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The Forum > General Discussion > PETA calls for a ban on wool

PETA calls for a ban on wool

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When did you go overboard Foxy. You have gone ridiculous now.

I have watched farmers with tears running down their faces as they shot a thousand of their sheep in a sever drought. It was the only way to save at least some, when no adjustment was available.

Have you ever been on a farm girl? Some of these people have carried on breading a prized flock of sheep, started by their grandfathers. It is not money, but love of their animals, & a desire to improve the quality of their flock.

They spend nights studying genetics, trying to come up with the very best geans to add to their flock through ram purchase to improve some trait. If you think these sheep are just wool or meat producers you are nothing but a fool.

On a better thought. The greens want growing in Oz cotton banned, so no cotton; PETA want wool banned, some other mob want meat banned, so no leather, & the Green idiots want the oil left in the ground, so no synthetic fiber.

Wow! Won't it be fun with all those naked people wandering around.

Yes I know the lefties have dumbed down our education, & universities, but are these people really so stupid, or do they not care, as they want to eliminate people, other than themselves, anyway.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 4 May 2019 6:02:54 PM
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"...but are these people really so stupid,"

Yep, or truly evil.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 4 May 2019 6:27:58 PM
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Hi Hasbeen,

It's notable that small children tend to think in terms of absolutes - good OR bad; all OR nothing. When one grows up, one realises that life is full of necessary but unpreferred compromises, some minor, some much more difficult to make.

It's a bit like politics, a winning party may have to horse-trade and make deals which it otherwise wouldn't. So I can understand Labor doing deals with the Greens, and the Coalition doing deals even with Palmer. Otherwise they would get nowhere. Not that I would freely advocate such low tactics.

There never will be a perfect world, a Utopia. People's views will vary wildly from Alt-Right to Fruitcake-Left, with the majority in between trying to get by. Democracy doesn't mean that 'our' party gets in, just that the one with the most seats or votes does. And we have to cop it. And campaign harder for 'our' person next time.

We have to make peace with our neighbours, we have to tolerate that our kid's schoolteacher or our electrician has some batty ideas, we have to be a bit indulgent at Uncle Wally's outrageous suggestions about certain groups. That's life.


Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 4 May 2019 6:28:02 PM
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Dear Hassie,

Why don't you read the link I gave you old chap?

It's not me making stuff up and looking ridiculous.
It's you not reading facts and cases - given by
the Australian Wool Industry who's looking a bit
silly. I'm merely providing information.

As for my knowledge of farms?

My formative years were spent in farming country.
Dad's mate owned a dairy, and there was a riding
school nearby where I learned to ride.
We also had chooks and ducks ourselves (my job to feed
them). And I also have family
who are stud farmers in Quirindi. One of their prize
bulls was named after my eldest son.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 4 May 2019 6:38:57 PM
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I don't think we should ban wool or lamb chops.
But I think the least we can do it try to treat our animals nicely.
It can't be that hard, can it?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 4 May 2019 7:16:21 PM
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What would happen to the 74 million sheep in Australia, still growing wool?
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 4 May 2019 9:26:54 PM
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