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Who Is Peter Dutton?
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For some Peter Dutton is Mr Five Percent, that is about how he rates in most surveys as Australia's preferred Prime Minister, a total unknown. Today Dutton came out of far right field to challenge Malcolm Turnbull for the top job. He did surprisingly well, just failing, 35 votes to 48, very close indeed, a seven vote turn around would see Peter Dutton as Australia's next PM. Who is this bloke, "Mister Hard Man", as he likes to portray himself. Many questions need to be answered before Peter Dutton is trusted with the leadership of the nation.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 5:19:14 PM
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Dear Paul,
We've had so many changes of leadership. Do we need any more? Why can't the leader that's there currently simply be allowed to serve out his full term - and then if the country wants a change - do it properly at the next election. Why all this under-mining and infighting that's currently going on? Don't these people realise that they are doing more harm to their own party? As for Peter Dutton? Who of us really know the man? Why should the Party elect him as their leader? As one commentator stated recently - "The thought of Peter Dutton becoming our Prime Minister terrifies me!" Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 21 August 2018 10:42:02 PM
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Perter Dutton is one of the very few modern day polies with the balls to bring this country back.
Of cause the voters won't like or accept him because he will ruffle some feathers that need ruffling. But seriously, anyone would be better than the dud we currently have, but at least his days are numbered. Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 6:28:59 AM
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He is no Howard in fact he is like a shop front wooden Indian unlikely to be a winner, some have ignored his back ground, the very right of his party,he may not win in this weeks sure to be change of leaders race, who ever wins today or tomorrow will still be confronted by a party that has true Liberals trying without much luck, to fend off the right of that party Turnbull, went in to his job full of promise but at no time showed he was willing to confront his party's right, he may, for the first time, show he has guts by walking away today not just from the leadership but politics bringing an election
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 7:06:59 AM
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Hi Foxy and Butch,
To answer your question Foxy in broad terms, its now "Déjà Vu", like Abbott before him Turnbull has become un-electable, the government members realize this and they will throw the captains whistle to any Tom, Dick or Dud. At the party level, who is behind this political assassination of Turnbull? Its Tony Abbott, realizing he doesn't have the personal voter appeal to challenge himself, he's made himself "handler" for the like minded Dutton. Butch you would be happy with Dutton, he's Abbott without the hair, The Mad Monk II. The general opinion of commentators, even the conservative ones, is Dutton is another looser for the Coalition. We are going to get Abbott through the back door. The man who makes and breaks PM's in Australia with his media empire, the Yankee Godfather, pulled his support for Turnbull, and anointed Dutton for the top job about two weeks ago. Turnbull calling a spill was a panic move on his part, although the shock for him was the 35 votes for Dud, that must have floored Turnbull, realizing the writing is on the wall. The irony in all this is the Coalition has an winning ace, or should I say a queen in the pack, Julie Bishop. Make no mistake Bishop would win the next election for the Coalition, Dutton is a looser. Unfortunate Bishop is unacceptable to the hard right faction, and can't garner enough support. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 7:14:32 AM
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Hi Foxy, did you catch my friends maiden speech in the Senate yesterday. Unfortunate I didn't have the time to fly down to Canberra. Mehreen spoke from the heart, and it was pleasing that she was congratulated after by members from both sides. Don't worry Mehreen will more that hold her own against the likes of Hanson. She spoke for 30 minutes, here is 3 minutes of it concerning racism. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 7:49:45 AM
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I wonder if anyone has a link that shows a Christian Leftist do a maiden speech in an islamic country ?
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 9:44:19 AM
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Dear Paul1405,
Mehreen Faruqi seems like she will be a good addition to the Senate. Perhaps part of her appeal is hearing her after Anning's clap trap helps to show there can be balance in the world, that rightwing extremists aren't taking over the joint completely. Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 9:51:52 AM
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What appeals about Peter Dutton is his stance on deporting imported criminals. Which Mal and the left are so inclined they be made citizens.
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 10:23:48 AM
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Dear Paul,
I didn't watch your Senator's speech - so thanks for the link. She sounds great! Imagine - a Muslim migrant woman in the Senate - and there's nothing Fraser Anning can do about it. As for Dutton? Surely Australians have not become so "dumbed down?" As your leader has pointed out recently in an email - "Dutton has over seen years of torture in off shore detention, joked about the impact of rising sea levels caused by climate change on Pacific Islands and refused to participate in the national apology to the Stolen Generations..." This man must not be allowed to represent our country and those who believe in a compassionate future for us all will surely see to it that it does not happen. The Liberal Party will lose the next election if this man is at its helm. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 10:55:39 AM
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//Who Is Peter Dutton?//
I dunno, but 9 out of 10 Australians can't tell the difference between his head and a real potato: Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 11:16:44 AM
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President Trump's speech at the Arab Islamic American Summit. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 11:40:37 AM
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This is what Dutton tried to prevent here alas, he's being ridiculed for it by the insipids. Remember how the ridiculed Howard ? Same crap-different flies ! Posted by individual, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 11:42:08 AM
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Well Dutton would certainly be an improvement on the the clown we have at present for PM. Turnbull should never have been elected as leader of the LNP, he is further left than Shorten and a republican to boot. Shame on the Libs.
Dutton has shown good promise as Immigration Minister, so let us hope he continues in the same vien. There may be hope for Australia yet. We need many more like him. Immigration needs to be cut to zero net and the best way to achieve that is to stop entry of those that will not integrate and show contempt for our society and laws. Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 12:09:23 PM
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I doubt welded on Liberal voters are as far right as Dutton, however doubt too they even know how far to the right of Liberalism he is, tomorrow we will have a new PM that may yet not be Dutton, then we will see an early election, after that more likely than not a Labor government, Duttons task may be as leader of the opposition
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 12:16:53 PM
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Gotta get up early in the morning if you're going to fool me Toni, the potato is the one third from the left, top row wearing a tie. The rest are all Peter Dutton pics.
Hi Foxy, you will find Mehreen is a different personality to her predecessor in the Senate. One thing I like about her is she's a listener, and always gets the facts before putting up her argument. Talking about racism, I can vouch for a personal encounter with a pair of racists, and Mehreen some years back when she was running for a lower house seat in the NSW Parliament. Her and I were doing a Saturday morning campaign stall at Erskineville (Sydney) railway station, when Mehreen was verbally attacked by two red necks, the language from them was atrocious, personally insulting etc. Mehereen took it all in her stride, all very calmly, not biting back. I, on the other hand told the pair to p off in no uncertain terms, my language was not so circumspect. You can be tough in politics without outwardly appearing tough. Dutton liked to foster the tough hard man image, in power anyone can be tough on the weak and vulnerable in society, Now the dud thinks it time to foster a more caring and sharing image the old softy Pete persona will be rolled out, it wont wash with the voters. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 12:44:32 PM
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There's another contender for the job of Prime Minister
who the Liberals should consider if they want to change their current leader and that is - Julie Bishop. I don't think she'd have any problems winning an election, the trouble is winning her party. I think her political skills are very strong but she's hampered very much by the politics of the Liberal Party and I think that they're likely to get in the way of Australia having a very capable Prime Minister. It's always interested me how debate around the leadership of the Liberal Party over the years has always revolved around male aspirants - Julie Bishop has not been considered the serious contender when she has so often been the natural successor. I would like to see her as the lady in charge, the Liberals' first female prime minister. If Labor could do it - and so could other countries globally - including New Zealand, why couldn't Australia? Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 12:50:53 PM
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Dear Paul,
Thanks for that. I watched "Q&A" on Monday evening. They had a panel of writers from the Writers' Festival and among them was Maxine Beneba Clarke (born in Australia) who's recent book - "The hate race," I've ordered from my local bookshop. She writes about her experiences of growing up as a person of colour in Australia. It sounded like a must read. And it should be an emotive journey. I can't begin to imagine what she must have gone through - compared to myself - even though I have experienced racism - at least I was not a different colour like she was. Many people claim that there's no racism in this country - we can't tell that to people who have experienced it. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 1:03:03 PM
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" "Dutton has over seen years of torture in off shore
detention, joked about the impact of rising sea levels caused by climate change on Pacific Islands and refused to participate in the national apology to the Stolen Generations..." Well since the off shore detention system was implemented by his predecessors (eg Rudd/Gillard), that the Pacific Islands are growing not sinking and the stolen generation is a myth, his responses seem pretty commendable. I'm not sold on him but he's looking better all the time. Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 1:13:08 PM
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I think that among Malcolm Turnbull's achievements can
be listed - his success in restoring the government to a position where it became competitive in the polls. Before the ousting of Tony Abbott the government was regularly trailing Labor in opinion polls. Then there's also the $1.1 billion innovation package which reversed the Abbott government's threat to science and research funding - this package - provides certainty for the CSIRO and collaborative research, It also promises new enterpreneurs visas to bring international talent to Australia. Let's not forget that our Prime Minister attended 3 world Summits and met with key world leaders on a one-to-one basis. Malcolm Turnbull also shelved plans to de-regulate university fees. Same-sex marriage legislation passed on his watch. The Building Industry Watchdog was restored. Taxes were cut for small and medium businesses. The child-care system was improved and a new school funding model was introduced. New conversations about tax, energy, and building bridges (at least attempted) with the cross-benchers has been attempted - and the list goes on. Peter Dutton is simply not in the same league as Malcolm Turnbull. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 1:46:21 PM
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seems like the abc has a great hatred for Dutton like they did Abbott. He must have heaps going for him in my opinion. Sad to see another PM knifed but they say you reap what you sow. The abc underminded Abbott and now are starting their tantrums because their labour lite man has been undermined.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 2:40:27 PM
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Criticising a politician does not equate to "hatred." And, a tolerance of criticism and of dissenting opinions is fundamental to democracy. A demopcracy requires its citizens to make informed choices. If citizens or their representatives are denied access to the information they need to make these choices, or if they are given false or misleading information, the democratic process becomes a sham. It is therefore important that the media, and especially a public broadcaster like the ABC not be censored, that citizens be informed, that citizens have the right of free speech, and that the public officials tell the truth - no matter how much you may not like it. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 3:23:58 PM
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// He must have heaps going for him in my opinion// Don't tell me runner, he's not another one of your bible basher's is he?
Dutton may have disqualified himself from parliament; "Asic records show RHT (According to Dutton’s register of interests he, his spouse and children are beneficiaries of the RHT Family Trust.) which operates two childcare centres that receive payments from the government due to changes that took effect on 2 July giving (government) subsidies through centres rather directly to parents." "Section 44 of the constitution prevents members of parliament from having an “indirect pecuniary interest” in an agreement with the commonwealth." Dutton could be out before he's in. Spanner in the works, Scott Morrison is now counting his numbers as well. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 3:42:59 PM
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Foxy you know that the abc's hatred of Abbott went on steriods when he stopped the migrant invasion when every 'liberal' commentator on the abc and every other journalist said it was impossible with their mocking tones. They also hated the fact that the carbon tax was done away with again pouring egg over every liberal face who said it could not be done. 'Liberal' just can't swallow multitudes of the dogmas that are proven false. Look at the outpouring of hatred and tantrums towards Trump by Hollywood.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 3:47:46 PM
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You certainly have a good imagination. However it's not based on the facts. But if it makes you happy - you go right on believing it. Life's too short and getting shorter under the people you seem to support. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 3:54:30 PM
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'Life's too short and getting shorter under
the people you seem to support.' You are right on that one Foxy. Although be assured that the true Righteous One will govern maybe sooner rather than later. And no its not Bill Shorten or Peter Dutton for that matter. Posted by runner, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 4:25:31 PM
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Who is Peter Dutton?
Well as long as he is not Turnbull, Bishop, Shorten or Albanese, who the hell cares. He has to be an improvement on any of the above. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 4:47:23 PM
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Sorry but neither side will be lead by an angle in to this election,it will be almost for sure this year, in a campaign no one can say who will win, my wanted outcome is known, I just do not think Dutton can win,,,yet he may not even be the candidate, Turnbull will not be, on that you can bank,a question will be asked in this campaign does middle Australia want a lurch further to the right? and I doubt, some one both sides understand the question or the consequences of a Dutton PM
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 6:14:29 PM
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Peter Dutton is the man who wants to prevent this here Posted by individual, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 8:25:15 PM
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Put an x on this day,it marks a future split in the Liberal party, for near a decade the far from Liberal right faction has put its foot, at every opportunity, on the head of true Liberalism,it can no longer be ignored, that tea party few who have formed another party, are soon to see the other side do the same,my words in another thread spoke of loss of primary votes in both sides, this time it may bring about a third force in our parliament, look honestly at this internal warfare, and you should find that internal trouble is the reason this government trails in the polls Turnbull, is gone, but he was a true Liberal, who had no choice but to bend to the wishes of the not so Liberal faction back to today, what if the high court rules Dutton can not sit in parliament? an ill timed needless event that was in the end wasted?
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 23 August 2018 7:33:08 AM
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Dear Belly,
What a morning this has been. Goodness me, I did not expect Matthias Cormann and the other two to defect so quickly. And I still can't understand - why not let the Prime Minister finish his full term? Now things will be a total mess both for the party and for their policies. Why does personal ambition come before doing the right thing for voters and the country? The thought of Peter Dutton as our Prime Minister terrifies me. Perhaps the High Court can help us out in this regard (and also his electorate in Dickson) to make sure that this man goes back to where he belongs. Out of Parliament! Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 23 August 2018 10:40:00 AM
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The rats are deserting the sinking ship! The backstabbing has stopped, no more sensibilities, stabbing front on is the order of the day.
Come on, these fools in government couldn't run a chook raffle, let alone Australia. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 23 August 2018 11:13:31 AM
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hopefully Turnbull will reflect on the fact that he backstabbed and stole the Prime Ministers job which he was incapable of winning himself. Yep reaping what you have sown. Sickening that all the abc 'luvvies' can do is blame Abbott. The Liberal pollies have shown they are just as full of self intetrest as the Labour party.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 23 August 2018 11:16:35 AM
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14 senators elected in the lower half of the count in the last double dissolution one, will face re election in the next one, most of the cross benchers and 5 or is it 6 of the greens, in the next house the governing party, whoever that is, will have a more friendly upper house [chook pen] the next PM will not find it easy fixing the deep wounds this week has inflicted
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 23 August 2018 12:03:31 PM
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I don't care if either Scomo or Dutton replace Malfunction, as long as he is gone. He should never have been elected leader of the LNP and was the best PM Labor has had for 20 years. I said he was a dud before he was elected and he was the same as Rudd and Gillard, all duds. I like the fact that Dutton has said he would abolish the GST on electricity, that is a good move and shows interest in what people want. Governments have been skimming the GST off rising electricity prices for years and about time they were reined in. Labor will be angry they did not think of it first, to buy votes. Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 23 August 2018 1:21:23 PM
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Banjo even if that is true he was elected by his party and not us, if he did not replace Abbott some one else would, he is gone, if not he will harm his party, however is Dutton legally able to sit in the house? if so why? is it ok to profit from a government you have influence in? new policy not a new leader is what conservatives need after this is resolved
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 23 August 2018 4:01:06 PM
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Yes you are right, new policy is needed. Both Scomo and Dutton were good Immigration Ministers and I hope they carry the same traits in the PMs job. The current PM will not be missed, I recall 'utegate' and his plan top save the world by us changing light bulbs. One thing either candidate could advocate is to abolish the agreement with Labor not to debate Immigration and related issues. I think it scandalous that neither major party will debate the issues around immigration, seeing how important they are. By only debating them in party rooms the public is denied input into the matters. The issues are crying out for public input. The major parties are scared to make public their views. Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 23 August 2018 4:56:25 PM
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Dutton has been convinced that he is a suitable candidate by his shock-jock promoters but he's just a useful idiot in the plot to bring Abbott back to the front bench and shift power back to the extreme right of the party.
Posted by rache, Friday, 24 August 2018 12:16:28 AM
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Couldn't agree more rache. What a pathetic bunch of self serving individuals these Liberal are. Refusing yesterday to do the job we pay them to perform. By suspending the parliament they admitted they are incapable of governing Australia.
What is need is an election, and a change of government to Labor asap! Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 24 August 2018 6:01:56 AM
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Rupert Murdock visited Australia last week, his first stop is said to be Canberra, Sky news has heated up its anti Turnbull talk ,and is about to go free to air, just in time to cover the election,will we get a mini Trump PM? will the factional war now out in the open kill the Liberal party? you be the judge if Dutton wins today the answer may well be yes
Posted by Belly, Friday, 24 August 2018 6:17:31 AM
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Well Rache, I hope you are right, because nothing short of someone with real balls in this country is going to bring us back, and both Dutton and Abbott have got balls.
The bleeding hearts have to be totally ignored, political correctness needs to get the boot, and the free loaders, both home grown and immigrants need to be put in their place with a heavy handed 'put up, or shut up' approach. Illegals need to be kicked out and sent back to wherever, and anyone wanting to immigrate here has to prove they have something to offer that we need and, they have to prove that they and their families will not be a burden on our already struggling welfare debacle some call a system. In short, the gloves need to come off and the ass kicking needs to start, and fast. Who knows, with Dutton and Abbott at the helm, we may even se Bernardi lured back. So yes Rache, I sure hope your worst nightmare does come true. Of cause once Dutton is elected, which I predicted yonks ago, my thoughts are we will see a huge spike in voter turnaround, I just hope that he does not call a snap election, because he will loose as the Turnbull taste is going to take a long time to leave many voters mouths. He has single headedly put the libs back ten years, no thanks to Bishops careless spending of our taxes anywhere but here. Foxy, I apologize in advance as I know you are a bleeding heart for the detainees, BUT Just remember one point, NOBODY INVITED THEM TO COME. Posted by rehctub, Friday, 24 August 2018 6:42:23 AM
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Your claim that "NOBODY INVITED THEM TO COME," isn't quite accurate. Australia signed the Refugee Convention and its protocols. We are obligated to adhere to that Convention. The REfugee Convention recognises that refugees often need to enter a country without permission. Also Article 31 of the Convention tells us that countries such as Australia who have signed the Convention cannot punish refugees for entering or living in their countries without permission or restricting their freedom of movement. We are obligated to adhere to the Convention - whether you like it or not. This has nothing to do with "Bleeding Hearts" or "Do-Gooders." Its the law that we've signed up to. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 24 August 2018 10:23:31 AM
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see some of the anitfa green types vandalising Dutton's office. Tantrum throwers eh!
Posted by runner, Friday, 24 August 2018 10:56:50 AM
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Who is Peter? well the darling of the very right, the shock jocks pick and a well known media owner doing an extremely good imitation of MR Burns, Peter ran second, his right wing mates ran third, out of a very bad situation the Liberals emerged with the best out come they could hope for, Australia won, today it heard it is not yet ready to be ruled by remote control by a group mentioned above of self interested right of reality fools
Posted by Belly, Friday, 24 August 2018 1:25:56 PM
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Dear Belly,
What a shocker of a week this has been for the Liberal Party. Imagine that a few greedy malcontents could bring down a sitting Prime Minister. And what did they achieve? They could have waited a few more months until the next election. Instead they gambled and lost. Lost because the party did not choose to go along with them Hopefully, the party will ensure that this doesn't ever happen again. The party needs to do what Labor did. Put in rulings that a sitting PM should be allowed to serve out their full term. No ifs and buts. A major regret is that Julie Bishop's political career is now probably over. I hope that she'll be given an overseas posting. She's earned it. Hopefully, Tony Abbott and Peter Dutton will both not get re-elected at the next election. They both need to go. They are not serving the country. And greed should not be rewarded. Neither deserve to be in Parliament, both are trouble-makers and wreckers - and should be booted out - and fast before they do more damage. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 24 August 2018 3:16:45 PM
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At last we are rid of the one that should never have bee elected in the first place. Scomo instigated the 'stop the boats' when he was Immigration Minister for which we are ever grateful.
Turnbull was the second whamy Australia received after the disaster ridden period of Labor rule under Rudd and Gillard. What were the Libs thinking when he was put in? I look forward to a period of rational thinking and careful spending and a drastic cut in immigration. Plus an end to the global warming rubbish, which lost its wheels years ago. After the debacle of the Rudd, Gillard, Rudd era Labor needs at least another 30 years in opposition. Posted by Banjo, Friday, 24 August 2018 4:41:15 PM
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Foxy my view is both inflammatory and in my view 100 percent true, a certain media barron visited last week, right wing shock jocks, those in this party who they serve,seemingly riding under orders in horse racing terms, got their orders, while this days out come in my view was the worst for Labor, it too was the best for Liberals, my joy comes from knowing the extreme right came a wonderful gutzer
Posted by Belly, Friday, 24 August 2018 4:45:32 PM
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Who was peter Dutton?
Posted by Luciferase, Friday, 24 August 2018 7:39:18 PM
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You poor dears of the rabid right, wallowing in self pity as you lament the failure of your newest messiah, the one and only Mr Potato Head. What a pity the poor bastard been boiled and mashed, twice in the one week. How do you feel?
Take heart fellas, do you think Abbott, sorry I mean Dutton, is going to take a five vote defeat, lying down. Do you think he's going to take his marbles and simply go to the back bench and play footsies with his mentor, and good buddy Tony. I don't think so, the renewed platting and scheming is already on the way. How long can Turnbull, sorry I mean Morrison, last with a paltry five vote margin. Not long I suspect, an election wont be to far away. Bring it on I say! Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 24 August 2018 7:54:07 PM
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Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 24 August 2018 8:01:18 PM
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This week another battle in the war to make the Liberal party a far right one was won, by the other side, it will not be the last but for Dutton his fight soon, will not be in the house, his seat is even more shakey, Remote from a reality they dare not continue to ignore, that voters while maybe not wanting a Labor government, never asked for or want a mini Trump tea party, however watch the polls, voters like bright shiny new things, for a while
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 25 August 2018 7:48:36 AM
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Hi Belly, spoke with a few people yesterday afternoon, people I would describe as mostly non political in the seat of Wentworth no less. Most described themselves as conservative or progressive in their political options. Are you a voter in the seat of Wentworth? From those who answered yes. On the questions of, in a single word what is your opinion of the political events in Canberra this week? Most used words like disgusted, ridiculous, stupid etc. On the question of; Would those event influence you to change your vote at the next election? A significant number said yes.
Can you please watch the YouTube above and give me your opinion, its only short. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 August 2018 9:16:34 AM
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If Dutton doesn't lose his seat at the next election, he could challenge Morrison for the job of opposition leader (nobody could seriously think that Morrison will last). After the coming huge loss the Liberals will suffer at the election, the 45 idiots who voted for Morrison might finally get the message. A couple or more terms in opposition could be just what they need to focus on what Australians require of them. Dutton doesn't look like a quitter to me, and if he does lose his seat, there is always Tony Abbott.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 25 August 2018 11:04:12 AM
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It should be remembered that Turnbull took the unprecedented move of demanding that Dutton produce a list of people wanting a spill before he would approve another ballot. Now, nobody seems interested in asking if was entitled to do that (it gave his supporters time to saddle up and line up against Dutton),but the sleight of hand so typical of Turnbull is unlikely to be forgotten when the dust has settled, and Morrison's unsuitability finally dawns on the 45 vegetables who voted for him.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 25 August 2018 11:16:57 AM
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Paul while I have problems with no sound so did not watch that clip it seems, based on good opinions I respect, that greens may take that seat, it fits in the middle of their type of supporter, Liberals made the best choice out of a bad thing, it will surprise me if they do not get a lift if not in the next poll the one after, not my wish but think it will be seen, most Liberal voters do not want a trip further to the right
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 25 August 2018 12:14:07 PM
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The greatest progressive leader of the Liberal Party and a Prime Minister, in my lifetime was Sir John Grey Gorton (1911-2002). Gorton was a true liberal for his times. Famously Gorton is quoted as saying "I am a liberal, not a conservative" words that some in the Liberal Party could do well to be repeating today. However on a number of important issues Gorton was in my opinion a conservative.
Da cha vu, in November 1974, following an unsuccessful attempt to oust him as Liberal leader and install Malcolm Fraser in the top job, Gorton condemned those involved and stated they had caused "irreparable damage" to the party. He said "If Fraser got in, it would be a disaster. He is extreme right-wing. The Liberal Party can't be a right-leaning affair." Admittedly and surprisingly, Fraser very much jettisoned his hard right philosophy later on, and was often seen as progressive on many issues. Gorton never forgave Fraser and detested him until his death in 2002, saying late in his life "I cannot even stand being in the same room as Fraser". In March 1983, Gorton publicly congratulated Bob Hawke "for rolling that bastard Fraser", at that year's election. I do not think any of today's Liberal Parties scurvy crew will rise to the greatness of these men, but they could learn a lesson or two, from these ghosts of the past. Will this be, how it will be with Turnbull and Abbott? History will judge. Just of interest; Gorton was most likely born in Wellington New Zealand, and probably ineligible to be a member of parliament. The only Senator to be Prime Minister, the only person to cast a deciding vote to sack himself as Prime Minister. And the only person not to be a member of parliament and Prime Minister at the same time, between 2 and 23 February 1968 (both dates inclusive) transferring from the Senate to the seat of Higgins in the House of Reps, he was a member of neither houses of parliament, yet he was Prime Minister. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 August 2018 5:01:53 PM
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Who is Peter Dutton?
He's a terse, shaven-head former police officer from Queensland best known in politics for setting up a military-style border force to keep asylum seekers out of Australia. A man should he have won - he wouldn't have kept the job beyond the next election. Why did the Liberal Party go through this mess last week and not wait until the next election when the voters would have decided the outcome. Which they will now do anyway. Tony Abbott, Peter Dutton, go join your buddy Rupert Murdoch in the US where you both belong. Nobody wants you guys in this country! Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 25 August 2018 6:25:34 PM
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'Tony Abbott, Peter Dutton, go join your buddy
Rupert Murdoch in the US where you both belong. Nobody wants you guys in this country!' what a nasty piece of work you can be Foxy. Posted by runner, Saturday, 25 August 2018 7:44:07 PM
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That PD got 40 votes is a sad indictment on the Libs and a sign of desperation.
I'm torn. I want to vote Lib next election but all this has left me cold. I can't vote for the left, and the right has vacated the middle. On energy, I can't side with the AGW deniers on emissions, morally or pragmatically, and I can't abide by any push towards higher renewables. The NEG, with the 2030 legislated 26% emissions target, at least had the possibility of bipartisanship and the prospect of halting renewables while modular nuclear reactors fully emerge to totally change the landscape. Developing countries will bypass fossil fuels for nuclear, leaving them reserved to burn when global cooling becomes the issue. Surely nuclear cannot then remain illegal in Oz while the world changes around us? The LNP has done the hard yards, and worn the odium, on super and penalty rates and must now follow through on company tax. Shorten's populism will cost Oz dearly, so I guess I'm stuck with ScoMo's religious right and the hope immigration is dealt with sensibly. We need a bigger Australia while we also need those who will assimilate This does not necessarily mean religious based restrictions on intake but a vetting of attitudes of prospective citizens. Focusing migrants away the major eastern cities will help. Posted by Luciferase, Saturday, 25 August 2018 9:19:17 PM
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runner please consider, your words to Foxy, for having an opinion you do not share, could be about you, your views are often far from supported by most, I think Foxy wanted to express contempt, many would, but let truth emerge the truth is modern Liberalism, no less For Labor, is not one big happy family, no good deed got done in this knifing, the very right fought the true Liberal party, and in all truth won, not in the way it wanted to but by picking the lesser ridgid of two Conservative faction candidates,I truly doubt with eyes open and mind cleared voters want the right of reality to rule.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 26 August 2018 7:20:48 AM
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Surprised that runner of all posters would attack the opinion of Foxy. Considering runner is well know for posting rather distasteful comments himself.
Foxy's comment is certainly not distasteful; 'Tony Abbott, Peter Dutton, go join your buddy Rupert Murdoch in the US where you both belong. Nobody wants you guys in this country!' Of course the statement is untrue. There are those who want a hard right regime running Australia, Abbott and Dutton with Murdoch calling the shots from afar would be ideal in their eyes. A regime that will kick the disadvantaged, pander to vested moneyed interests, destroy the environment, and insight the bottom feeders with calls of hatefulness towards the most vulnerable members of society. There are such people, I could name several posters here including runner, as being that sort of persons. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 26 August 2018 8:14:56 AM
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yep Hadley, Bolt etc helped get rid of Turnbull while the abc/Fairfax helped get rid of Abbott. Politics is a filthy game and Turnbull played as grubby as anyone. Maybe he should be deported according to Foxy's standard.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 26 August 2018 9:54:41 AM
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'A regime that will kick the disadvantaged, pander to vested moneyed interests, destroy the environment, and insight the bottom feeders with calls of hatefulness towards the most vulnerable members of society.'
says Paul who on pseudo science supports making more pensioners unable to afford heating and cooling. Posted by runner, Sunday, 26 August 2018 10:47:48 AM
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runner it was not Turnbull who was set to depose Abbott, it was the man who for a while filled the treasurer's role who thought he had the numbers Joe Hockey, saw the same thing this week
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 26 August 2018 12:27:09 PM
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Quote Belly. "Paul while I have problems with no sound so did not watch that clip it seems, based on good opinions I respect, that greens may take that seat, it fits in the middle of their type of supporter, Liberals made the best choice out of a bad thing, it will surprise me if they do not get a lift if not in the next poll the one after, not my wish but think it will be seen, most Liberal voters do not want a trip further to the right".
Belly mate, as a rusted on lefty, you have absolutely no idea of what most Libs want. You told us that UK voters would never go for BREXIT. Like hell they wouldn't. You told us the US would never elect Trump. Like hell it wouldn't. Time mate to stop making fearless forecasts based on your wishful thinking. Most of us are so disgusted with the mess "liberal" thinking, pushed by green & socialist dills, has made of our education system, government, the power industry & the global warming scam industry, we would probably vote for Ned Kelly if it would get rid of the likes of Turnbull, K RUDD & Shorten. Yes Runner it is green/left actions that are freezing pensioners & their beloved disadvantaged in their homes this particularly cold winter. Unless we can wrest control of our destiny from these ratbags, many more are bound to freeze, as the sun dims it's glow. A fearless forecast of my own, perhaps based on my own wishful thinking, but critical if we are to survive. In 5 years time, the flavour of government will be miles right of where we were with Turnbull. In this we will be following the US, UK & the EU, particularly Germany. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 26 August 2018 1:28:15 PM
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You obviously think that what I wrote was nasty - but have you ever considered - that what you write is not so bleeding wonderful, fair, and just? You remarks are more than toxic at times! I was expressing the sheer frustration that many Australian felt as a result of the dreadful week that we've had in Canberra - where our PM was deposed - having only a few more months to serve. Prior to an election. Where our economy is doing well, where things have been achieved - and the list goes on. These malcontents did not have the decency to wait for an election - and allow the voters to have their say. Now - an election may still be called if Julie Bishop chooses not to stay in Parliament and decides to resign. The current government won't have enough seats left to govern. And all this would have been for nothing. A shambles.Thank You Mr Murdoch, Mr Abbott, and Mr Dutton. Stay out of the workings of our Parliament! Go find another trough to stick your noses into - Australians have had enough! Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 26 August 2018 1:56:56 PM
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cont'd ...
I've just learned that Julie Bishop has resigned as the Foreign Affairs Minister but that she will stay on the backbench until the next election - representing her electorate of Curtin in WA. The PM must be relieved. It's a very noble thing for Ms Bishop to do - especially considering that none of her WA colleagues cast even one vote for her in her recent challenge for PM. The lady shows class - and party loyalty. She deserves to be rewarded with a high ranking overseas posting - where she could continue to do Australia proud. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 26 August 2018 2:20:46 PM
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Foxy, are you suggesting that a person, or persons, that pass by several safe havens to flee persecution is a refugee? If you are, then it is pointless having any discussion with you as my view is they are clearly not genuine refugees. At a pinch they were when the arrived at Indo, but once they left indo their refugee status was left behind and they became que jumpers, wanting to jump in front of genuine people applying for entry to our country.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 26 August 2018 2:45:19 PM
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Hurrah, The only reason that Foxy, Paul and Co are so upset for the events last week is that the sure bet for a Labor win is now gone. At least now there is a chance for a continuance of good government with a conservative at the helm.
What happened last week should have happened long ago but it took much time for the Libs to wake up to the mistake they made in putting Malfunction in charge. They obviously had a brain ceizure that day. There is no doubt the both Morrison and Dutton both did a great job with Immigration and deserve the respect of all Australians for the work well done in stopping the illegals and freeloaders. The mention of Mr Murdochs name in relation to last weeks events is just pure speculation as there is no evidence for such allegations. The lefties are just looking for a scapegoat and should be disregarded. Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 26 August 2018 3:05:31 PM
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Many Australians are so upset because
they've had their PM deposed by vicious MPs who placed their own agendas first - ahead of the interests of the nation and they were helped by the Rubert Murdoch owned News Corporation newspapers - such as The Australian, The Daily Telegraph, the Murdoch owned pay-tv channel Sky News, and the Fairfax owned Sydney radio station 2GB. A recent article in The Conversation tells us: "There's overwhelming evidence that the News Corp newspapers, Sky News, and 2GB shock jocks have given encouragement, legitimacy, and a megaphone to the most revolutionary elements in the Liberal and National parties." "Their coverage has been characterised by the prominence given to racial sentiments such as those of Andrew Bolt recent assertions and alarmist warnings about immigration typified by references to African gangs." "These all play to the audiences of the extreme conservative element of the Liberal Party whose figurehead has been the government's distabiliser -in-chief - Tony Abbott, and whose front bench puppet and champion has been Peter Dutton." "Sky News in its night-time panels is dominated by people promoting extreme views. Earlier this month it went so far as to invite a neo-Nazi on air only to apologise when the heat came on the next day." " there's Abbott's former chief-of-staff, Peta Credlin who has used her program to promote Abbott's brand of reactionary politics and attack Turnbull with a vengeance." "On 2GB meanwhile the likes of Alan Jones and Ray Hadley have given the Abbott camp not just free kicks. Hadley has Abbott on his show regularly, but both have created an on-air culture where outrage is encouraged. Not only encouraged - but required." "For example Jones referred to, key Turnbull backer - Mathias Cormann as a "nig**r in the woodpile". He later apologies, but it's not the first time he's used the word." All this amounts to Foxification of Australian politics and it follows the template devised by Murdoch in creating a highly partisan TV channel - Fox News which has an ideological agenda to what the extreme right stands for in Australia. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 26 August 2018 4:31:36 PM
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cont'd ...
It is unfortunate that the Liberal Party founded by Sir Robert Menzies which has been supported by Australians for decades started to crumble to the extent that it needed a Coalition to get into Government and now it's being further destroyed by the extreme element which guarantees its future oblivion unless these extreme influences are removed and rejected by the Liberal Party. We can only hope and trust that these self-serving elements are gone prior to the next election for the survival of the Party. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 26 August 2018 4:43:55 PM
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Hasbeen see what you are saying, proud to be always in much closer contact with reality than you, but admit that is no hard task,Bishop was not a victim of hate, she was disliked by the Abbott faction, but her WA mates needed to make sure Morrison ran second not her, because without that the second ballot would have installed Dutton, they and enough others in that room, did not want that.Bishop, even under a Labor government has well and truly earned an Ambassador's role,the one she wants too.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 26 August 2018 5:10:01 PM
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Dear Belly,
Fingers crossed when Bill Shorten wins the next election - he'll appoint Julie Bishop to a prestigeous overseas posting - that she so richly deserves. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 26 August 2018 5:24:53 PM
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Think we can bet on that Foxy, just as we did for a former leader of the National party, Abbott not having got a Ministry would best serve his party by leaving it now, as some of his side have publicly asked, surely a job overseas from Morrison, or one at Sky news from Rupert?
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 26 August 2018 6:46:42 PM
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Dear Belly,
If I were PM, I'd send Tony Abbott out into the Norther Territory - to work with the communities that he claims he supports and has some experience with. Keep him busy in the outback and as far away from Canberra as possible. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 26 August 2018 6:51:09 PM
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wow the haters are out in force. They will be really manifesting their hatred via Fairfax and abc over the coming months. Good to see Dutton still in the ministry. He has done such a great job. The Murdoch guys are tame compared with the nasty feminist and Marxist spewing their hatred at tax payer expense.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 26 August 2018 6:59:52 PM
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Come on Foxy. Where the hell were you when the deputy leader, Julie Bishop was stabbing her leader Tony Abbott in the back?
It appears your belief in loyalty only applies to lefties. Incidentally it appears that we have to start with the campaign to get rid of Morrison. Keith Pitt has resigned from the Morrison cabinet. He states he will not back the Parris policy, so I guess Morison is as expected to continue with Turnbull anti Ozzie policies. This was expected as one of Turnbull's last actions was to help Morrison into the Lodge. The bludger got us with his last shot, & all Ozzies will suffer, even as the left rejoice Luckily we have some intelligent MPs who will stop Morrison passing stupid legislation, until after an election. Yes Belly, you are assured of a Labor government now, as conservatives will not vote for what Morrison has revealed himself to be. He is as I expected another very wet socialist. God help us. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 26 August 2018 10:46:43 PM
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Why on earth are you talking such nonsense? Take a look at the real haters who have managed to bring down a Prime Minister and wreck their own political party - and all at taxpayer's expense. They've been out in force during this last week - causing political mayhem. And not a peep out of you on them? Shameful! Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 26 August 2018 10:49:55 PM
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Take it easy. None of us can predict what the future will bring. It's been an awful week in politics all that we can do is wait and see what happens next. Hopefully it will be better than what we've seen over this past week. As for Julie Bishop knifing Tony Abbott? She did no such thing. It was the party who decided a change of leadership was needed after his Prince Philip fiasco - and his ratings in the polls took a dive. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 26 August 2018 10:59:22 PM
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As for Julie Bishop knifing Tony Abbott? She did no such thing. It was the party who decided a change of leadership was needed after his Prince Philip fiasco - and his ratings in the polls took a dive.' stick to your little narrative Foxy. And the regressive Turnbull turned a 30 seat majority into a one seat majority. Not much of a success. No wonder the party decided for a change as you put it. Posted by runner, Sunday, 26 August 2018 11:09:46 PM
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Come off it runner, the Liberal Party realized Abbott was an absolute disaster, and they were staring at electoral annihilation. Turnbull kept them in office, at least for one more term.
You read too much of that fairy book of yours. Foxy you are correct once again. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 27 August 2018 5:52:47 AM
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My comments about Turnbulls seat being a likely win for the greens got under Hasbeens skin, a truth needs underlining,Queenslanders often think far differently that other Australians, EG Hanson can not get the same results out side that state,, far from be just my opinion, I gathered it from the afternoon and night of Turnbulls fall, media, most of the TV experts, spoke of the likely outcome of a by election in that seat,already this morning rewatched ABC Sunday, and read all stories in SMH, my thoughts are often educated re use of others that I have come to feel are right.
This morning we saw opinion poll results,I have seen some go totally out of control,, because they do not agree, but in those polls do not look for or find the result of the next election, Morrison, given the chance,,can and wills win back some of those lost votes Posted by Belly, Monday, 27 August 2018 6:11:14 AM
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The dogged refusal to consider in the end voters often do not agree with us is not going to change the fact they do, and any thought internal warfare, common on both sides, is not in fact ignoring the voters, even saying to them *you do not matter* is too damaging, policy still has time to be the driving factor on who wins personalities or not my view the result of the spill was the best out come other than keeping Turnbull, for a little longer, seems shared by most media experts
Posted by Belly, Monday, 27 August 2018 6:17:02 AM
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Hi Foxy, I see our old sparing partner, and big "L" Liberal, Shadow Minister has been keeping a very low profile on these matters of the past week. I wounder why? He may pop in and give us some of his sanctimonious clap trap shortly.
In reference to the change of leadership, Abbott has been reported in a quip to Dutton after the meeting as saying; "Don't worry, its only early days." What ever that means. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 27 August 2018 6:21:17 AM
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Belly, to be honest Labor or the Greens cannot win Wentworth on their own. Who could win, is an strong independent candidate who splits the Liberal vote. With Labor/Green preferences such a candidate as Clover Moore would be a chance of getting up, but still a longshot.
Turnbull as PM probably had a 5% personal vote, of his 62% primary vote. Labor 17% Greens 15%. A good independent would need to poll 25% primary to get the Liberal vote well below 50%. as the Labor/Green vote would also decline. With a strong flow of preferences from Labor and Greens its possible the Independent would reach the magical 50% plus one vote ahead of the Liberal candidate. As I said it is a longshot. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 27 August 2018 6:52:06 AM
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Paul 1405 those are the words Anthony Green used but it was said greens could win it, to be honest only a very very good Labor candidate would have any chance,not new in politics, we could run a soft one and give you our preferences those opposed should know both sides do that
Posted by Belly, Monday, 27 August 2018 12:23:52 PM
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The Wentworth electorate is an interesting one. It has
a great mix of people from the very rich, to gays, to Jewish, to young people renting. So who the Liberals pick is important despite Wentworth being a safe Liberal seat. It's a small electorate - but the candidate needs to have the right credentials - and that is - having good local credentials. Christine Forster - (Abbott's sister) is interested. So is Dave Sharma (former Australian Ambassador to Israel) so is Andrew Brass - the former Acting Director of the Liberal Party. Even Kerryn Phelps has expressed an interest. She's worked as a GP in Double Bay and is well known and liked. She's also a former President of the Australian Medical Association. At this stage it's anybody's game. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 27 August 2018 2:31:47 PM
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' Come off it runner, the Liberal Party realized Abbott was an absolute disaster, and they were staring at electoral annihilation. Turnbull kept them in office, at least for one more term.
You read too much of that fairy book of yours.' yeah Paul no doubt you and Kevin agree. Posted by runner, Monday, 27 August 2018 3:33:03 PM
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History agrees. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 27 August 2018 3:42:43 PM
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Yes Foxy history agrees that Abbott looking at his watch made him a woman hater, punching the air 40 years ago made him a woman basher, eating an onion made him a chauvinist, opposing perverting the marriage act made him a facist. Yep your hatred along with the abc proves it. Don't realise how small minded you really are Foxy.
Posted by runner, Monday, 27 August 2018 3:49:23 PM
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a quote from Abbott today guys. You got to admire his stickability
'I’m not retiring, I regard myself as a young man,” he said. “I still think I have a lot of public life left in me and I am determined to make the most of it.” sorry to spoil your night Posted by runner, Monday, 27 August 2018 4:00:24 PM
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Dear runner,
Oh you're not spoiling anyone's night you duffer. Having Abbott continue to hover is will likely cost a chunk of the vote from those seeking stability from the party they elect at the next poll. This is good news. Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 27 August 2018 4:53:51 PM
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Dear Steele,
Spot on. With Abbott's help - the Liberal Party will lose the next election. All they can hope for is to either replace him as a candidate for Warringah - or have the voters there kick him out. Either way he's got to go. Neither the Liberal Party nor the nation can afford to allow him to continue to play his games. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 27 August 2018 5:00:11 PM
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Abbotts ego far exceeds his true abilities remaining in his party is like having a hand grenade rolling around the party room floor its pin gone, so? keep him please loving the ride
Posted by Belly, Monday, 27 August 2018 5:47:04 PM
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Looks like Abbott & Rudd are brothers. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 28 August 2018 6:42:38 AM
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Sarcasm is not needed here truth will get the job done,Dutton, Abbott Rupert's right crew, all best serve the ALP they drag the party they infest in constant circles blind to a truth, voters,even theirs, do not in numbers needed,, want to follow, so who is Peter Dutton?as is the case with Abbott he is one of the ALP,s best assets
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 28 August 2018 7:22:16 AM
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Leadership changes come and go
In the recent Australia we've come to know There'll be no sniping, or wrecking, we were told By a bloke with big ears And a heart that was cold This bloke knew exactly what havoc could do So he went on ahead, he wasn't true blue He's born to rule, that's his belief And to get ahead it's mischief he seeks He knows how to push the right buttons you see Those of a Dutton for you and for me Gladly, for them things didn't get passed And even greater for us that our pollies showed class. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 28 August 2018 11:17:38 PM
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Well done Foxy, a nice verse and a very true one at that.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 29 August 2018 3:52:50 AM
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For all those right wing ratties that prattle on about "illegals". It seems it don't apply if you're a mate of Dud Dutton's.
"The home affairs minister, Peter Dutton, saved an au pair from deportation, intervening after the AFL’s chief executive officer, Gillon McLachlan, raised the young woman’s case." "Her tourist visa was cancelled at the border because there were suspicions she intended to work and she had previously been counselled over visa conditions during an earlier stay in Australia." Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 29 August 2018 5:13:25 AM
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Hi Belly,
The latest on 'Wentworth' the Liberal vote has collapsed down from 62% (2016 election) to 39% this weeks survey. If that continues to hold then the Liberals will be in big trouble. While the Liberals were busy knifing each other last week, about 30 Vietnamese were landing from a leaky fishing boat in North Queensland. You gotta laugh at these clowns, get em' a job in the circus will ya, that's where they belong. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 29 August 2018 5:39:20 AM
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Paul this morning tells us in the latest poll Labor and Liberal are head to head there, wait and see is my view, note and it will ruffle feathers, Dutton is under the gun re his actions, this bloke, Minister for torturing children,offshore detention,, is already being asked to prove he can sit in parliament so just maybe he regretes popping his head up right now?
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 29 August 2018 7:06:51 AM
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new meaning has been added to this thread who would have known? the man who would not let children come from offshore detention for health treatment, who with his wife profits from child care, would be in the spotlight for helping his mates out, do not let the door hit you on the way out Peter Dutton
Posted by Belly, Friday, 31 August 2018 12:31:38 PM
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Know we usually do not re visite old threads after a day or two without reaction how ever Paul 1405 your question shines even brighter this day than it did on day one, if that party swapping woman in the chook pen, senate if some wish, tells all? and if the green senator or is it lower house? makes his move? right now the smell of burning flesh hangs around the government cambers and just maybe it is Peter Dutton not Abbott who has matches in hand
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 4 September 2018 2:00:36 PM
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Dud Dutton, has promoted himself to the position of 'Minister For Employment'. Well not for everyone, only for his mates if they want a cheap maid (au pair) brought in, or you're a buddy from a previous gig, and you want a well paid position in Boarder Force. Good ol' Pete can swing it for ya. Nothing like a bit of wink wink, nudge nudge, when you're got the clout. Imagine if Dud had become Prime Minister, the jobs for the boys (no girls allowed) would have been the order of the day. Could we have seen his brother-in-law made the 'Commonwealth Commissioner for Everything' on a zillion bucks a year, a step up from his existing employment as the rat catcher on the Bongo Shire Council, population 3. Gee, its all happen'!
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 11 September 2018 9:04:13 AM
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Maybe refugees should claim to be one of those girls?
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 12 September 2018 12:18:04 PM