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The Forum > General Discussion > Why Govt Not Preparing for 100% Renewable Electricity.

Why Govt Not Preparing for 100% Renewable Electricity.

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Within the next few years only very few will deny the science
The question then will be how do the deniers explain the anti science stuff they cling to
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 2:22:27 PM
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With so few sunspots, in the next few years Belly, you are going to be so cold, you'll know it was all a fraud.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 3:39:09 PM
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Iceland naturally produces thermal energy 24/7 for electricity production. Using it as a posterboy for 100% renewables is disingenuous, of course, but that's greenies for ya. Tiresome to have to keep pointing out the subterfuge so I haven't been lately. Back to my knitting.
Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 4:32:33 PM
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Hasbeen sun spots have a cycle eleven years from low to high activity but, it can be longer
You picked a theme we hams know a lot about
One future day a researcher looking far back at us, maybe reading your views on climate change will have a hard time not breaking out laughing
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 5:04:33 PM
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"Within the next few years only very few will deny the science
The question then will be how do the deniers explain the anti science stuff they cling to
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 2:22:27 PM”.

At the ever present risk of “insulting” Belly, what about the situation NOW, not in “Within the next few years”, where the science and lies from the IPPC have already been disproved? These lies have been told for the past 30 years: no more rain; the dams will never fill again; only so much time to put things right, but these 'deadlines’ have expired, and the lies never happened.

The former head of the UN’s climate body, Christina Figueres, saying that the purpose of the Paris climate agreement is to transform the world economy away from capitalism to some sort of centralised socialism, can the board be certain that it is not following an ideological agenda rather than something that is based on pure and unsullied science? What about that?
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 5:05:40 PM
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So Belly, you hams should have been having a very good time, with the low numbers of sunspots in this last cycle.

You tell me you know all about sunspots, or is that only about what they do to radio signals. You've heard all about the Maunder minimum, the little ice age, & ice fares on the frozen Thames river, when sun spots got so low. It looks like that's where they are going again.

You might just have to put those day lilies in a greenhouse. How did they come back this year, by the way? Mine have come back very nicely this year, pity my hibiscus aren't the same. So many frosts, so late in the season delayed their pruning so much they have hardly flowered this year.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 19 December 2018 5:35:35 PM
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