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The Forum > General Discussion > Why Australia's unsustainable economy needs major reform!

Why Australia's unsustainable economy needs major reform!

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Australia's economy is currently in a crisis mode and it can no longer continue the way it was before.

The Prime Ministers large handouts are a very populist move, but ignores the following:

Australia's economy has been at the expense of the living where more than 1000 women died in Bangladesh which has one of the largest garment industries with clothing made for Western retailers.

It has been at the expense of the environment, where bird species are dying from swallowing plastic.

It has been at the expense of personal health. Vehicle and factory emissions have lead to people suffering illness from ongoing air pollution.

Large corporations have been taking advantage of the poor, like with the 7/11 case and people suffering from being overworked in the workplace.

Schools and universities have been putting people out into non stimulating employment leading to depression, suicide, stress, sadness and emotional imbalance.

Now Australia has a Prime Minister who simply wants to return to the way things were before.

Posted by NathanJ, Saturday, 2 May 2020 6:14:14 PM
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Even BBC doesn’t blame Australia’s economy for a factory collapsing in Bangladesh. It’s inconceivable how anyone else could. It certainly has nothing to do with our PM throwing money around.

No logic so far.

The plastic killing birds, fish etc., all come from Asia. Once again, Australia isn’t blamed. Nor should it be.

Large corporations take advantage of the poor. Yep. Always have, always will. Once again, has this has nothing to do with the Australian economy.

“Australia has a Prime Minister who simply wants to return to the way things were before”. No he doesn’t. He is wrecking the economy. It will be a long time before it gets back to the “way things were before”, if ever.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 3 May 2020 3:07:06 PM
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Perhaps Nathan chose the wrong word or the wrong subject.

Economic 'reform' has nothing to do with Third World factories collapsing or plastic bags in the ocean.

Basically, a country's economy is the wealth it gets from business and industry. What Australia needs in the way of reform is lowering of taxation to encourage industry and employment, slashing of red and green tape, abolition of the very high minimum wage, increases in production, no work no pay, and a lowering of immigration to give locals a chance of decent wage increases and incentives. Red and green tape has increased 80 fold since the 1970s.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 3 May 2020 4:16:39 PM
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Australia has nothing to do with slack Bangladesh building codes, which allow people to install large generators in the upper floors of existing buildings not designed for such loads.

Perhaps NathanJ should take his complaint to Bangladesh authorities. Meanwhile he could thank the Ozzies who buy Bangladesh output for helping to provide some form of employment to these women, who otherwise would have none.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 3 May 2020 4:41:59 PM
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Hassy, reinforces the "begging bowl" mentality with; "Meanwhile he could thank the Ozzies who buy Bangladesh output for helping to provide some form of employment to these women, who otherwise would have none."

Hassy, with a population of 170 million would you like to see the men, women and children of Bangladesh suffer the same fate as you once proposed for the 220 million people living in Pakistan, nuclear annihilation. A subject you seem to avoid these days on the forum, why is that?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 3 May 2020 6:00:36 PM
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A retired gentleman blogger caught my eye today with this message to the Coalition: 'If the "quiet Australians" had wanted f**wits to run the country they would have voted Labor'.

The blogger was referring to things done by the government during the China virus :-

Wetting its pants and crashing the economy when someone said a virus will kill us.

Hysterically believing that hospitals would be overrun, with lots and lots of ICU beds and ventilators needed. Hasn't happened. Hospitals have been almost empty since elective surgery was stopped. A strange thing in a health emergency.

Fewer than a 100 people dead out of 25 million; average age 79, with the youngest 55.

Now we are left with a wrecked economy, about 600,000 extra people (on top of the 'normal' 700,000) out of work, and many small businesses never to reopen.

Morrison trying not to look stupid, and rabbiting on about an app to cover up the fact that people could get back to work now, making his wild actions and money chucking even sillier.

A 'national cabinet' not mentioned in the Constitution has suspended democracy.

And the population has just rolled over.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 3 May 2020 9:58:52 PM
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So, some people here think Australia's economy relies on nothing else I assume?

Does anyone here want anything "made in Australia". I do, but if some of the comments here are anything to go by they don't.

Some clearly want people overseas used for cheap labor, whilst the same items can be sold in Australia in shops, which see the items transported (to shops) emitting fumes which impact on health, climate change, the shops employ people in Australia and the flow on effects are multiple, like cheap items ending up in landfill, in waterways and throughout the wider environment. This is due to western world policy - including Australia! People can't simply keep denying these issues.

Australia is part of the bigger picture.

In terms of the Bangladesh factory, that is only one example. The people were paid about $3.00 per hour and the items were sold in shops like K-mart, Target etc.

Is it right for Australians to be part of that? Many are ignorant and unaware. In their minds they will accept that type of activity as normal practice, but economic activity is a global industry of which Australia plays an important part and our unsustainable, buy, use and throw away approach to living and our unsustainable economy must be thrown out.

Australia's schools are generally uninspiring, leading to people in inept jobs. Many people studying in Universities end up working in other areas of employment.

The way farmers are treated in Australia cannot continue. Their poor pay rates from large supermarkets is disrespectful to their hard work.

Many people are underpaid for their work and there is limited flexibility in the workplace. For those who work in 24 hour petrol stations, these should be generally gone, as the negative impacts on one's body clock working at 3:00 am is not good for one's health.

Wake up Australia!
Posted by NathanJ, Sunday, 3 May 2020 10:18:18 PM
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Why are there so many poor in Bangladesh ? Would they object to birth control if it were available to them for free ?
Yes, sweat shops provide some meagre income because Australians buy the wares but were they to pay slightly more then perhaps children would not have to work. The Bangladesh Govt should impose export duties for any buyer outside the country.
Are their bureaucrats honest enough though to manage that fairly ?
All I can say is, if you don't limit your population growth, your problems will grow with it !
Compassion is dying fast in the West if our present Generation is already complaining about People who have worked & paid taxes for 50+ years, getting an old age pension. What chance is there for Bangladesh to get support from this Generation ?
Posted by individual, Sunday, 3 May 2020 11:41:30 PM
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"In terms of the Bangladesh factory, that is only one example."

Example of what, exactly? Certainly not anything to do with the Australian economy.

The fact that Bangladeshi workers get paid $3.00 an hour has nothing to do with the Australian economy either. It's to do with Bangladeshi employers, and that the things that workers have to buy are commensurately cheap. It is absurd to compare Third World standards of living with those of the First World.

Australians should be required to pass an intelligence test before they can vote.

Wake up, Nathan!
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 4 May 2020 8:49:23 AM
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There is no art which one government sooner learns of another than that of draining money from the pockets of the people.

— Adam Smith
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 4 May 2020 9:18:26 AM
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Australians should be required to pass an intelligence test before they can vote.
How many times has that been proposed & never got off the ground because a permanent Conservative Govt. would need an opposition within.
Posted by individual, Monday, 4 May 2020 6:47:14 PM
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