the fella in WA who it is alleged kidnapped little Cleo Smith for 18 days. To answer your question; "Finally is Terence Kelly a member of the greens? with the inference added "However, not all greens are paedophiles." Not that I am aware of, and I doubt he is a member of any political party. If there was public knowledge of such a fact you would be free to spruik the rubbish.

Please remember our ARMISTICE, today being the big Armistice Day, 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Remember it was I who extended the olive branch of kindness to the vanquished, that being you, Foxy can attest to that fact. Unsubstauated rubbish such as Terrence Kelly-Greens-paedophiles, may put you in breach of the Treaty of Paul, where in return for me referring to you as showdowminister or simply SM you agreed to desist in making unsubstauated inflammatory comments about pedos and the Greens and me. BTW, I'm yet to receive 100 steam locomotives and half your backyard as part of our treaty conditions.

BTW, getting an unintended reference from individual, is about as good as Heinrich Himmler giving Adolf Hitler a character reference, saying; "Like me, he's a good lad, who don't make much trouble".
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 11 November 2021 5:52:33 AM
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I creamed you. I made no comment about the current status so your claim that I lied is a lie on your part. That the commission is still stacked with 2/5ths of Juliar's cronies nearly a decade later makes my point.

If I claimed that Adam Bandt was an alleged rapist it would be as true as your claim that Porter is.

As for the armistice, you have no problem breaking it. So you can't hold me to something that you don't.
Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 11 November 2021 7:03:14 AM
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What, I refer to you as shadowminister or simply SM, as agreed, no breaking of the Treaty of Paul on my part. In the case of Porter, the allegation of rape is in the public arena, and has been freely aired in all sections of the media. To make such an allegation about Adam Bandt is false as its not in the public arena and is only attributable to you. Can you see the difference?
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 11 November 2021 7:16:57 AM
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Farmers will have to develop machinery to harvest crops and send it to canneries because of mechenical damage. Fresh fruit and vegs will be pick your own at prices per KG paid to farmers at the markets without the labour costs.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 11 November 2021 4:40:12 PM
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So essentially because some left whingers have "alleged" something it is open season?

Because someone irrelevant has alleged that Bandt is a pedo then by your rules I can call him an alleged paedophile.

You are defaming Porter and you know it.

So what do you think about the alleged rapist Bandt?
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 12 November 2021 12:49:30 PM
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