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Will the Liberal Party in Australia win the next election?
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Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 26 August 2021 9:40:10 AM
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Every chance in the world, there is really no alternative, mores the pity.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 26 August 2021 3:49:47 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
No alternative to an incompetent, corrupt, backward thinking, slaves to big business party? I hope it isn't as bad as that. Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 26 August 2021 4:30:21 PM
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Yes, with a comfortable margin, the alternative labor party is very weak at the moment and have not provide an alternative vision for Australia. Most aussies will vote "better the devil you know"
Posted by kirby483, Thursday, 26 August 2021 4:44:58 PM
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I'm extremely critical of the Liberal Party and, as a genuine conservative, I don't think that they deserve to win another term. We have a Labor party to do what they are doing. Besides, they will be pushing the proverbial uphill to get a fourth term - particularly with Morrison, whose elevation to PM is another reason why they don't deserve to win. The man is truly awful, and useless.
I don't want Labor, either; I still think Australia will continue to be rooted no matter who wins. I'm hoping for a Senate that will keep in check whichever of the two nohopers gets in. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 26 August 2021 4:58:37 PM
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I'm not good at predicting election wins.
I think that the electoral impact of current events will depend not only on the government's responses but also voter satisfaction with those responses and also which issues are relevant at election time. It's interesting the Australian Election Study showed trust in government reached its lowest point on record in 2019 with just one in four voters believing that people in government could be trusted. In contrast three quarters thought those in government were more interested in looking after themselves. Seeing as elections are decided by many factors - including what's making headlines closer to election day and the performances of leaders and parties - predicting who will win the next election is not going to be easy. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 26 August 2021 5:16:52 PM
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Why should we expect any difference from previous elections?
Promises will me made on both sides, many will be not kept, not budgeted, or not feasible. The herd will go with what they "know". As mentioned in other posts, we are stuck with an entrenched system of pollies who are after their own self interests be it in their electorates or for personal reasons. Vote for a perceived lesser of two evils, what other choice do we have? Posted by ViolentEntropy, Thursday, 26 August 2021 6:23:26 PM
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Labor can win the next election, only if they parachute Mark McGowan into Canberra, and say to Albo; "See ya later mash potato", highly unlikely. Morrison should as the incumbent, like state incumbents, be sitting pretty, with due diligence he could have handled the Covid crises in such a way that his re-election would have been assured. Well Morrison cocked-up both the hotel quarantine and vaccine roll-out, and now the punters are seeing him for the turkey he really is.
ttbn are you still pushing One Nation? Well poor old Corny bit the dust. Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 27 August 2021 8:14:45 AM
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My guess is that the Coalition (not just the Liberals) will get in again but not because they're "better" but because they're the lesser evil.
When one listens to the "we could do better" rhetoric of Labor it becomes clear that the Coalition is ahead in the competence Department. Also, take a good look at the supporters of Labor & then decide if you still want to vote for them ! What the Coalition needs to do right now is to kick out the Labor orientated hierarchy of Education & get a move-on towards restoring sanity in the system. The rest will snow-ball ! Posted by individual, Friday, 27 August 2021 8:57:27 AM
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No matter how stupid, vicious, dictatorial the LABOR state governments are with their Stasi- like treatment of citizens - lockdowns, quarantines, on Covid, the federal Liberal government is getting the blame; they are supposed to be running the country, but they are not. Morrison is enabling the states by funding them. And, to make things worse for the Liberals, one of their own is trying to outdo the suppression of freedoms and tyranny in NSW.
"Fortress Oz" we are being called by a "confused and in some cases, disgusted" rest of the world, as they watch us doubling down on discredited strategies to eliminate Covid while they get on with how to best live their lives with it. If we don't soon follow suit, Australia as we use to know it will disappear. Perhaps sympathetic countries could succeed in helping us get back our freedoms and democracy where they failed in Afghanistan. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 27 August 2021 9:12:12 AM
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I remember when Scot Morrison had the nickname -
"Scotty from Marketing." And he was good at his job as a salesman. However as PM this approach hasn't worked too well. You can't create low expectations and then invariably blame others when those expectations aren't met. Morrison is regularly shown up by state premiers who are unafraid to take responsibility and demonstrate how real leaders act. We're now lagging the rest of the developed world on vaccinating our population and our international borders are likely to remain closed well into next year. The view that we have a PM who doesn't take responsibility or wants to lead the country is growing and could be terminal for his government. Yet it is interesting that the PM's polling has fallen by a small percentage recently but support for the Liberal Party remains steady. So it's still anyone's game. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 27 August 2021 10:13:35 AM
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My father used to say - "If the rich rule a country,
even the poor are better off. But if a country is made up of only poor - then everyone suffers." Or words to that effect. On the other side of the coin. Who would you vote for those with a "born to rule" mentality," who take their win as a given, or those who have to work harder in order to get in Posted by Foxy, Friday, 27 August 2021 10:34:39 AM
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A big problem for the government is our federal system. If that didn't exist, the federal government would be calling the tune, and state borders would be unlikely to be closed. The Feds are seen not to be doing anything (except financing the states) And the states are seen by the sheep to be doing something to "save us". Except in NSW of course, because the Leftist media is never going to back a Liberal government as it does the draconian Labor ones.
And, it would have been better if Morrison had stayed in Hawaii. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 27 August 2021 11:14:38 AM
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Where did you get the idea that "Scotty from Marketing" was ever good at his job? Wasn't he the one who decided the unsuccessful "Where the bloody hell are you" campaign? I can't think of anyone in the current parliament who's poor, and the rich have benefitted for years no matter who's in power! Posted by Aidan, Friday, 27 August 2021 11:16:20 AM
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(Sorry, typo and autocorrect error above: "decided" should have been "devised".)
Posted by Aidan, Friday, 27 August 2021 11:18:32 AM
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As the handling of the Covid debacle will be relevant to the election, here are are a few points from Professor Ramesh Thakur, ANU, concerning the incompetence, lies and basardry of all Australian politicians regarding Covid:
*As at 14 August, only 0.06 per cent of the world’s 17 million active cases were listed as ‘serious or critical’ on Worldometer. *while serving as highly visible symbols of mass compliance with government edicts and signalling virtue, masks do little to control virus spread. *many studies have accumulated to show that beyond international border closures before the virus has seeded in the community, and guidance on good health measures regarding personal hygiene and social distancing, restrictive lockdowns do indeed cause more net harms than benefits. *our own experience of repeated cycles of lockdowns in Victoria and now extended lockdowns also in NSW – does reinforce the sceptical stance. *Supposedly super-spreader events like maskless capacity crowds at football stadiums and rock concerts have failed to show subsequent spikes in cases. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 27 August 2021 11:23:04 AM
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Hi Aidan,
I thought Morrison was good at his job because what he said made sense and - he kept getting promoted. Frankly I liked him. I did not like Shorten, and Albanese did not impress - although he appears to be getting better at public speaking. So I'm watching events unfold and trying to keep an open mind. I'm privately waiting for someone to come forward with real leadership qualities from any party - someone of conviction and good policies. But perhaps that's not being realistic. After all politicians are controlled by their Party members. They don't seem to be inclined to go against Party dictates. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 27 August 2021 1:13:52 PM
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Can anyone tell us which pollies they admire
and why? It would help for us to take another look at what we have available. I know I need this. Was putting Barnaby Joyce as leader of the Nats a mistake? Posted by Foxy, Friday, 27 August 2021 1:16:55 PM
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It doesn't much matter who wins next time. The choice is between dumb and dumber and I'm not sure which is which.
The fact is which party happens to control the House, the bureaucrats and so-called experts will continue to be in charge. There is a new form of ruling elite which some have dubbed the 'Professional Managerial Class' (PMC). How many times have we heard over the past months and years from leaders of all hues, that they are just following the advice of experts. Our entire economy has been handed over to the 'advice of experts'. Medical 'experts' at that. Seems that if you're an expert in one field, governments assume you're an expert in all fields. The PMC makes the decisions, sets the agenda. The politician is there simply to give a popular veneer to the decisions that have been made over the heads of the electorate. We have climate experts who've been wrong about pretty much ever prediction in the past 4 decades. Yet governments follow the 'advice of experts'. The lockdown 'experts' have been wrong from the outset, yet they carry on regardless. The foreign policy experts haven't made a correct call for decades, yet governments are still following the 'advice of experts' When governments were prepared to resist the 'advice of experts' in order to follow higher goals, such as liberty and personal freedom, then elections were consequential. But all major parties have delivered over all such issues to the Professional Managerial Class and it therefore doesn't matter who the talking-head is that passes on the advice, its still the experts and/or the bureaucrats that make the call. If you want elections to mean something, vote for people perpared to place principle ahead of the 'advice of experts'. Posted by mhaze, Friday, 27 August 2021 2:16:32 PM
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Who are you prepared to consider worth voting for? Can you name at least one person worthy of your vote? Posted by Foxy, Friday, 27 August 2021 2:54:03 PM
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Quite right, the real problem however is the "experts" are not actually experts. That idiot Flannery was referred to as a 'climate change expert' by the MSM a few days ago. Apart from that fact that he is not even a climate scientist, but a palaeontologist, every one of his wild climate predictions have been wrong. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 27 August 2021 3:51:49 PM
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The choice is between dumb and dumber
mhaze, The Govt has the same problem with its citizens ! Posted by individual, Friday, 27 August 2021 4:28:41 PM
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There aren't many in the current parliament. On the Lib side - Andrew Hastie On the ALP side - Joel Fitzgibbon Others - George Christensen, Malcolm Roberts. Of course the best potential leaders are outside the parliament. Posted by mhaze, Friday, 27 August 2021 5:14:46 PM
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Thanks for responding. Something to think about. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 27 August 2021 7:56:01 PM
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George Christensen, Malcolm Roberts, I think I'm going to be sick! Lets add in Barnaby Joyce, that does it, I've upchucked everywhere!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 27 August 2021 10:08:34 PM
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Dear Paul,
I'm sure that mhaze is right. There are good people out of Parliament but they don't enter politics. Hopefully younger people of all persuasions will be encouraged to do so in the future. They say that the only constant is change - and perhaps this can happen for the better. But it needs to start early to reach the future generations. That's why our national curriculum in education is so important. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 28 August 2021 9:03:55 AM
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This mock headline popped up online yesterday - "Australians ask Taliban to save their country". Well, I think it was mockery:). We are a bit of a laughing stock around the world these days.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 28 August 2021 9:21:47 AM
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Off topic at first glance, but somewhat relevant to governance, decision making, political correctness, and the quaint idea that things will get better in the future with young people.
Toyota has withdrawn its self-drive vehicles from the Olympics venue after one of them ran into a paralympian. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 28 August 2021 9:47:46 AM
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Lets not forget that young people are also greatly
affected by this pandemic. It has resulted in - young Australians (18-24 year olds) living the consequences with rising casualization, gig work, and lower starting wages. Many have lost employment through lockdown and are concerned about their long-term employment or of even finding employment. How can we seriously expect young people to pick up the pieces and live a life that is harder than the one their parents had? The cost of this interruption is not just in the current challenge to make ends meet. It's also in the flow-on effect of interrupted education, lost life experience, and delayed careers that will change the course of their lives. We do need to create structures that give young Australians a real way into the decision-making process. I recently read that the Foundation for Young Australians ( FYA) has supported young people across Australia to meet (virtually) with their MPs in more than 30 electorates and share ideas for what COVID-19 recovery should look like. But direct engagement with young Australians and their elected representatives is the exception not the norm. Perhaps it should be made the norm - seeing as the future of this country belongs to them? Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 28 August 2021 10:59:15 AM
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Young Labor, Liberal, Greens, Nationals (the mob with the Young Nazis in their ranks) etc. I've met many young people in the various party ranks (not the Young Nazis from the Nats, but give it time), and they are across the issues and very committed people. Oddly I find many Young Liberals having a close affinity with the Greens, certainly on social justice issues, they mimic Young Labor folk to a high degree. Must say I've never met Young One Nation or Young Palmer, they seem to be older ratbags and made up exclusively of old farts.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 28 August 2021 11:30:32 AM
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No matter who wins government next year, they are very unlikely to put a stop to the nonsense of the "most-successful-ever-multiculturalism".
The leader of the Muslim Women Association in Lakemba complains that policing of Covid rules in the Muslim ghettos is causing "traumatised emotions". In response, the NSW police cringingly bleated that they have "met with more than 200 senior religious leaders"; they have, "called ambulances, arranged food, organised welfare checks"; they have even PROVIDED HAY to feed animals! Since when was it OK for residents to keep hay-eating animals in a suburban environment? Even the mustn't-be-upset Muslims. The woman doing the complaining (yes, a woman, despite the myths about hard-done-by Muslim women needing to be saved by hairy-chested Westerners), Maha Abdo, has been "recognised" by the NSW government. Talk about shooting themselves in the foot! Now, while NSW has more multicultural and Muslim problems than the other states put together, multiculturalism is a federal stupidity, and the federal government has the responsibility to fix it. It's bad enough that Indigenous identifiers and activists seek special treatment. It's a catastrophe for Australia when Johnny Come Lately immigrants and their offspring think that they should be treated differently from Australians, in Australia. If there were politicians who would deal with multiculturalism as it needs to be dealt with, I would vote for them; but, it's not going to happen. Australia is rooted. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 28 August 2021 11:46:54 AM
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The diverse character is central to the Australian
story. Governments need to tell this story. Our political leaders should have no difficulty in presenting diversity as an important part of the "national identity" that they frequently invoke. They should add that diversity brings with it - innovation, ideas, skills, energy, and achievement and makes us richer in all kinds of ways, including our "identity." The Australian governments should consider mechanisms to promote an inclusive view not a separate one. A united view, not a divisive one. It remains to be seen whether and how the current and future Australian governments will engage with the concept of diversity in responding to the evolving nature of Australian society. There are many challenges that lie ahead, mistakes will undoubtedly be made - but the effort will definitely be worthwhile. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 28 August 2021 1:02:43 PM
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Hi Foxy,
A question: If Australia was made up of 85 year plus old farts, white, male, hard right, and no one else, what some here see as the ideal make up. How long do you thing the show would last? Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 28 August 2021 7:09:12 PM
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It has been suggested that the party that offers a credible path to freedom will win. The heavy hand of endless lockdowns should be to Labor what Chris Bowen’s franking credits were at the last election.
Of course, there is always Clive Palmer's United Australia, now led by Craig Kelly following his appalling treatment by the Liberal Party. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 28 August 2021 9:59:13 PM
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While some are throwing around the names of nincompoops as leadership material, the likes of Fat George and now Craig Kelly, Wow! One poly who has shown excellent leadership and control is the Speaker of the House, Tony Smith. Smith is not contesting the next election, but I must say he is up there with the best ever who have had the Speakers job. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 29 August 2021 6:22:53 AM
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How long do you thing the show would last?
Probably longer than it would if you left things to university trained soyboy leftie smashed avacado, almond milk, nivea face cream types Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 29 August 2021 8:11:45 AM
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.. 85 year plus old farts, white, male, hard right,
Paul1405, You'd be surprised how well it would work & you'd even be more surprised when the success of it made you come to realise your own silliness ! You might even feel some shame when you wake up to the embarrassment you've become to the indigenous community ! Posted by individual, Sunday, 29 August 2021 8:39:11 AM
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Talking about seniors in leadership positions?
I don't think that Winston Churchill did such a bad job for his country. Let me see - there was Menzies who appears to have been right for the time. Joe Biden is trying to clean up the mess he inherited which will take some years to do. I think it's more on the skills that leaders have rather than their age. Although as I said earlier - young people should be given the opportunity to receive the training that they're going to need later on in their careers - at least we could listen to their ideas and suggestions. I've worked with quite a few who were absolutely brilliant and today are in positions of leadership and rightly so. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 29 August 2021 8:53:05 AM
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Paul is struggling with the fact of his own advancing age. He feels guilty about it, his whiteness and his privilege. He is not a happy man. Being Green and extreme has terrible effects on people.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 29 August 2021 9:05:31 AM
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At the moment the country is in a bit of a bind.
The lockdowns are continuing and having an effect on people's lives. Vaccinations are being fought by some. States are doin g their own thing. And the blame game is going ahead in full swing. We not only have the lockdowns, vaccinations, and all the problems that go with them to deal with. We now also have the problem of Afghan refugees. I don't envy anyone's position in government. They're now talking about vaccinations for children Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 29 August 2021 10:13:04 AM
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Not if they keep murdering people, and infecting thousands more like they are doing in New South Wales!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 29 August 2021 2:39:55 PM
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The next election is going to be a tough call.
We've got primarily a two party system and the choice between the two at present is not looking good. We've got a PM whose image has taken a tumble and he lacks in the way of any tangible policy achievements - which doesn't bode well for him. We've got a Labor leader who's image needs improving. Who doesn't have a strong frontbench. Who's in desperate need of some political training - so that the mistakes of the past are not repeated. All elections are winnable - it just takes the right people at the right time to do their job. So where are they? Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 29 August 2021 2:59:37 PM
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On thing I know ttbn is if I live another 20 years I'll never catch up to you. BTW when you joined the Corny Banana Party I bet you were one of the "young guns" at 85, the average age of crust old party farts was 107! No wonder the party died.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 29 August 2021 5:36:33 PM
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Dear Paul,
" Australia has all the resources and talents necessary to transform our society to an innovative, jobs rich, clean energy future. We could set a long range goal, we could set the urgent time frame. We could develop internally consistent policy. And we could succeed." " If we did, it would be our entire nation that would benefit from the best possible positioning environmentally, socially, economically and diplomatically in a world rapidly shifting to a carbon constrained future. It is the key to Australia's prosperity past the mining boom." ( Senator Christine Milne - prior to her retirement). Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 29 August 2021 7:16:06 PM
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Hi Foxy,
Christine and I have things in common, I totally agree with the above, and surprise, we were both born on the same day 14th May 1953. Karma. We have several older conservative male posters who can't see past the end of their noses. For them its all about how they know best, and everyone else is stupid and useless. These guys are one percent of the population. I have every confidence in my grandchildren and the world they can help build in the years to come. Sure, they have a lot to learn, just as we did in our time, but its going to be their world and not ours. Sorry your Mum didn't make the 100, but I'm sure she had a good life and with the love from you and the family, it more than compensated for a letter from Liz. BTW should the Queen make 100, does "she" send herself a letter? Maybe she's got with the times and sends a text message; "Happy 100 bday lov d cake" with a couple of emoji's attached. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 29 August 2021 7:58:37 PM
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Dear Paul,
Thanks for your kind words about mum. She was a survivor. Went through some horrible times and things that no person should have gone through but she was a strong woman and taught me a great deal. I miss her so very much. I share your optimism about this country's future and our young people. Young leaders that I'm sure are out there. I still think that our country is the best. We are unique. And hopefully we'll learn from our mistakes. If we did as the Senator said in her speech - " If we did, it would be our entire nation that would benefit from the best possible positioning environmentally, socially, economically and diplomatically in a world rapidly shifting to a carbon constrained future. It is the key to Australia's prosperity past the mining boom." Posted by Foxy, Monday, 30 August 2021 8:39:42 AM
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Today's Newspoll shows the Coalition's primary vote is back in Turnbull territory. But Morrison is pulling ahead of Albanese again possibly, as one commentator suggests, because Morrison has stopped being the "state premiers' errand boy", even though he is still talking like "a cross between Elmer Gantry and a car salesman". He is also aware of the lockdown fatigue 'per favor' of the idiotic premiers.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 30 August 2021 9:29:52 AM
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born 14th May 1953.
Paul1405, I'm sorry but I can't believe that. If you were that old you'd express yourself vastly different ! Posted by individual, Monday, 30 August 2021 3:14:16 PM
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Paul is the equivalent of the female 'mutton dressed up as lamb' sad character - he is desperate to revive his lost youth; probably thinks he can still wow all those silly young Green girlies at the branch meeting. I think a bloke 68 years old has a cheek talking about "old farts". He only 10 years younger than I am. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 30 August 2021 4:46:47 PM
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I guess age does matter to some people.
Age supposedly meant that the older you were the wiser you were. Today, it seems that the older you are - the less employable you are - and can't be trusted to make your own decisions. That you need care and looking after. My mum lived to 96 and it was only in the last years of her life that she needed help. I think that there's too much emphasis being placed on someone's age. If a person is healthy and fit - that's great - not matter what age they are. We should not judge people by their age. Young or old. We're all unique. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 30 August 2021 4:56:24 PM
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a bloke 68 years old has a cheek talking about "old farts
ttbn, I think he's either a college student or he has a massive "Race" chip on his shoulder, either way, his rhetoric is of someone with no experience in working for a living. Posted by individual, Monday, 30 August 2021 7:12:16 PM
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Do you think the Liberal Party will win the next election? Posted by Foxy, Monday, 30 August 2021 8:28:45 PM
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Paul is a nutcase. Nobody knows who is going win an election next year. The question is daft. However, the Coalition would not win an election if it was to held this weekend because their primary vote is standing at at 36%. No party with a primary vote under 40% wins an election. Labor is sitting on 40%. End of. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 30 August 2021 9:17:14 PM
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I can only answer your question with a question. Do you think Australians have dumbed down sufficiently to vote Labor in again ? Posted by individual, Monday, 30 August 2021 9:33:33 PM
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The best thing the coalition has going for it is the incompetence and division within the labor party.
Albanese has the charisma of a dead fish and the conflict between the tooty fruity left whinge of labor party competing with the greens will always drag the party away from the center. Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 31 August 2021 3:31:17 AM
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I think that the Coalition also has division within it and a lack of policies. Also the way the response to the pandemic has been mishandled is making many people unhappy to say the least. It's not a question of being "dumb-downed" as you put it. People actually expecting more from their representatives. Both parties have to lift their game. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 31 August 2021 8:14:33 AM
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> Do you think Australians have dumbed down sufficiently to vote Labor in again ? Considering how badly the Libs have done on the economy, I think it would be more accurate to ask whether Australians have wised up sufficiently to vote Labor in again. Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 31 August 2021 9:31:26 AM
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With Albanese Aidan, you've got to be kidding.
No one in their right mind, who saw Albanese in the ABC tally room broadcast last election, sitting like a stunned mullet, muttering "It's early days yet" right up until he was called out to stop him looking so stupid, could ever vote for a party that could have him for a leader. The local primary school would never have such a clown as president of the P&C. Granted the other lot are not much use, but at least they don't look quite so dumb, most of the time. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 31 August 2021 1:24:08 PM
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LNP could do much, much better but considering that they're fighting so much opposition from within the Public Service they're doing better than Labor any day.
I spoke with a senior MP a couple of years ago & he told me that literally 90% of his work is chasing up on bureaucrats not doing their job. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 31 August 2021 6:16:20 PM
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A rather weak MP if; "90% of his work is chasing up on bureaucrats" and not calling them out. MP's rarely interact with PS, that's what office staff are for. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 31 August 2021 8:46:07 PM
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Rather weak& petty retort ! Posted by individual, Wednesday, 1 September 2021 7:15:51 AM
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When one looks at the kind of supporters Labor relies on, i.e. the Paul1405's then I'd hope that the average citizen who votes not only votes with logic but also their conscience !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 1 September 2021 7:19:55 AM
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I have an understanding of how the system, including the function of MP's, operates at least at a state level, and federally its not dissimilar. For an MP to say; "90% of his work is chasing up on bureaucrats" is contrary to the function and duties of an MP. Besides parliamentary duties, such as committees etc, when dealing with public service matters an MP would normally liaise through the ministerial office. An MP has now power to request a determination directly from a public servant. As I said what's his staff for. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 1 September 2021 7:41:56 AM
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Te Liberal Party in WA is about to fold, the NT Country Liberal Party is going the same way. Come on conservatives and others more extreme, Fat Clive, and Crazy Kelly need you now, more than ever.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 1 September 2021 9:21:58 AM
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Well, according to my contacts in Europe, Conservatism is starting to snowball. People are simply sick & tired of their Paul1405's bludging off everyone & contributing to nothing but disharmony & exploitation.
The Paul1405's of this World have an agenda based on pontificating on past injustice by attempting to convey the feeling that they are the real victims now. People with that kind of mentality are Labor's support base. PC, dumbing-down education & other brainwashing are their Trade Mark. Posted by individual, Wednesday, 1 September 2021 12:32:24 PM
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I'll be voting to see them off.
I'm actually willing to vote for Labor to get rid of them now. Labor is talking offshore quarantine and has kept me safe in QLD. Liberals want me to become a human pincushion with booster shots every 6 months and want my state infected with all the death it will bring. After reading this article, I'll vote to get rid of them. I can't believe I'm prepared to vote with the progressives - That's how bad Scomo has cocked this whole thing right up. This cow wants to criticise my premier for not wanting to jab kids under 12 without further data? They want to promote living with covid when they screwed things up? I'm voting for living without these incompetent liberal fools. I'll take up the retarded progressives mindless chant. Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Scomo's got to go. Now where's my pussy hat and Black Lives Matters T-shirt? Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 1 September 2021 6:26:44 PM
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Since you arrived in Australia from Sh!tboxland or god knows where, how long have you been living off the welfare system. First it was the free house and high paid job. Sacked from the public service for incomperdence, then you were on the dole until the aged welfare kicked in at 65, that's 20 years ago. Some reffo's have done it well from the Aussie system. Ah! Indy! Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 1 September 2021 9:26:40 PM
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Never been on welfare perhaps it's because I don't want to be in the same category of miserable character as you. Those with no retort resort to ridicule ! Posted by individual, Thursday, 2 September 2021 6:20:55 AM
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Armchair Critic,
Being a fence-sitter is nothing to be admired either ! Posted by individual, Thursday, 2 September 2021 6:22:47 AM
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My last post was in response to your claim; "Paul1405's bludging off everyone & contributing to nothing but disharmony & exploitation." When in fact one who is bludging is the likes of you who is helping himself to unearned, undeserved, aged welfare. I'm sure tax paid by me in my working life, and still today, would compare more than favourably with your lifetime contributions. I also provided for my retirement, not like some who rely on aged welfare handouts! Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 2 September 2021 7:05:05 AM
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Your last post is a fine example of why most people think that you are simply a retarded foul-mouthed troll. That your ancestry ticks all the victimhood identity boxes you should be green royalty but haven't risen past handing out pamphlets. So either the rest of the greens think that you are a fwit to be humoured, or you have some skeletons in the closet such as a criminal record. Whatever it is I suggest you remove the bug from your backside and try to join humanity. Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 2 September 2021 7:30:48 AM
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Well the lockdown is continuing in Victoria.
I was so looking forward to spending time with the family for Father's Day. Now it's not to be. I wish that this entire vaccine business just got on with it. Giving people a free choice in their vaccines would help get us there faster. I understand their fears because the messages are so confusing. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I guess we should be grateful for the little things. Like we're still here. And I at least have a husband so I'm not on my own. Please Mr Morrison let people have a choice in their vaccines? Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 September 2021 8:15:18 AM
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It must be going to Paul1405's head having the title of Prize Git all to himself since Mr Opinion has gone AWOL. Posted by individual, Thursday, 2 September 2021 8:36:36 AM
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Hi Foxy,
I agree with what you said in your last post. The problem is the Morrison government was not vaccineene ready, when the delta virus hit NSW. The incomperdence of the Berejiklian government in virus control measures seen it quickly take off and spread all over the state and to Victoria, ACT and even New Zealand. Now for Morrison and Berejiklian its about deflection from the here and now problem, of thousands of infections and a hundred deaths, which is clearly due to their incomperdence. What they want to talk about is the irrelevant topic at this time of the future position on "opening up". Why should Palaszczuk and McGowan cut their political throats by playing Morrison's and Berejiklian's dumb game as things stand. p/s The anonymous turd must have been so frustrated that I didn't respond to his attack on the other tread. Now he has moved over here, and there's another one. Gee, he's got the aged welfare man on his side as well. Reminds me of that kid in 3rd class; "Na, nan, a, na, na one likes you Paulie, they all like me, na, nan, a, na na." Is he that pompous to think I care at all with what he says? Oh me thinks he is. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 2 September 2021 10:40:48 AM
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Legal challenge launched against Dr Kerry Chant and Brad Hazzard over mandatory Covid jabs for frontline workers - as lawyers claim requirement 'strips citizens of their basic human rights' "A legal challenge to mandatory Covid-19 vaccine requirements for some NSW workers has been launched in the state's highest court, as virus infections continue to climb by more than a thousand cases per day. Sydney solicitor Tony Nikolic on Wednesday filed the suit against Health Minister Brad Hazzard and Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant in the NSW Supreme Court, with the matter due to be heard for the first time on Friday. Law firm Ashley, Francina, Leonard and Associates argues the public health orders requiring 'a broad class of workers' be vaccinated is illegal and unconstitutional, as are the extra powers granted to police to enforce public health orders." Link to Media Release here: Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 2 September 2021 10:50:48 AM
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Dear Paul,
Don't take any notice of insults being hurled at you. I'm sitting near a window at the moment and looking out. There's some beautiful trees in full bloom outside. The blossoms make for such an inspiring landscape. All of a sudden you realize that Spring is here. And the weather is also beginning to warm up. So things are not so bad after all. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 September 2021 10:56:32 AM
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Supreme Court action against NSW Government Challenging COVID-19 Public Health Orders
Today, law firm Ashley Francina Leonard & Associates has filed a Supreme Court action against the Honourable Bradley Ronald Hazzard MLA, NSW Chief Health Officer, Dr Kerry Chant, and the NSW Government. The Supreme Court action challenges the legality and constitutionality of the NSW Government’s Public Health Orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which are impacting millions of citizens. The Public Health Orders purport to mandate vaccines across a broad class of NSW workers, such as teachers, health care workers, builders and airport staff. We say that Minister Hazzard and Dr Chant have exceeded their delegated powers by civilly conscripting workers to taking a vaccine, which only has ‘provisional approval’ from the Therapeutic Goods Administration, and where the clinical evidence from Phase III trials is incomplete. We seek a declaration that the NSW Public Health Orders are invalid and of no effect. We also seek injunctive relief restraining Minister Hazzard and Dr Chant from making any further Orders under section 7 of the Public Health Act 2010 (NSW). No-one is above the law, including Ministers and Public Health Officers. It is our view that vaccine compulsion strips citizens of their basic human rights, including their right to work, their right to bodily integrity and their right to informed consent to medical treatment without coercion. We also seek a declaration that, in purporting to grant certain powers to NSW Police, the Public Health Orders are inconsistent with the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (NSW) and therefore invalid. If so, the NSW Police may have been acting beyond power in enforcing the Public Health Orders. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 2 September 2021 10:57:08 AM
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Crybaby Pauliar,
Now you have to cry on foxy's shoulder. Do you need your mummy? Are you the anonymous turd? Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 2 September 2021 1:12:18 PM
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shadow minister,
Please stop. Surely you can contribute something of more substance to this discussion? Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 September 2021 2:10:56 PM
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Once again the fwit Pauliar displays the foulest behaviour and you say nothing, yet when I call him out you rush to his defence. I would like to take you seriously but you make it hard. The government was vaccine ready with plenty of AZ to go around, but even when the chance of dying is less than 1 in a million the chicken littles would rather take the far higher risk of dying from covid than take AZ opting for only the Pfizer which has just killed someone in New Zealand. If all the vaccines had been administered there would be no need for a lockdown. Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 2 September 2021 4:23:30 PM
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This year has been a series of bad decisions and poor judgements from both the Morrison and Berejiklian Governments which has resulted in thousands of infections and more than a hundred deaths from the Delta variant of the virus. Morrison believed he could steal a political march with local production of the cheaper AZ vaccine, and a orderly unhurried roll-out program which would lead to an early election and a certain return to power for the conservatives. Despite other advice Morrison put all his eggs in the AZ basket, with only token long term purchases of Pfizer. The blood clotting episodes caused major vaccine hesitancy. At one stage the ATAGI advice, AZ for over 60's, almost made that vaccine redundant. With no options Morrison claimed "vaccination is not a race", it certainly is now. That was followed by some very poor public messaging from the Federal government about the vaccine, which compounded the fears of the general public. Claims by Morrison that Australians are at the head of the queue, and all will be vaccinated by October, are just like his thoughts of an early election victory, gone out the window.
With the shambolic response to Delta by the Berejiklian government in NSW, which has seen a rapid spread of the virus and panic by the government, there is little alternative other than to play catch up on vaccination. Morrison and Berejiklian are trying everything possible at deflection away from their own incompetence and onto non issues like future opening up when we reach the magical 70% or 80%, not counting lots of Australians of course who will still be unvaccinated and at considerable risk. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 2 September 2021 9:38:37 PM
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Hey Paul1405,
My issue is that I don't want Covid, nor do I want the vaccine, I don't want or trust either. And those who were tasked to suppress it have failed, which leaves me with limited choices. Up here in QLD, I think we had a 3 day lockdown, and an 8 day lockdown, but I don't think there's ever been any cases detected in my local area, maybe 1. I'm only 45mins from the Brisbane CBD. So now with southern states incompetence, and Scomo wanting to pander to NSW for the election and economy; Now my whole local area and more - entire state - is to be WILFULLY infected by a 'Living with Covid' policy; AKA 4 Phase recovery plan. Which really doesn't even apply here, because we haven't really had to live with Covid or the things southern states have had to. We successfully suppressed it, we have had Delta here. So well, I'm not at all pleased with the current situation. If I don't take the vaccine (and the risks associated with it) then I'm going to have freedoms removed and be criticised by others. And be prepared to get Delta instead under the 'Living With Covid' plan. All these people stand up on their podium acting like they've managed things well acting in mine and my communities best interests; Well I say they failed all of us. I'm starting to see just how lacking our politicians really are. I have a hard time supporting any of them. Some oppose the vaccines, but oppose the lockdowns too. My position is there was always going to be lockdowns within the country if they didn't adequately suppress the virus by locking people out of the country. I support the lockdowns, but only in lieu of our governments incompetence in allowing it in in the first place. I don't support spreading it, if others end up dying from it. But suppression doesn't matter anymore apparently. I don't know how many people Scomo and Gladys have inadvertently killed, by failing to suppress, and then throwing hands in the air. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 2 September 2021 10:11:16 PM
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Howdy Neighbour,
I to live in Queensland, Brisbane great place to retire. The virus so far for us has been of less inconvenience than a bloody wet Sunday. If I was a politician and people were dying everyday on my watch, something the public might easily sheet home to me, I would want to talk about anything other than dead people. Honestly, on a risk assessment basis the vaccine beats the virus, for me its a no brainer; "get the vaccination". Palaszczuk and McGowan through a combination of circumstances, good luck, good management have controlled the virus in their states, and why should they risk the good political karma that brings. In Morrisons case and the AZ vaccine. He seen local production as a political gift horse, and a sure fire winner. There was low infection rates in Australia at the time and with local production victory was assured so he though. The mistake Morrison made was to neglect the window of opportunity in the second half of 2020 to purchase back up supplies of Pfizer, and other countries got in under Australia's guard. Just on the recent Polish deal. Poland had excess stocks of Pfizer approaching its 'used by date', along comes shopper Morrison who is willing to pay a super premium price and all shipping costs for something that the Poles were looking at chucking out anyway. The Singapore deal is a little better, take old stocks of Pfizer from Singapore in September at our cost, and replace it with fresh stocks in December. In both cases great deals for Poland and Singapore. Morrison is searching the world for old stocks of Pfizer and is willing to pay a super premium for other peoples crap. Morrison is the shopper who'll pay $5 litre for milk with a use by date of tomorrow. Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 3 September 2021 5:53:52 AM
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For a moment I was impressed. It appeared that you had managed to string together two paragraphs without the litany of bad spelling, punctuation and grammar. Then I realised that you must have copied and pasted an excerpt from the pedogreens whinging points. Of course, this silly discourse is full of factual errors. Morrison purchased sufficient AZ vaccine to treat the entire country. What the pedogreens deliberately omit is that at the time there was no evidence of ill effects and it had the major benefits over Pfizer in that: 1 it was available in quantity, 2 it could be produced in Aus 3 because it only required temperatures <0C rather than -70C it could be easily distributed and administered. The major screw up were all the pedogreen anti-vaxxers that would rather face death due to covid like the 820 that Vic labor murdered. Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 3 September 2021 1:40:30 PM
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Why is it that countries in Europe chose Pfizer
as their vaccine preference and even Israel's preference was Pfizer. Did they know something that Australia didn't? Wasn't Pfizer a more expensive option? Posted by Foxy, Friday, 3 September 2021 1:57:09 PM
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You are the ultimate anti-vaxxer. Greens always find something wrong with whatever is provided which is why Aus has such low vaccination rates. Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 4 September 2021 5:40:37 AM
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Hi Foxy,
You ask; Did they know something that Australia didn't? Wasn't Pfizer a more expensive option? What other countries knew and Morrison ignored was that Pfizer was more effective vaccine than AZ, but in his quest to win and election Morrison poured millions of taxpayer dollars into the CSL company to locally produce AZ. The consequences of Morrisons actions and Berejiklian inaction in NSW has resulted in thousands infected, and more than a hundred dead and a dozen being added to the pile just yesterday, more today. Unlike Victoria last year where the virus got into aged care and without a vaccine deaths were unavailable, its lack of action that has put us in the virus position we are in today. The callous claim that Vic Labor murdered 820 people is untrue. What is true incomperdence and a series of bad decisions both federally on quarantine and vaccination and NSW state mismanagement of control measures has put all Australians at risk of serious illness and possible death. Foxy, how are you coping with the lockdown? Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 4 September 2021 7:33:00 AM
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Hi Paul,
It is depressing all round. I'm coping a bit better now but a few days ago things went badly. I had a fall. Nothing broken - but I couldn't get up and hubbie couldn't help due to his back operations. I finally managed to crawl near my bed and boost myself up. Well I've got great bruises to show for it and some very sore legs. My heart was racing a mile a minute but I finally calmed down. Now I walk like a duck - slowly and wobbly - watching everything around me. What caused the fall was my slippers getting hooked onto a huge rug. Which just goes to show - we need to watch where we're going. Anyway, Thanks for asking about me. The discussion about our ancestries has helped me a lot. And I really appreciate everyone's inputs. I'd go mental without the forum. The response to the vaccines needs to be improved. People whould be able to choose the vaccines they feel comfortable with. As I've said - I've been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension and I've got blood clots on the lungs. So I've got all these symptoms that I have to cope with. Anyway, what will be will be. We do what we have to do. I want to protect others and not be a burden to anyone or cause anyone any grief. So we need to do the right thing. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 4 September 2021 7:53:32 AM
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What an idiot, the only MP's to get up in parliament and spruik the anti-vaxx message were the COALITION jerks Crazy Kelly and Fat George Christensen. This is the same mug who backed Trump and his use of disinfectant as a Covid cure. Oh yes this fool claimed 'Cry Baby' Porter was in for $10 million in compensation, a grovelling apology and 100 sacked ABC employees to pay for it all. What a Wally!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 4 September 2021 9:43:40 PM
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What a moron the crybaby from the pedogreens is. This delicate flower anti-vaxxer is too scared to have an AZ vaccination because it has a less than 1 in a million chance of killing him.
This fatuous pinhead probably cowers in his house afraid of being hit by a meteorite. Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 6 September 2021 5:20:12 AM
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Ah! shonkyminister,
I've had my two jabs of human vaccine in the form of AZ. Have you had a dose of 'Ivermectin' yet? Its good for cows, pigs and donkeys, so you'll get triple protection. What rock are you hiding under now? Did you get to visit your old buddy Brenton Tarrent? Don't return to NSW, Berejiklian and Morrison are seeing them off by the hundreds and infecting tens of thousands more with Gladys Virus. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 6 September 2021 6:03:03 AM
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Crybaby Pauliar,
I wonder if you think before you post? Either you are lying through your teeth about having the AZ vaccine which wouldn't be a surprise, or you have effectively shown that you believe the AZ vaccine is safe and all the whinging you made that the slow vaccine rollout was bullsh1t as there was plenty to go around. Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 6 September 2021 1:49:52 PM
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AZ is safe for people 60 and over, its the "kill the kids" vaccine for the youngsters, but that fact didn't faze Morrison as he tried to save his scrawny political hide and push AZ onto the young. How's your pin up gal, Big Nose Gladys doing in NSW? ScumO' and his gold standard. If I hear one more insincere "my condolences" rubbish from those lying Liberals responsible for so many deaths, I'm going to up-chuck on the telly! Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 6 September 2021 5:22:03 PM
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Once again the typical anti-vaxxer. It's morons spreading bullsh1t like this that is the cause of the low vaccination rates in Aus. You should really be ashamed of yourself. Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 8 September 2021 7:59:11 AM
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As a devotee of Trumpism, you have been following the advice of Dangerous Doctor Donald when it comes to Covid from the start. Have you had your first dose of Diso and a couple of Donkey Pills yet? As recommended by DDD. The anti-vaxxers, are people like you and COALITION MP's such as Crazy Kelly and Fat George Christensen, folk heroes of yours! What about your other folk hero, ScumO'. Secretly caught stealing Pfizer vaccines from the children in Labor states and pumping them into the arms of well heeled Liberal voters in NSW? What about that, we are all in this together, unless you are a Liberal voter that is. Nothing to say about the shambolic response to Covid by the Big Nose Coalition Government. How many have the they bumped off in NSW now, 130. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 8 September 2021 10:31:05 AM
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Lying again I see. Have you followed your pedogreen's standard practice to ward off infection by dancing naked around a fire while smoking weed? Secondly, as children aren't being vaccinated yet this is probably a drug-induced hallucination of yours. P.S. Dan Andrew's murder tally is now heading for 850 P.P.S. There is a belief by some in Africa that sex with virgins can cure you. Is this going to be green's policy? Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 8 September 2021 2:07:43 PM
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Put your foot in it again! The Liberal Party initiation requires new members to dance naked on a desk whilst jerkn' the gherkin, and screaming "Al women are lying cows"! Shonky have you got a vid of your initiation on YouTube yet? What does the Taliban and the Liberal Party have in common, besides the above? Both are made up of 100% misogynistic males. Morrison should grow a beard and wrap a towel around his head, he'd fit right in! Nothing to say about Big Nose and the NSW shambles. She's bumped off 149 and counting. BTW it was the incomperdence of Big Nose and The Hazzard that spread the Delta virus everywhere else. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 8 September 2021 6:01:50 PM
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And the greens induction involves dressing up in Nazi costumes with no pants saluting their hero Adolf. As the greens love the Nazi's for their racist hatred of Jews, perhaps you should adopt the swastika as your official symbol. Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 9 September 2021 3:56:11 AM
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These are the kind of turds in the Liberal Party;
'The Coalition staffer sacked for allegedly masturbating over a female MP’s desk was a longtime Liberal aide who had worked on numerous committees and had input into combatting sexual harassment in parliament." A mate of yours shonkysinister. My claims have evidence shonky, yours are made up nonsense. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 9 September 2021 6:05:20 AM
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"Greens candidate Jonathan Doig has been accused of receiving 352 images and videos of a 13-year-old Filipino schoolgirl and allegedly paying more than $120,000 to 97 individuals and groups over the past decade seeking child abuse material."
A mate of yours Pauliar? My claims have evidence liar, yours are made up nonsense. Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 9 September 2021 6:32:22 AM
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Unlike you shonkysinister, I don't push the paedophile barrow at every opportunity. Doig if convicted, and I have no interest in the Doig case so I don't know the outcome, should do lengthy jail time.
You were accusing Greens of been Nazi's. What about the far right Liberal MP Eric Abetz and his great uncle, Otto Abetz, who was a Hitler right hand man. Uncle Otto sent Jews from France to Nazi death camps. Seems uncle Otto's action didn't deter the young Eric from his far right opinions Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 9 September 2021 6:51:50 AM
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Your best mate Doig is your barrow to push not mine. The barrow you are pushing is full of bullsh1t. As for Otto he started off as a socialist in France before a slight change to national socialism. But then you have a convicted attempted murderer in your lineage as well. Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 9 September 2021 12:49:29 PM
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Yes I didn't always agree with Mr Opinion but he often had an interesting angle. Not sure what has happened to him.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 11 September 2021 12:11:30 PM
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" A wingnut is someone on the far right wing or
far left-wing of the political spectrum - the professional partisans, the unhinged activists and the paranoid conspiracy theorists." "They're the people who always try to divide rather than unite us." ( John Avlon.) We need to tread carefully. Respect each other's political views even though we may not agree with them - we just may learn something. Insults only break down the lines of communication. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 11 September 2021 1:22:48 PM
is risky at the best of times but - what do you think
any chance of the Liberal Party getting re-elected?
Comments please.