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The Forum > General Discussion > It Had to Happen: Trump's Mental State Questioned.

It Had to Happen: Trump's Mental State Questioned.

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Many psychologists are actually biting their tongues when it comes to Trump, because it’s considered unethical to diagnose an individual without having at least one session with them. Trump, however, puts himself out there on a daily basis for the whole world to see, making his narcissism rather obvious to them all. This has sparked debate in psychological circles regarding exactly when it should be unethical to diagnose an individual without sitting down with them.

Foxy’s link is very relevant here.

You conservative folk should follow Trump on Twitter. It’s a fascinating site to behold, and the Murdoch news certainly isn’t reporting on any of his bizarre behaviour there. At least not from what I can tell going by my daily perusing of Google News.
Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 10:03:10 AM
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Interestingly I note LEOJ made a comparison with Hillary CLINTON and some of her odd and mendacious behaviour? Look I really wouldn't know whether Mr TRUMP was truely mentally ill or otherwise - similarly with Mrs CLINTON.

If one were to view his conduct, together with some of the strange statements he's made, quite dispassionately since he became President, wouldn't the red warning flags, from the population at large, begin to wave?

Even his rhetoric is at times almost child like, as if his vocabulary was so limited he couldn't actually find an appropriate word in which to use. Alternatively, he was speaking to, and trying awfully hard to connect with a class of ten year old students. All of this from a self-confessed 'genius'.

Then again, who am I to pass judgement on a man who's made a substantial quid, and cleverly manipulated his wealth, to ensure he has billions of dollars snookered away. Is this the true marque of a mentally unbalanced individual.

I guess the only people who would have any idea of his level of sanity are those who work closest to him. his advisors, Chief of Staff, Secret Service detail etc. These people have the ability to observe him closely over many hours of interaction with him. Those at least, that he hasn't already dismissed!
Posted by o sung wu, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 10:44:51 AM
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A J Philips,

With respect, you are not coming across as a sceptical person.

Our own world values can get in the road. So write them down. Not here, just a suggestion.

Foxy's link? The worldview of the author and SFA else. Absolute trash.
Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 10:47:42 AM
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o sung wu,

As you probably realise, I have no political oar in the water. I am amazed and concerned how easily the social networks, Twitter etc, can be used to froth people up and to make an issue out of nothing.

I can remember, though few others here seem capable of any recollection, of how an Australian PM, it was PM Rudd, could be targeted for similar abuse and at the hands of his own people, and how effective that was.

A working BS detector is a valuable tool. So is ensuring that one has a range of RELIABLE information sources that ALSO include the 'other side' as one may perceive it from time to time. I imagine that some, or is it many?, may fail to find evidence and allow their brain to find patterns where none exist.

How I wish that our education system taught scepticism. Of course that could threaten the political correct myths and factoids that are being taught at the behest of sly political interests.

Just imagining though, how a mob of detectives might be led today. It must be damned hard to stop them shooting off on wild goose chases. How to hold back and get the evidence first huh? (just shortening out some steps for brevity). How might they ever lay a hand on a grub like Ivan Milat?
Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 11:06:42 AM
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Funny how the regressives sprouted Rudd as being the best thing since sliced bread. How could you possibly trust their judgement on sanity. See they have the moral giants (sorry deviants ) of Hollywood preaching morality.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 11:28:55 AM
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Runner was talking about African-American unemployment rates. This was following my mentioning them. (I'll leave you to advise whether you misunderstood this deliberately or because you struggle to follow a thread).

So yes indeed, the BLS, who you call "the most authoritative source" did indeed announce a few days back that the black unemployment rate is the lowest ever measured (ie since 1972). Also that the Hispanic unemployment rate is among the lowest and trending down.

As to the statistics you mentioned, I wasn't disagreeing. I was merely pointing out that, of the dozen or so stats available from the BLS on employment/unemployment you chose to highlight the one that most suited your prejudices
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 11:57:34 AM
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