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Fusion energy in our lifetime?

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Hi Has been,

Yes, there's a project that could be funded by GetUp: to pay for and deliver, say, half a ton ne of cow dung for each inner-city Greenie apartment. Imagine the kale they could grow with that !

And as we move back to using horses, deliveries of horse dung to those Greenies could be done every week. Just leave it in the foyer of their apartment blocks, thanks. They'd be thrilled.

And anyway, if it's good enough for Indians, it should be good enough for their fellow-environmentalists in Australia.

No ? They're superior in some way, they should have the latest Manterra black marble kitchen bench top and five-thousand-dollar fridge ? How's that ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 2:53:36 PM
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Hi Everybody,
We have had a very safe nuclear reactor operating at Lucas Heights in Sydney for about forty years.
Just think how our economic circumstance would change for the better if we generated power from
a nuclear generators rather than coal or gas and then we could sell all of the coal overseas.
I say bring it on sooner than later because sooner or later we are going to be forced to have it anyway.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Wednesday, 3 May 2017 12:05:41 AM
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The problems with fusion energy is firstly is is vastly expensive, and secondly that anything that is even vaguely radioactive with have the greeny fright bats revved up.

That modern nuclear reactors are orders of magnitude safer than even renewable energy is ignored by these fright bats for whom an anti nuke stance has become ideological dogma.

The cost of nuclear energy is almost entirely the capital cost of the plant as the cost of uranium incl enriching, reprocessing and disposal is measured in cents/MWhr, which is why thorium and other technologies that require a higher capital cost are not even explored.

I fully expect to see fusion energy become technically possible, but unlikely to see it become economically feasible in the next 50 yrs.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 3 May 2017 10:44:37 AM
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Thorium is a green, cheap, plentiful, and dependable energy source.

The USA had a proven, working, and reliable reactor back in the sixties that was decommissioned by politicians and the military industrial complex because they were unable to make bombs from it.

We should not be the dumping ground for the world’s nuclear waste, thorium molten salt reactor technology that can use the waste, and in the process reduce waste risk from thousands of years down to hundreds. The bonus is unlimited cheap energy that will make fossil fuels obsolete.
Both China and India are on the verge of commissioning “Molten Salt Reactors”.

I fully understand the resistance by some contributors; after all they are methane breathing fossils that have a vested interest in the maintenance of fossil fuels and their planet destroying byproducts.
Posted by Producer, Thursday, 4 May 2017 1:31:54 PM
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Posted by Producer, Thursday, 4 May 2017 1:35:11 PM
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So, how is that 1 million year storage in the Yucca Mountains going? And might it take the remains of US battle ships?

In the US the best laid plans for storage seem to slide and slide and the very 'Progressive' Obama put Yucca off.

Any reasons why Uncle Sam's State Department is so nice to visiting Oz dignitaries? John Howard seemed to undergo an epiphany, 'Nek minute, he was selling nuke to the very surprised Canadians. Hot Damn, but that State Dept is good.

Next, from the lessons learned overseas, why wouldn't the Oz feds resolve storage before considering reactors for Oz?

I am happy with nuclear generation, but at the same time it was an Australian government with a dumb-ass idea that the Brits might just hand over nuke bomb secrets, that allowed Australia to become a nuclear bomb test site. And despite assurances easily given prior, the clean up has not restored the land.
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 4 May 2017 2:19:28 PM
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