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Smart Talk, Silly Talk

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Wonder why there is a statue of Cook in Melbourne? He had nothing to do with it. I recall seeing a memorial at Botany Bay of Cooks landing place, which is understandable.

Bourke and wills yes, they left Melbourne to go North across the country.Born and educated in NSW, the settlement of Melbourne has always been a bit of a mystery to me. Wonder if there was a reason or it just happened?
Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 25 January 2018 2:02:59 PM
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Melbourne was originally inside NSW territory. Since Captain Cook was revered by NSW as it's founding member, that may explain the statue.


As a side issue, Islam was introduced to the northern Aboriginal tribes by the Indonesian Makassans around 1500; making Aboriginals the first permanent resident Islamists in Australia.
Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 27 January 2018 9:56:01 AM
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Diver Dan, I have to contest that statement of yours about Islam. Certiainly the Macassans were spending dry season times along the NW coast fishing for trepang and certainly they were trading goods for women. I know that for a fact because three of my Tiwi Island grandchildren are the descendants of a Tiwi woman who was loaned to a visiting fisherman for a few months.
But the religion was never spread amongst the aboriginal people. There is no evidence in culture of any Islamic practises, and in fact, aboriginal law does not allow for any changes, ever, which is why the culture remained unchanged for tens of thousands of years.
Even when Malay pearlers settled in Broome Islam didn't affect aboriginal beliefs. By then most Broome aboriginal people were catholic and the Malays married the aboriginal catholic women on the promise of raising their children catholic.
Several of my aboriginal husbands aunts had Malay husbands and there was never any suggestion of the kids being anything but strict catholic.
What the Malays and Indonesians and Chinese and Japanese did bring permanently to Broome and Darwin was cuisine and thank god for that because Broome food is incredible. Strong Asian influence with local ingredients.
Islam in the north mostly died out when the original pearlers died and their descendants, of whom there are thousands continue to be Christian.
Posted by Big Nana, Saturday, 27 January 2018 1:22:23 PM
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Hi Ttbn,

Linda Burney was head of a NSW government department for some years. Smart woman.

Yet she declared that she grew up under the Flora and Fauna Act, i.e. Aboriginal people treated as if they were less than human.

There has never been a Flora and Fauna Act anywhere in Australia. But, given that ministers often have multiple portfolios - perhaps even the minister than Linda Burney answered to - it would be inevitable that a minister responsible for Indigenous Affairs or native welfare etc., would have other portfolios.

The current Chief Minister of the NT is also minister for Indigenous affairs, tourism, Northern Australia, the police, emergency services and probably other fields as well. The current SA minister responsible for Indigenous Affairs (himself Indigenous) is also minister responsible for infrastructure planning, and probably many other fields. From memory, Bess Price was responsible for about eight separate ministries when she served in the NT government.

Back in the nineteenth century, the commissioner in the colonial SA government responsible for Aboriginal Affairs was also at times responsible for Crown Lands and Immigration: one reason for Aboriginal Affairs (and its one-man 'Department') being under the Commissioner for Crown Lands may have been the need to ensure that on all pastoral leases (all on Crown Land, after all), the lease condition was observed that Aboriginal people had free access to hunt, fish and other, camp, collect water, carry out ceremonies etc., on a pastoral lease 'as if this lease had not been made'. With different wording, Aboriginal people still have those rights.

'Part of the flora and fauna' ? Linda Burney: silly woman.

Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 29 January 2018 9:37:06 AM
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diver dan,

I can't say that I have heard that. I'm inclined to go along with Big Nana on that one. The only connection with Islam seems to be in jail but cannot see aborigines bothering with the religion. It's like Muslims and their apologists rabbiting on how there were Muslims in Australia since the year dot, referring to Afghans - many of whom were actually from northern India - who were Muslim but were enculturated and certainly very much unlike those today.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 29 January 2018 11:13:26 AM
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She grew up as an animal or a plant?
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 29 January 2018 11:16:01 AM
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