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Practical Matters Trump Virtue Signalling

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My information comes directly from the Essential Report, not something that The Guardian has adulterated. The question was:

“ Which of the following issues are the most important for the Federal Government to address over the next 12 months? Select up to 3”.

The top three were as I stated. There was NO MENTION OF CLIMATE CHANGE at all in the question. What people think about climate change is irrelevant to THIS question and, no matter that: “ … 63% though that climate change is
happening and is caused by human activity and 56% thought
that the government is not doing enough”, that has nothing to do with what people think the government should prioritise over the next 12 months, and it has nothing to do with my post that Foxy has dishonestly attempted to denigrate by inferring that what she ferreted out in a left wing rag has anything at all to do with the post and the information therein. Her reference is definitely NOT linked to what I have posted. I mentioned climate change only because it typifies what I regard as the shameful virtue signalling that the liars and zealots claim is a top priority for government. Clearly it is not.

Then the idiot, Belly, accuses me of fabrication! Both he and Foxy are really feeding off the bottom now. They suck up all the rubbish from the red press at one end, and fart it out at the other end. They really are a nasty pair.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 26 October 2018 7:12:44 PM
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You poor, sad, little man.

When you've grown up - mis-educated,
surrounded by fear and hate, unaware of your ignorance,
lies sound like the truth.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 October 2018 7:22:06 PM
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I knew you wouldn't be able to respond to what I said, and would have to resort to the bitchiness that is never far from the surface. You don't have the knowledge or the training to do anything else. You can regurgitate all the left wing garbage you like, but you are not told what to do when when someone stands up to you. That's the trouble when you fling other people's arguments about without knowing how they would handle disagreement. The people whose ideas and beliefs you steal probably know why they think the way they do, and have answers when questioned. Copy cats and mimics can't do that. And, this time you were also caught out with hastely ripped off, irrelevant material to demonstrate your ignorance.

Your abuse is water off a ducks back to me; but it's all people like you have, so I suppose it will continue, futile though is.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 26 October 2018 8:56:27 PM
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Some statements are know to be untrue, in such cases reality and truth will not change the delusion lies work.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 27 October 2018 5:24:28 AM
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You are wrong about me. I know who I am and I will
match my qualifications, my posting record, my
work experience, with yours any day. The statements
you make about me - actually apply to you. You
consistently attack people on this forum whose views
do not agree with yours. And it may come as a shock to
you - but despite what you think or believe a large
percentage of Australians do believe in climate change
and feel that the government is not doing enough
regarding renewables.

In any case - you are a person who can't function without
negativity because trying to bring down others obviously
makes you feel better. However, as I told you previously -
if you're posting and talking about me on this forum -
it must mean my life is more interesting than yours.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 October 2018 9:28:58 AM
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You would say all of that Foxy: you would hardly come out and say that you are wrong and I am right any more than I or anyone else would in an argument. I am well aware, as is everyone else on OLO, that you think that you are the bee's knees and the fount of all wisdom, even though reality says differently. You have an ego that makes Donald Trump look like a shrinking violet, the difference being that he is smart, and very successful. You don't offer anything but second-hand 'fake news’ from you favourite Leftist sources.

Despite your queen size ego and fantasies about yourself, you seem unable to comprehend that, whether or not “a large percentage of Australians do believe in climate change and feel that the government is not doing enough regarding renewables” as you probably rightly claim, that has nothing to do with the poll question I referred to: “ Which of the following issues are the most important for the Federal Government to address over the next 12 months? Select up to 3”.

I simply cannot understand how someone as clever as you claim to be doesn't understand that question and the fact that that there is no climate/RET option in that question. I have to assume that you are blind to any text you find unacceptable. I mean, it's all plain English, no tricks involved.

You cannot “match” your qualifications against mine, because nobody knows what they are either in your case or mine. Once again you are mistaking social media for real, empirical life. Your concern with qualifications might suggest to some people that you have none.

Finally, I know nothing about your life. I would not find it interesting and, given your obsessive attitude and mania for trying to convince us all of your greatness, I suspect that OLO is the only life you have.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 27 October 2018 11:00:07 AM
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