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Teenager fired for saying she'd vote No on Facebook
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Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 28 September 2017 6:54:25 PM
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Both Labor and the Libs have their strengths, however, anyone with even a basic understanding of economics and history would know that free markets and labour flexibility are not a Labor strong point. I agree that Andrew Leigh should not be pointing fingers especially on this issue. Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 29 September 2017 10:57:43 AM
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And Shadow, what is "labour flexibility" is it some sort of euphemism for exploitation. Are Bangladeshi workers more "flexible" than Australian workers? Are 'Seven Eleven' workers more "flexible" than others within the industry? Please explain what you mean by "labour flexibility". I bet you're not too flexible when it comes to your own pay and conditions.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 29 September 2017 11:19:51 AM
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How to get teeth into research like this and think without the first screen being how to make political capital out of it, It was always concerning to me when volunteering with youth, often sports, and the social talk shifted to 'what to do after school', that precious few had ever had any information and encouragement to start thinking about life and employment. Let alone have teachers making a routine out of drawing pupils (it should go back to year 5 and on from there) attention to the relevance of what was being learned to their future employment and lives. But there is also an environment where girls are being strongly encouraged to tertiary courses no matter what (as boys used to be), which can end up with a big bill and no future they they want or might win. A carer as a public service bureaucrat? The boys are disengaged. It is a tragedy. I will not say more about that. What I am saying is that the government cannot be proactive later. Parents need to get onto the Net and examine reports such as the one linked to above and what initiatives are being taken overseas, use Twitter and social media. Then take an interest in the P&C and push for school principals to take the initiative. Political parties and governments are not the way of preparing for the future. Thay are not practical and are moved by other priorities. Posted by leoj, Friday, 29 September 2017 12:13:51 PM
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Before I try and explain work flexibility, you would need to know the meaning of work and flexibility, both concepts foreign to the gangreens. Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 29 September 2017 2:38:14 PM
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' Dear runner, If you stop lying about AJ he'll stop telling the truth about you. (If you ask him nicely that is).' With the total lack of judgement you show, I certainly feel more confident in my assessment. Posted by runner, Friday, 29 September 2017 4:15:30 PM
If you stop lying about AJ
he'll stop telling the truth
about you.
(If you ask him nicely that is).