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The Forum > General Discussion > Banking Royal Commission may not have got to the real problems.

Banking Royal Commission may not have got to the real problems.

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NAB's latest annual report said Mr Thorburn could be eligible for a termination payment of $1.05 million. A spokesman said this was yet to be finalised.
Posted by Philip S, Friday, 8 February 2019 1:59:42 PM
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Since the Hayne report, bank shares have “soared to their biggest one-day rise in more than two years while there was a drop of nearly 30 per cent in the share price of major mortgage brokers.”

The enquiry was into banks, but the mortgage brokers cop the punishment. And the banks have merely sold off their insurance and wealth management arms, where most of the scandals occurred.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 8 February 2019 3:05:17 PM
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>What I won't hear of is this family being anything but evil.
Exactly! You want to believe they're evil, so you simply ignore all evidence to the contrary. How would you feel if people were treating YOU that way?

>I don't care that they are a mass of inbred freaks,
But if you cared about the truth, you'd find they weren't. They've been breeding outwards for centuries, effectively diluting their wealth.

>nor that they still head the Bilderberg Group at their meetings once a year,
...except that they don't!

>or that they financed some of the biggest wars in history, and the list goes on.
Their assisting the defeat of tyrants has been a good thing overall.

>I cannot/ will not forget the words the original bastard had scribed in his will, that; The family must never be audited,
But you don't seem to understand that it has no relevance to the present. They're as audible as everyone else - the law of the land trumps a centuries' old will.

>and to this day there is no known amount of their true worth
The wealth of most people is not made public. So considering their family is made up of many people in many countries, of course the amount is not known. But estimates of it being half the world's worth are clearly ridiculous.

>They hold complete countries to ransom or financial blackmail to gain there own end.
That's certainly not true of Western countries. It could conceivably be true of some HIPCs, but I bet you've got no evidence for it!

>Aidan, look I know what I have read and researched,
Uncritically parroting the lies you have read shows you haven't researched in any meaningful sense of the word. It's obvious you haven't even read the Wikipedia page about them:

Posted by Aidan, Friday, 8 February 2019 4:30:11 PM
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ALTRAV (continued)
>and unless you can say that your research has shown them to be saints,
So the truth is an unsatisfactory alternative for you?

>I think I'll stick with my info, as it is cold and 'in your face' no holds barred facts.
Lies rather than facts.

>The old bastard even decreed that they must not marry outside the family, and that's
>why there have been so many of them born slow or with physical and mental defects.
So many? Exactly how many? Are you even aware of any?
If it was a decree, they certainly didn't hold to it for very long!

>Aidan, I don't know why you would want to stick up for such a vial, evil bunch.
I haven't; I've stuck up for the truth. And the truth is they're not the vile evil bunch you make them out to be (despite their involvement in banking).

> the link I included is a very good eye opener, and there are many more stories.
It may be a good eye opener to what conspiracy nuts are thinking - the Rothschilds would rival Hillary Clinton for the number of lies about them. But if you want to know the truth, it's probably best not to start from a page known to comprise almost completely of lies!

I suggest instead you go to the Wikipedia page I linked to, and follow the links from there.
Posted by Aidan, Friday, 8 February 2019 5:12:33 PM
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Aidan, I stopped reading your post at the end of the first lot of comments.
I can catagorically say to you, that you clearly have NOT read up on this scum.
I also bring to your attention one of the reasons I might read WIKI, but not retain it's information, because the header on the page says it all.
Basically add-hock changes can be made to WIKI articles, so I treat WIKI as moot.
You believe what you want.
Even though I don't, it behoves me to point out that several of my points are in the WIKI text.
So, I suggest you read up some more on these pigs, and you too will begin to think badly of them as many are slowly realising.
BTW, when I said 'in-breading', I meant 'in-breading'.
Keep looking you will find the references to the children and their names, of what I am referring to.
They have ensured their public image is one of saintly perfection, just as I would expect of criminals.
I've done and still do my research and digging at every opportunity, so I have more runs on the board on the topic.
You can sprout 'conspiracy theories' till the cows come home, but unfortunately Aidan, what you find is exactly what they want you to find.
A family of Saints.
With their money and influence they can change history.
It is being done all the time.
Even Johnny Howard tried it, but got pushed back into his box.
So don't you get 'sucked in' to the stories that they were not the backers of many of the worlds atrocities.
Now, I've given you all a link which is based on facts, before you try to respond, read it and all the side stories, you will see a different picture unfold.
This is not WIKI, so no one can tamper with it and change the content.
This one expose' alone should give you enough to begin to question what you believe about this scum family.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 8 February 2019 6:12:01 PM
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