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Vaccination And Witch Hunters
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Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 20 January 2021 1:39:14 PM
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Progressive now have the power and the mandate, ttbn.
What did you think they were going to do with it? This is what's been on the cards all along, and why half the US population opposes it and is pushing back. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 20 January 2021 4:35:01 PM
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Progressive now have the power and the mandate, ttbn.
Armchair Critic, Yes and, just give it a few months when it all collapses back to pre-Trump status. First, they'll blame Trump for everything & afterwards it'll be unintended consequences. After that, it'll just be a wait for another Republican POTUS. Posted by individual, Wednesday, 20 January 2021 8:03:53 PM
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Not having much courage, I'd be questioning the safety of any vaccine - until the first poor buggers have lived through it with no side effects. Then I might give it a go. Those taking it first deserve our admiration and thanks - and commiseration IF there ARE side-effects. I'm a bit puzzled by your exaggerated stance on so many issues - in this example, I haven't heard of sceptics being described as extremists. I don't think extreme anti-everything except the 99.9 % purely and utterly correct, is the most sensible way to go [Been there, done that]. The 'sensible centre' might be vast and clunky, but it's the terrain on which useful discussion can take place. On the other hand, 'anti-vaxxers' certainly verge on the idiotic. But on the other hand, I think that anti-vaxxers - and, even more so, those who think that this virus is a hoax - should be encouraged to get together, in closed rooms, and freely pass on the non-existent virus to each other. At least, that might be one way to improve the gene pool. Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Wednesday, 20 January 2021 8:27:54 PM
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Whatever your video was it has been "removed by the uploader". Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 20 January 2021 10:02:29 PM
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It was a recent Tucker Carlson video, basically what the Biden Government is going to do is screen all white males in the military and purge it of anyone with a conservative point of view.
- It's because they don't like the idea that the people tasked to protect them likely support Trump and Conservative political views. I found another source here. At the end of the day they have another option open to them anyway: It's called the Kigali Principles. It's basically a NATO-like pact where countries that are a signatory to the treaty will send troops and police to intervene to protect citizens. Basically it means that when the US conducts an overthrow on another country, that once they show a leaders police of military attacking civilians or preventing freedom of speech, they then label them a dictator and call the government a regime. This WILL happen, because provocateurs are following a script to deliberately provoke and show police or government forces in a bad light and say 'the government has lost the legitimacy to rule'. Once that happens they can send in UN troops and police to take over the existing functions of the country quickly with minimal disruption. They will hold new elections and with a bit of voter fraud the new puppet ruler shall be elected! Also in the case of America where they have a precedent from the war of independence to stand against a tyrannical government, it provides protection to the political establishment and the ruling elite, that they have in place provisions to prevent any overthrow of government by the people from ever happening. The US is a signatory to this pact, but it's all bullcrap. - In truth the US has no qualms with civilian casualties. The US established and perfected warfare that targeted civilians in Vietnam with the Phoenix program. And they will kill 50 innocent people attending a funeral, to get one bad guy, and then play it all down with a benign term like 'collateral damage' rather than 'mass murder'. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 21 January 2021 2:51:54 AM
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That one was still there and horrifying. 30,OOO troops in Washington as a threat to anyone who doesn't tow the hard left Democrat line. Left wing Generals politicising the army. Army loyal to the Democrats, not America. Every white male suspected of being a potential murderer. Morrison has said that our alliance with America will remain the same under Biden. I don't think so. And perhaps the alliance WILL be undesirable under the Biden/Democrat regime. It's difficult to see how these people can still call themselves democrats. We might be looking at closer relationships with Indonesia, India and Japan military, instead. The Yanks haven't been able to look after themselves since Trump tried to straighten them out; and now, it looks as if they are headed for another civil war. Strange people. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 21 January 2021 7:59:46 AM
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Australia is now an oddity to Americans. We are now an Asian nation-state but still have British political institutions. Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 22 January 2021 6:49:24 AM
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I don't know about witch hunting but Pelosi gives me the impression she's a hunting witch !
Posted by individual, Friday, 22 January 2021 12:48:05 PM
The hostility is directed at child vaccination, but there won't just be threats against non-vaccination for childhood diseases of course: the war will also be against people doubtful of, or dead against, vaccination against the China virus; a vaccination that has already killed eight people apparently.
If vaccination prevents the vaccinated against disease, these activists should have themselves done, and stop trying to control those who don't want it. They need to stop this 'for the good of others' business' because they even don't like other people, often spewing hate at them. It's all about fear and controlling the public, just as their friends in Communist China do.
In Britain, also, there is a group of crackpots calling themselves the 'Steering Committee on Countering Extremism Pilot Task Force', which has blurted out that "anti-vaxxers" are “an extremist group that pose a national security risk". And people who are involved in such "conspiracy" could be led into "violent extremism". Question the safety of a vaccination, and you are prone to violent extremism! I would have thought the conspiracy theory lay in that wild statement. And these jerks are actually sponsored by the British government.