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Australia Still Tied To Britain?

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Hi Issy and Indy,

Issy I had a cousin, a conscript killed in Vietnam. In a Michael Moore doco, he asked Washington politicians who had sons eligible for military service, was their son in the military, only one said yes. Donald Trump avoided call up, George W Bush was supposedly in the home guard. The Old Man said many sons of the rich avoided conscription during WWII by "working" in daddy's protected industry, or if they were called up, the only front line they were sent to was south of Wollongong. During Vietnam the rich put their sons into Uni to obtain a dispensation from national service. The bit about Howard is true.

Indy you are eligible for military service in Australia from ages 17 to 55. Assuming you were 56 in 1973 and become ineligible for service that would make you about 104 today. So after becoming an Australian citizen and before reaching the age of 56, how many attempts did you make to join up? None I assume.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 6 July 2021 8:04:49 AM
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The situation simply wasn't as you so desperately try to portray it ! By the time I became a citizen, Vietnam became a reverse role by moving downunder.
Your arguments here are not about trying to make our society better, you're just exercising your insipid hatred of anything non-Aborigine ! As I said before, you're not helping their cause, you're hindering it ! I'm sure many of them feel rather embarrassed about the hate-filled such as you in their midst !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 6 July 2021 8:19:14 AM
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Foxy- "Is Australia Still Tied To Britain?"


Underlying question perhaps is- "Are nations" or "should Nations" be tied to their heritage and their ethnicity?

A related question is regarding the relevance of the UN's Right to self determination of peoples in the contemporary era.

This question seems to question the integrity of the fundamental construct of the British-Australian entity- hardly an act of a friend- likely a foe. It wasn't the Aboriginal Peoples that allowed Foxy's relatives into Australia- but certain groups within the British Australian diaspora- you could argue that they betrayed the British Australian people with their "Populate or Perish" propaganda- perhaps it was because of genuine empathy with the hardships felt by Western Europeans such as Lithuanians to give them some respite. Perhaps they used the fear of WWII against the Australian people- for business advantage- to use this legitimate fear against the Australian people was perhaps a sociopathic act- or it could be a legacy of the pre-atomic pre-consumer-flight age.

Foxy seems to hide behind the claim of family atrocities by the Communists in order to promote what seem to me to be plainly Communist policies.

Foxy reminds me of the Red Brigades in Post War Germany- the young who judged the old as guilty without understanding- that's how Adam Curtis presents them. Didn't Foxy say in previous posts that her mother was a Royalist.

Asimov talks of Psycho-History and anthropologists talk of Psycho-Sociology- a thousand year cycle of civilizations. I'm sure that serious Communists are aware of this and hope to be the heirs to British Civilization and the Holy Roman Empire- look forward to the rise of the "Pharaoh's of Communism" worshipped in blindness, fear, and death.

Ayn Rand- Communists are death worshippers.

Despite it's faults "Roman autonomous provincial governors" adopted by The Catholic Church and The British Empire. On the other hand is the monolithic model such as that used by the UN- sadly the US's Locke Liberal beginnings allowed the corruption of the UN's structure and the US itself.

God help the world if Australia should lose it's ties to Britain.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 10 July 2021 1:51:57 AM
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