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Great news for the average Aussie. Adani is happening! No thanks to Banks, Shorten, Turnbull's kids or Jackie Trad. Those who voted Zali have wasted their votes. Time to pull out your anti Adani ear rings. Hopefully ScoMO can bring another lump of coal into Parliament. 1000 cheers!
Posted by runner, Thursday, 13 June 2019 3:30:47 PM
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As I said mid election, it was always going to go ahead not matter who won
One day, looking back, we may well ask was it worth it
However right now it is all go
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 13 June 2019 4:09:39 PM
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Well Belly if your man had not of spoken one thing to the latte sippers and another to unemployed Queenslanders he might not be twiddling his thumbs now. I doubt very much if the Greens would of allowed Bill to do the right things anyway Belly. They have certainly done enough to scare away investors for a long time.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 13 June 2019 4:17:15 PM
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It's a shame about all the money and time wasted, thanks to Green fruitcakes trying to prevent it, and a stupid Labor state government totally out of touch with its people. But, right has prevailed at last. We need more mines and more coal-fired power stations to get back the cheap electricity that has been ripped off us by nutters.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 13 June 2019 4:42:47 PM
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There is a good article in Quadrant Online today called "A remedial lesson in climate change".
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 13 June 2019 4:48:40 PM
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Dear runner,

You crowing about this just shows your utter disdain for our young Australians who overwhelmingly voted for action on climate change. I will take a Queensland coal miner treating the news positively but your petty little chirping is once again just pathetic.
It makes you look like a selfish, ideologue lacking in any discernible moral fibre.

Anyway the only person really crowing about this is Clive Palmer whose millions of dollars stripped from worker's pockets tainted our democracy just so you could do your little tap dance of joy.

God he has got you on a string hasn't he.

Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 13 June 2019 5:05:42 PM
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SR hopefully when our brainwashed younger generation eventually grow up they will stop listening to the clown chorus lead by people like you.

If they don't I hope they treat people like you as you deserve for the disaster you want to cause.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 13 June 2019 6:17:04 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

Howdy old cock, good to see the fingers are still working.

Well let's see. So not going ahead with the Adani mine would be a disaster more so than leaving an overheated planet for our kids?

You really are one hell of a selfish person aren't you. Gotta keep them mining royalties coming in to support your pension huh? Thing is Adani has a 5 year holiday on any royalty payment. Well let's hope you survive long enough to pocket any benefit from Adani. Chances aren't looking good though.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 13 June 2019 6:33:34 PM
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do yourself a favour Steelie. Buy a ticket to Brisbane and join the silly naïve schoolgirls for your protest against Adani. Just don't forget to tell them that your petrol or plane ticket, your phone, your accommodation, your heating all required mining Steelie. Oh maybe just educate yourself before you go.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 13 June 2019 6:47:48 PM
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The annual BP Statistical Review of World Energy has been released. Global demand for energy is speeding up again — mainly thanks to China, India and the US. Tellingly, all fuels — coal, oil, gas, nukes and hydro — grew faster than their ten year averages, BUT NOT RENEWABLES. So the momentum has shifted back to fossil fuels, especially gas which was up a remarkable 5.3%, one of the fastest rates of growth in the last 40 years
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 14 June 2019 10:00:30 AM
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What are you doing giving RUNNER a serve, all because you don't agree with him? I can't believe you, actually support these 'climate change' people, who have very little evidence of such an event being caused by the existence of (modern) humankind on our planet.

I've always accepted your Socialist credentials, but now you're telling me you're an ambitious greenie as well? Of course, that is your right, and if it's your credo to support or follow such climate alarmists, that's also your right. But that 'right' doesn't extend to you being given the freedom to abuse RUNNER or anybody else on this FORUM for their views and opinions, no matter how vigorously you might oppose them.

Surely you would've seen the results of what intemperate and overly aggressive language & behaviour will do on this Site? Which I thought I'd demonstrated often enough, a while back. I've had to learn to be more respectful and measured in anything I might've said. Otherwise, people on the Forum would consign anything coming from me, to the 'dump' button.

And so must you STEELEREDUX. You're an intelligent man, who has the requisite vocabulary and ability to express yourself in any manner you so wish, as long as it's respectful.
Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 14 June 2019 1:26:51 PM
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Somebody correct me, please, if I'm wrong, but it seems that any global warming (are we still allowed to use that specific term ?) affects the northern hemisphere more than the southern hemisphere, or the tropics.

Much more of the northern hemisphere is land than in the southern hemisphere. Much of it is above the fortieth parallel latitude, in Canada and Siberia, and currently too cold for grain-growing. What impact might global warming have on those areas ? Would, say, a half-degree rise in local temperatures mean that the productive frontier (for, say, wheat or other grains) could be pushed north by, say, fifty kilometres ? i.e. a total of around four hundred thousand square kilometres [fifty kilometres wide by eight thousand kilometres in total length] would be available for grain-growing ? Take away all of the bits that can't be farmed, of course: mountains, swamps, lakes, etc.

That would be disastrous: more grain produced would force the price of grain down and ruin many farmers. Huge areas of natural beauty would be devastated. Herders' livelihoods would be ruined. More productive land may not be the blessing some naive people think it might be.

So in spite of the right of Indians to live lives as comfortable as our own, Adani must be stopped ! Now ! Sacrifices have to be made.

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 15 June 2019 11:32:43 AM
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Let me put my head in the noose o sung wo has provided
However too believe the voters have spoken and the mine must go ahead
If for no other reason we, in 20 years time, can look back and know it never should have
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 15 June 2019 12:04:23 PM
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Oh well this discussion and many many others like it are now all redundant.
NASA has announced that we have started into another Maunder Minimum.

Now that is going to put the cat among the pigeons !
From now the true believers will be the Deniers and the Deniers will
be the true believers.
Everything will be upsidedown, my daughters in law will be catatonic.
There will be demand to burn more coal and petrol and a ban on electric cars.
The politicians will be in such a state that they will all be in the
one hospital wing all arguing together.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 15 June 2019 5:00:18 PM
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I read the headline "Adani's legacy will be a big hole in the ground". Well, labor/Green Legacy is a big hole in their heads.
If & I mean if Australians & Queenslanders in particular have any sense left then they'll take advantage of that big hole & use as water storage & to recharge the aquifers.
The opposers of the coal mine have not yet offered a viable solution as an alternative to coal nor have I yet to see any of them leading by example & live without the benefits of coal products !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 16 June 2019 6:32:11 AM
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individual, This generation more than any other have gained their standard of living from coal as energy and residual product. Even electric cars need bitumen, a coal product, to drive on. Coal tar is used in the building industry, cosmetics etc. It is a natural resource and it was formed by changes in the environment of the planet.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 16 June 2019 8:24:49 AM
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I followed your link, and found one of the commenters had posted a link that debunked it:

It's puzzling how anyone can be stupid enough to still deny many made climate change.
Posted by Aidan, Sunday, 16 June 2019 12:26:38 PM
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Note how Climate scar campaigners do not post facts on how the climate is changed, just degrade opponents as "stupid" or "dumb". Such language does not prove an argument, just shows the state of their mind.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 16 June 2019 4:35:26 PM
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Josephus in saying that you too insult those of us who believe the science
Lets not muck around here both sides think/know one side has been conned
I think it is your side
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 16 June 2019 4:49:37 PM
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There you are, I told you so !
The warmers will be deniers and the deniers will be colders !

Of course us HF band watchers have been expecting this for some years.
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 16 June 2019 5:20:38 PM
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Climate change is not purely man-made but man's womens' & now questionable sex beings do contribute to degradation of our atmosphere. They don't appear to be making any effort themselves to reduce the pollution they help to be caused. They just blame everyone & everything else. In fact, they're among the most potent polluters when looking at their lifestyle & occupation.
Posted by individual, Monday, 17 June 2019 6:06:24 AM
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Unfortunately, too much is made of the bad aspects of what some refugees do in Australia, and little is ever mentioned of the positively good contributions made by many others.
And, unfortunately also, too much is made of the good aspects of what some refugees helped at the cost of many ordinary Australians who contribute daily without ever getting ANY recognition at all !
Posted by individual, Monday, 17 June 2019 6:12:01 AM
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Belly how about posting some facts that the changes in climate demonstrate that the current changes in our climate are actually made by man alone and are not caused by natural features. Give us the facts!!
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 17 June 2019 9:44:24 AM
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Climate change believers are exactly the same as any other cultist.

They have nothing to base their belief on, as those pushing the cult have no real evidence to back up the cult. They simply pontificate from on high, trying to use misinformation to continue the huge gravy train that the cult has developed.

That they "believe" is indicative of any cult. Followers must blindly believe, or be ostracised by their peers. All the recent science proves that CO2 is a very minor bit player in any climate change, & there is now mountains of evidence of claims by so called climate scientists having been utterly debunked, that it is truly amazing that any of the general public are still fooled by the rubbish.

How many times must these shysters demonstrate their fraudulent predictions before the public wake up.

It is not going to snow again.
The dams won't ever fill again.
We will all be flooded out.
There will be more sever weather.

How many more of these scare predictions have to be proven wrong for people to wake up

Interesting that most who are left followers are least likely to wake up.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 17 June 2019 10:27:31 AM
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Whatever you think of climate change, the measures to counter it, promoted by its international cheer leaders, are calculated to damage the industrial base and living standards of advanced Western nations. India and China, among other non-Western nations, have been given a pass. And that isn’t the end of it. Western nations are enjoined to take from their denuded treasury coffers to enrich their poorer cousins. In part, apparently, to expiate their guilt for having in the past put so much life-giving gas (pardon, polluting gas) into the atmosphere.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 June 2019 10:33:57 AM
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If that's what you're after, I suggest you read and

And I'm not degrading you as "stupid"; I'm pointing out the stupidity of the behaviour of deniers in general: linking to third-hand reports that have already been debunked (as Bazz did), spreading lies (like the claim that humans are only responsible for 3% of the CO2 in the atmosphere), treating scientific papers that go against their biases as worthless while regarding blog posts as proof the scientists are wrong, and assuming the scientists to be ignorant of basic aspects of how the climate works.
Posted by Aidan, Monday, 17 June 2019 10:48:53 AM
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Aidan, The scientists [that is 31,000 +] whose spokespersons I have heard know exactly how the climate works, and they are not convinced humans are the cause. However humans are polluters of the planet with garbage and waste and poisons, but this not changing Earth climate. It is making it a more unliveable environment; that is not the cause of weather patterns.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 17 June 2019 2:55:40 PM
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In 1841, Charles Mackay (1814-1889) wrote in "Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds", that `every age has its peculiar folly'. Whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object, and go mad in its pursuit; millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, until their attention is caught by some new folly. In our time, the peculiar delusion is that carbon dioxide, created by man, is the cause of climate change. The humdinger delusion is the nonsense that man can change the climate
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 June 2019 3:09:41 PM
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From another scientist on Climate the weakness of the Bayesian method.

"Through the use of probabilities that are assigned to freely defined intervals of values, D–S theory offers greater flexibility than the Bayesian approach when quantifying weak information and more faithfully reflects its consequences in the results of decision analysis. At the same time the Bayesian approach and D–S approach share many fundamental ideas and produce identical results when the uncertainties are less extreme. This paper presents, along with some elementary examples, aspects of the D–S approach that contribute to its appeal when dealing with weak subjective and data-based information sources that have a bearing on climate change".

Baysian is a theory paper of observation over a short period of atmosphere. IT makes no inclusion of volcanoes CO2 and sulphur effect on atmosphere during the test.

Does not give physical evidence just of how Climate has changed.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 17 June 2019 3:16:46 PM
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I just read an article that claims the biggest cause of Global Warming is caused by herbivores and carnivores.
Sounds like science to me!
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 17 June 2019 3:44:39 PM
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May I suggest to those who believe we can halt climate change to refrain from using anything that causes pollution. Let's see you practise that first !
Posted by individual, Monday, 17 June 2019 6:39:44 PM
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a few clowns in Brisbane causing major interuption for the masses as they superglue themselves to the road. What a virtue signalling bunch of clowns we have produced since the regressives highjacked the education system. Maybe should turn the hoses on these clowns?, leave them there overnight? ban them from electricity for a month? Glad I don't live in the city.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 18 June 2019 1:40:54 PM
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the overnight temperatures would be ideal for your idea with the hose !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 19 June 2019 6:24:05 AM
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Well yes, some protests are negatives, some protester negative too
Those two fools will be quite proud this morning, feeling self important
Do the maths, many more think they are idiots than support them
Queanbeyan NSW country Labor conference,a dozen students dressed as animals took a very brave but stupid stance
With some like me, a little light headed after a big night thay lay on the footpath in front of us
One Possum, hard to tell with these suits, lashed out at my legs!
Poor Fella, had to roll over a few times on him to get back up
Protest? if you like but be sure you do the maths ten for and ninety against your acton? not bright
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 19 June 2019 7:03:47 AM
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I need a bucket to collect the tears of the left whinge activists that failed to stop Adani (whilst ignoring other new coal mines for racist reasons)

As for the young Australians who voted against Adani, I wish them well as they grow up, get jobs and get a reality check.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 19 June 2019 8:08:37 AM
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Three hours to clear these idiots off the street, what rubbish.

The quickest way to clear rubbish off the street is with a shovel. If a few scrapings of garbage are left behind so be it, no one asked them to glue themselves to the roadway.

Infact if large numbers of these ratbags start doing this stuff, the best way to clean up rubbish off the streets is to sweep it into the gutter with a grader, then pick up the rubbish with the street sweepers.

It really is time to put a real cost on this sort of disruptive action.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 19 June 2019 8:55:29 AM
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Blame the media. If ratbag protestors were ignored - whether they are disrupting traffic or not singing the national anthem - they would have no reason to put on their childish performances. They are immature, craving attention. Don't give it to them.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 19 June 2019 10:27:45 AM
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It really is time to put a real cost on this sort of disruptive action.
Too right, we should find out & name the bureaucrats involved in these bungles !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 20 June 2019 7:16:22 AM
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Dear o sung wu,

Sorry I missed your post to me until now. You must have thought me rude for not replying in a timely manner.

It appears you are wanting to take me to task about the language I used in addressing runner. You felt it was because I didn't agree with his opinion. I can assure you it wasn't. There are people on here with whom I hold vastly different opinions but I get on fine with.

No mate it comes down to attitude. Runner didn't start this thread to give his opinion rather it was to gloat, to blow a raspberry at those who give a damn about the future of the planet and their kids futures. It was this I took him to task over.

I would have thought that you as a policeman would have employed the attitude test on many occasions. People like runner are never going to pass it in a blue fit.

But there is another consideration. You will often see contributors like runner vent their spleen toward others in so called general terms.

Here is an example from runner; “Steelie of course its you lefties who have a mortgage on compassion. You are sickening and very much part of the problem.”.

He can always claim he used the term 'you' in a general sense not a personal one.

I much prefer to be upfront and call someone out directly without playing the game. It is indeed a failing. But I'm more than happy to be respectful to those who are respectful to others. It is just that runner is not one of those people.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 20 June 2019 10:53:47 PM
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Posted by Josephus, Friday, 21 June 2019 7:57:35 AM
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Anyone know if Adani has employed anyone yet ?
Posted by individual, Friday, 21 June 2019 8:28:22 AM
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Individual, there was a news item of a group building access roads
to the site, so the answer is yes !
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 21 June 2019 12:24:56 PM
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Will Adani tolerate Unions ?
Posted by individual, Sunday, 23 June 2019 6:48:01 AM
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