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Iraq the new boat people?
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Posted by Belly, Saturday, 25 August 2007 6:47:15 AM
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I certainly would hope that we do not have new waves of boat people from anywhere. Most of the past boat people have not integrated but have set up countries within our country that will give us nothing but headaches for many decades into the future.
If we take in immigrants for heaven's sake, let it be people who will merge into our own culture and who will benefit Australia.Our own people should have the right to demand that.One only has to look at Europe to see what can happen to Australia, if it hasn't already happened . Posted by mickijo, Saturday, 25 August 2007 2:05:16 PM
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We're ALL immigrants, some have just been here longer.
Out of ANYONE who deserves refuge, it's the people of Iraq. WE DISPLACED THEM. I haven't met an Iraqi in Australia that wasn't here for just a simple better life. Isn't that what we're fighting for?, isn't that what democracy is for?. Posted by StG, Saturday, 25 August 2007 4:00:37 PM
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Test me, see if I have any understanding of the subject.
Iraq is lost, soon America will leave, refugees will leave too in huge numbers for western country's. America will re paint the war and let Rambo win it in film but the refugees will come. It may well be the story America uses to leave will talk of Iraq's leaders betraying that country but no other way out exists leave Iraq. Or face decades of costs and deaths for no real results. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 25 August 2007 5:54:17 PM
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Given our government's eagerness to join the Coalition of the Warmongers that removed the Iraqi government and has reduced the country to chaos, I think we are morally obliged to expect and accept our share of those Iraqis who have been displaced by our war, or who were silly enough to support the occupying forces.
Isn't there a well known Western saying about reaping what you sow? Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 25 August 2007 6:48:48 PM
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Dunno. Ask BOAZ.
Posted by Ginx, Saturday, 25 August 2007 7:16:53 PM
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Was there not a statement the other day, that the refugee intake from Africa is to be cut and their place taken by Iraqis?
If we want a cohesive society and avoid the problems that Europe currently has, an idealistic indiscrimate migration policy will not acheive that. Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 26 August 2007 9:28:40 AM
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Just for the record Belly, there was an estimated 2.5 million Iraqi refugees during Saddams reign. And CJ, when you decribe Saddams genocidal regime as the 'government', your shooting yourself in the foot.
I know its aguable but didn't we and the rest of the world, as signaturies to UN decrees on genocide have a moral obligation to free the Kurds, Marsh Arabs and Shia of Iraq from his psychopathic rule? Posted by palimpsest, Sunday, 26 August 2007 10:59:00 AM
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That argument (that we had a moral obligation) would probably have flown a little better than the reason given for invading Iraq (WMD's). It also would have helped if the US hadn't abandoned the Shi'ites and Kurds after the first gulf war. By the time the second Iraq war rolled around, people were extremely sceptical about any US protestations about "moral obligations". Others were worried that any Iraq excursion was going to detract from the actual war with terrorists in Afghanistan(and we've since seen the concern justified over and over again). Posted by James Purser, Sunday, 26 August 2007 11:19:14 AM
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Banjo said: "If we want a cohesive society and avoid the problems that Europe currently has, an idealistic indiscrimate migration policy will not acheive that."
The Federal Government has announced that most of the Iraqis refugees expected to arrive over the next twelve months will be Christians fleeing persecution. Arab (Lebanese) Christians have a long history of prospering in Australia, so I see no reason why these Iraqi Christians will be any different. To its credit, the Federal Government is avoiding Sweden's mistake. Posted by Dresdener, Sunday, 26 August 2007 9:50:25 PM
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I was aware that the Iraqi refugees are christian, and I am aware that the Lebanese christians that have came here have integrated very well. My comment about a cohesive society was a general comment not related to the Iraqi refugees. That is why I seperated the two comments. Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 26 August 2007 11:27:50 PM
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Cohesion is usually derived from homogeneity. In the case of high immigration countries such as Australia, a policy of assimilation is absolutely necessary in order to maintain a shared national identity. But under the multicultural Balkanization policy currently in effect, assimilation is actively discouraged.
Such policies are effectively giving the populations of countries vastly different from our own the green light to colonise Australia. After all, the wave of mass immigration is unending, and rather than being encouraged to assimilate into mainstream Australian culture ("Anglo-Celtic cultural imperialism!", yell the multiculturalists), new arrivals are told that Australia is little more than a co-habitating space for the world's tribes. Wither Australia... Posted by Dresdener, Monday, 27 August 2007 10:56:34 PM
Given over half Americas voters want out of this war it must be considered that uncontrolled migration is about to take place.
Is this the fear Bush has in mind? his quaint quote about the Vietnam wars ending and boat people may highlight our future.
The killing fields came as a result of American intrusions that weakened Cambodia's government and allowed Pol pot to take over.
We have much to be concerned about if unchecked immigration takes place.