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Saving Kids from Abuse

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Loudmouth, you see that's what I'm talking about. Re-identifying? What a load of excrement. As for abo's (real abo's)and the true number of uni grads, I doubt very much there would be any more than two figures in number. ie; more like 54! I don't care if someone wakes up one morning and decides they want to be someone else. They can identify themselves to a rock for all the use it is because no one cares. In the real world they were born of a certain blood line and in a certain place, and they can't change that. If they don't like being called Aussies, too bad, they have no say in the matter. It's the law.
Toni, if I get your point are you agreeing with me? If they had other blood in them at any stage prior and were born in Australia, your right they are still Aussie but not abo by definition. Because of the mixed blood somewhere back in their bloodline. If you want to call Australia something else before colonisation, that's fine, but they are still of this country or land if this is where they were born. The definition of the word aboriginal simply means you are originally from a place or a race. We can't choose when we want a race to begin, only when it will end. The true abo will no longer exist shortly unless some pure bloods decide to commit to a pilgrimage with other pure bloods to keep the bloodline going. Otherwise they will simply meld into the total Aussie melting pot and simply become Australians, which is dictated by their place of birth. This is how it has always been.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 4 March 2018 5:10:14 AM
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Alt Rave,

I rest my case :)

And of course people can be Australian AND Aboriginal. Aboriginal is not a 'nationality' but a social, historical, ethnic reality. If one is raised (especially by an Aboriginal mother), has only Aboriginal brothers and sisters, cousins, grandparents, etc., if one is regarded by non-Aboriginal people, as Aboriginal, if that's all one has grown used to since birth, then one is Aboriginal. AND Australian. Quintessentially Australian, one could add. More Australian than you and me.

Yes, sorry to burst your racist bubble, 54,000 Indigenous university graduates. Seventy thousand by the early 2020s. A hundred thousand before 2030, one in every four or five urban adults. overwhelmingly urban, two-thirds women, graduating from standard courses. Indigenous. Get used to it.

And anyway, my arse is hairier than yours, nyah nyah :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 4 March 2018 8:44:33 AM
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Loudmouth you can't claim victory based on your example. I have been saying from my earliest memory on the topic, that the use of the word aborigine, in Australia has taken a different line than it's true meaning. Here we go around once more. Boy this is tedious and I'm getting dizzy. Forget all the introduced crap that has sprung up lately like 're-identification'. What? Did these people all go into witness protection and get new identities? If that's the case, I'll say no more on the subject. But, if not, they are all Australians first and foremost. As to their backgrounds and so on, that's not relevant in this discussion or my point. They cannot and must not call themselves abo's if they have foreign blood in their bloodline. Their bloodline might have ended at Terra-Nullius but during that journey is when the de-aborigination occurred. If we are to be thoroughly clinical about it. Fortunately we are not talking about what happened before they arrived in Australia. (although we should as it forms the base of this discussion) Being aboriginal normally means you are a native of that country. It can also mean 'born of that country'. But this is not the case here. The abo's have classified themselves as a race, so if we expound on that statement it follows that the word aborigine when used in reference to an Auusie abo, can only mean they are of pure blood. Anything else is a 'wannabee'. Whether you believe Elders or not is irrelevant. They have the floor and even though I think the whole thing is a joke I still have to sit back and try and enjoy the farce, er, sorry, I mean, show.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 4 March 2018 12:41:20 PM
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Loudmouth, I'm not letting you get away with your ridiculous and fanciful figure of 54,000 graduates. As I said you would be hard pressed to find 54,000 pure blood abo's, let alone all graduates. Now I do believe there is a reasonable chance that 54,000 wannabees might have graduated, but that also seems a bit of a reach when you look at the demographics and TRUE stats in each state. So the rest of the commentors are welcome to take your numbers on board. I am not.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 4 March 2018 12:49:12 PM
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Just a little quote from the Australian:

"Child protection authorities are overwhelmed by the scale of neglect and under-­reported sexual activity involving children in the Northern Territory, which has seen rates of sexually transmitted infections soar over the past decade and prompted one former minister to suggest the rampant abuse of minors can only be stopped by imposing a form of martial law.

Territory Families took just five sex abuse victims into temporary protective custody between 2012-13 and 2015-16 despite substantiating 232 abuse cases, according to data compiled by a royal commission.

The then minister, John Elferink, said yesterday that he felt “frankly, largely powerless” in the face of a “tsunami” of under-reported and under-recognised child welfare problems that no government then or now had the capacity or willingness to resolve.

“What’s the solution? We keep sticking Band-Aids on the amputation, hoping to Christ that it will stop the bleeding over time. But it’s simply not good enough,” he said. “Unless a child’s situation is truly bad or they are particularly young, there’s minimal chance that the child will see any form of government protection come their way.

“We would almost have had to have declared a state of emer­gency to deal with all the issues, which would have entailed enormous consequences. There’s no way, in the current environment, that you could create a state of emergency, which would be almost like declaring martial law, and so you’re stuck with all these compromise approaches.”

In the NT there are 190 cases of gonorrhoea in children under 16 last year, all but 1 is aboriginal.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 5 March 2018 6:22:27 AM
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Loudmouth, I imagine you've read Shadow Ministers post. I'm not going to comment on it because it speaks for itself and I want to use it to highlight another con the abo's have stuck Australia with. The 'Stolen Generation'. All the BS around these people being taken away from a sh!tty life to a better life, and they have the arrogance and gall to berate the white fella for giving them a life, let alone the best life they would ever have imagined if they had stayed where they were. Now if we can just shoot the greens, the soft cocks and the neuters, we go in take the children and disperse them amongst the white fellas, they can thank us later when they are adults and are safe, educated, healthy and free to move on with there lives, and not die of who knows what staying where they were with 'their' people. I see no other answer to this problem. All those moronic 'do-gooders' should be attacked physically and forced to never give an opinion ever again. Or the govt has to grow some balls and stop listening to noisy little piss-ant groups who only cause problems for an otherwise proper response to a problem. These people are emotional idiots and should never be given the chance to project their opinions ever again.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 5 March 2018 4:32:07 PM
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