The Forum > General Discussion > Scottish police arrest man for painting “Islam is questionable”
Scottish police arrest man for painting “Islam is questionable”
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Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 24 July 2019 5:41:11 PM
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I wonder how many real offences went undetected while the copper labourously wrote down the statement? The judge demonstrated how stupid the whole thing was. I would also like to think that we wouldn't get to that stage here, but given the whackos we have for politicians these days, anything could happen.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 24 July 2019 6:32:40 PM
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I'm surprised we haven't got a Department for Stupidity yet.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 24 July 2019 7:37:06 PM
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Agree Bazz both with your view and the writing that got the man in to trouble
I fly three flags, southern cross boxing Kangaroo and Army lest we forget Some [bottom feeders?] think the southern cross is a COMMUNIST flag Police acting on silly laws are killing free speech Explanation, yes I fight forever the view all Muslims are bad, but may well have put the same thing on my wall talking about any faith Posted by Belly, Thursday, 25 July 2019 7:39:02 AM
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Of course, you would have to be more than a little nutty to deface your own property with your thoughts on Islam. That's a big problem these days - too many nutters from all sides.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 25 July 2019 10:10:25 AM
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ttbn any mirrors in your house?
Are you having a bad day, like a overfed pigeon you hit every thread with your unhappiness with just about everything leaving you mark for us to walk in Posted by Belly, Thursday, 25 July 2019 11:34:26 AM
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If Govt were to introduce a Stupidity Tax we wouldn't have to worry about trade imbalance !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 25 July 2019 11:58:08 AM
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Why can't you answer questions? Can't you understand them? Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 25 July 2019 12:16:10 PM
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The man was ultimately found not guilty. In fact the judge said he had no case to answer.
So all's well that ends well, eh? Except that he spent 5 weeks in gaol awaiting trial. The aim of the state in this case isn't to to prove guilt. In any society where freedom of speech is even partially accepted, the man wasn't ever going to be found guilty. But the process is the punishment. He was punished for a non-existent crime by the anti-free speech cabal. The next time someone was to make a statement about the "I" word, they'll think about whether its worth it. So self-censorship replaces state censorship. Would anyone be charged with writing "Christianity is questionable". We all know the answer to that. We should also draw comfort from the knowledge that this wouldn't happen here. British police, for reasons that don't seem apparent, have taken to attacking anything that even vaguely smacks of so-called Islamophobia (another made up 'crime'). But our police forces haven't gone down that path and if they ever tried to, the public outcry would be swift and brutal. For now at least. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 25 July 2019 1:04:40 PM
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At the grave risk of earning Belly's undying hostility, I suggest that if Labour had got in, we would soon have had a huge Stupidity Department, a multitude of offices staffed by seconded teachers and Greens in every major city, perhaps even another Department for Regional Development based in Sydney. Well, all those inner-city hipsters have to have somewhere to take their disposable coffee cups to. Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 25 July 2019 1:47:33 PM
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Loudmouth I assure you LABOUR will not win the next election
That being the name of England's Labour Still licking my wounds at our loss but if we can control the very left we will be gifted the next one Some of my best mates are liberals so you need not worry Good to see sanity reigned in this case Posted by Belly, Thursday, 25 July 2019 4:35:19 PM
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In the UK there have been other cases along those lines. One man was
interviewed by police after he made a comment on facebook or twitter about Islam and he was questioned about what his thoughts were at the time. No further action was taken except a warning was issued. There has been at least one case where someone was gaoled for some sort of Islamaphobic comment. Can't remember the details. It does not seem to get that far very often. It is the trend that is worrying. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 26 July 2019 9:17:07 AM
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I keep telling you they're playing both sides of politics against the middle;
And the agenda is always 2 steps ahead and to the left. Why? Top Illuminati Grand Wizard: “We Control Islam and We'll Use It to Destroy the West.” Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 27 July 2019 9:44:13 AM
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Can't believe this video actually shows people the truth of why and how far the plan goes. Just follow the crumbs and you'll find the loaf of bread.
Armchair Critic, The above is a line from one of the comments. I just wonder about these crumbs. Is that before or after the bread's been eaten ? :-) Posted by individual, Monday, 29 July 2019 6:23:30 AM
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Hey individual,
I don't usually watch or share those types of amateur videos. I feel as though they can potentially do more harm than good; - The amateurism of some of these types of videos sells 'tinfoil hat wearing nutjob' so much better. On this occasion I did share it, simply because the video title was a grabber. - Which was the reason I got sucked in and watched it in the first place - There are probably far better made and informative videos and articles around on the same topic. Thanks for watching. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 29 July 2019 6:41:39 AM
“Islam is questionable” on his house.
With all the talk about security legislation we need to be certain that
we do not follow the UK into that morass.