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National Reconciliation Week 2020.

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I think any rational thinker can see that those responsible for the welfare state have done far more harm to aboriginals than even the few whites that committed murder. With massive alcohol, drug, child molestation issues, those that claim to celebrate Indigenous culture have seen their guilt ideology lead to massive amounts of death and domestic violence. Does not fit the regressive narrative but not really hard to see.
Posted by runner, Friday, 29 May 2020 3:31:41 PM
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Lets face it. The relationship between Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander people and the rest of
Australia is broken. The system is not working.
It has never worked for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people.

The nation persists in governing these people in ways
that are harmful to them with the conviction that if
they find the right policies, the right funding, the
right set of incentives, their lives will somehow
improve. This is a colonial fantasy.

There have been moments of hope - for example - the 1967
Referendum, the Mabo Court case on land rights in 1992,
the bridge walks in 2000, Prime Minster Kevin Rudd's
2008 apology for stolen generations, all gave hope.
But something far more radical is required.

The successes of an Indigenous middle-class does not
obscure the fact that for the majority of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander people government policies and
programs have made little positive difference to their
quality of life.

Over many decades Australian government policies in
Indigenous affairs have been marked by two things - constant
re-invention and constant resistance to the ONE thing that
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people want.
The ability to control and manage their own lives.

They have consistently called for greater control over
their own destinies. So long as governments fail to
address this and as long as they suppress the desires of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for a greater
say - the policies and programs directed at them will
continue to flounder.

These people need to control their own systems regarding
what is important to them - such as - health, education,
law, and justice - things that matter to them. The Uluru
Statement from the Heart did not ask for much. Yet it was
rejected outright - without so much as a debate.

And we still keep asking - how can we reconcile? What can
we do? The problems lie not with our Aboriginal people. The
problems is US! They keep telling us what they want.
Our governments refuse to listen.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 May 2020 4:26:13 PM
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I forgot to add - in relation to the past administration
of Aboriginal affairs it should be recognised that
Aboriginal people have continuously resisted the
imposition of much of government's legislation.

The official records reflect this opposition and contain
letters written by Aboriginal people seeking to recover
their land, their right to vote, their children returned,
to receive citizenship rights and so on.

There's more at the following link:
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 May 2020 4:36:44 PM
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The relationship between Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander people ....
Do you have any idea how the islanders regard the Aborigines & the PNG's in private ?
Posted by individual, Friday, 29 May 2020 4:56:29 PM
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The topic under discussion here is how our governments
have regarded and treated these people over the decades.
That's what needs fixing.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 May 2020 5:03:37 PM
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The problems lie not with our Aboriginal people. The
problems is US! They keep telling us what they want.
Our governments refuse to listen.

This is what one leading aboriginal activist wrote.

Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance - WAR
In response to the attacks on WAR members and the call to burn Australia to the ground at the Naarm Abolish Australia Day Rally, we would like to issue the following statement:
Tuck Australia.
Tuck your land theft, your child stealing and your state sanctioned murders.
Tuck your governments, your military and your police.
Tuck your concentration camps dressed up as correctional facilities and immigration detention centres.
Tuck your economy, your greed and your cult of the almighty dollar.
Tuck your poisoning of water, your wholesale destruction of land and your pollution of our atmosphere.
Tuck your language forced upon us and violently attempting to replace our very own.
Tuck your white supremacy, your patriarchy and your capitalism.
Tuck your flag, your anthem and your precious national day.
WAR will not rest until we burn this entire rotten settler colony called Australia, illegally and violently imposed on stolen Aboriginal land at the expense of the blood of countless thousands, to the tucking ground, until every corrupt and illegal institution of white supremacist, patriarchal, capitalist settler colonial power forced upon us is no more. We will not rest until we build a society that cares for and honours the Earth, our mother, that respects the interconnectedness of all beings, that is founded on our sovereignty and responsibility to this country and the people who live on it, and that offers a place of safety and prosperity for our people and for all those oppressed and excluded by the current systems of power - refugees, people of colour, LGBTQIA people, poor people, disabled people.
Abolish Australia, not just Australia Day
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 29 May 2020 5:14:34 PM
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