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Does Sharia law define a life?
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Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 15 February 2017 12:46:34 PM
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Ms Abdel-Magied: “Islam to me is the most feminist religion, right”
Feminists obviously agree because there is no outcry from them. Not even an embarrassed murmur. Rather, she is praised and feels smug for it. A man looks at his watch and that is misogyny - hatred of women. Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 15 February 2017 1:21:11 PM
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Do please read the Koran. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 15 February 2017 1:23:21 PM
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Dear Foxy,
You wrote; “Religious laws have no legal status.” Untrue I'm afraid. “But just hours before the vote on his future was due to be held, the rabbi successfully argued in the NSW Supreme Court that the matter should be heard according to Jewish law and the case was shifted to the London Beth Din, the Court of the Chief Rabbi, which recently ruled in favour of the rabbi. “ Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 15 February 2017 2:11:02 PM
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Sharia law is absolute rubbish; there is no need to come over all philosophical about it. Hasbeen, It is neither necessary nor helpful to drag up way out of date, Old Testament descriptions of Christianity. Modern Christianity bears no relation to Islam at all. Relativist talk to let Islam of the hook really pisses me off. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 15 February 2017 2:53:53 PM
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Dear Steele,
The example that you cited did not occur within our normal legal system. It occurred outside it. The link below might explain how this happened. It's worth a read. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 15 February 2017 3:46:09 PM
I think that what Senator Lambie was trying to point
out was that in this country we have one system of
law that we are all expected to abide by. Religious
laws have no legal status. We are a secular State.
Having said that, it might be better for us rather
than arguing about the claims and counter-claims
about what Sharia Law really stands for, we might
be better to pay more attention to how advocates
of that faith choose to live their lives.
That way, it might be easier to avoid making
assumptions about what their religion might mean,
and instead focus more on how the faithful live.
The enemy of humanity is not religion, but those
who pursue acts of terror and violence in the
name of religion. As a wise person once stated -
"the world is bleeding to death through
misunderstanding." That's why it makes sense
to not have religious laws as part of our legal
system in this country.