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Abortion, why so many?

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Dear Banjo,

This is taken from the link I gave earlier:

"No contraception is 100% effective and contraception can
fail even when used correctly and consistently. The World
Health Organisation estimates that even if all contraceptive
users used contraception perfectly in every sexual encounter,
there would still be six million unintended pregnancies
every year."

"Studies of Australian and New Zealand women seeking abortion
have shown that over half of women presenting for abortion
had been using contraception prior to becoming pregnant."

"The reality is that we are all human beings and make mistakes
or errors of judgement, and even when used correctly and
consistently all contraception methods can fail. One study
found that almost one in four (23.8%) of 10,173 Australian
men who had used condoms in the previous year reported having
experienced at least one condom breakage."

"Many women may not be in a position to negotiate contraception
use, due to the effects of alcohol, or other drugs, lack of
power in relationship decision-making, religious reasons, or
being forced or coerced into having sex."

"Other barriers to women accessing contraception include lack
of information about options, geographic location (particularly
women living in rural areas) cost, privacy concerns, or
medical practitioners refusing to prescribe due to their personal
beliefs and values."
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 30 January 2017 9:20:37 AM
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Absolutely Toni, I could not agree more, men need to be responsible. What is the make up of the 75,000? Which is about the population of Rockhampton. How many are done for medical reasons, and how many for other reasons. There is also the morning after pill. I don't think anyone plans that an abortion will be the cure should they get pregnant, so there must be reasons why women get pregnant, then choose abortion. I am sure they would much prefer not to get pregnant in the first place. No matter how you look at it abortion is not a nice thing, no matter how well it is performed.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 30 January 2017 9:23:42 AM
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Dear Paul,

I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it would
be to make the decision to have an abortion. I think it
would have to be one of the most difficult decisions
any one would have to make. If only it could be
prevented. But obviously it can't be in so many cases.
Tragic all round.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 30 January 2017 9:29:39 AM
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the simple reason their are so many abortions (baby slaughter) is because pathetically week Governments have allowed totally immoral socialist to make it very easy to murder. ttbn sums it up very well. How heartening to see Trump take some action on this vile industry. The main victim (the unborn child) is not considered. Just like the Nazis failed to see Jews as people so the dishonest medical/science profession renamed unborn babies as fetus's as if that really changes who that person is. The vast majority of baby murders are simply convenience. Meanwhile those waiting to adopt kids have had to jump through multiple hoops. How sick and dumb is the world of the socialist/feminist. Thankfully many are now waking up.
Posted by runner, Monday, 30 January 2017 10:18:09 AM
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It is not reasonable to expect cooperation in the keeping of the uniform statistics necessary for policy review where abortion is still seen as an offence and jurisdictions differ.

It is silly to believe that the unavailability of perfect contraception would solve the apparent problem of 'too many' abortions.

It comes down to which is the greater evil:

-that some women and couples who want children are being forced by circumstances beyond their reasonable control to terminate pregnancies (by for example, employment uncertainties),
-that many, in fact all, women and couples have their fertility choices removed by the State.

The Australian electorate strongly opposes the second proposition. That the State is kept out of it as far out of it as is possible.

For myself, I know a number of women and couples who are putting off children they want and that choice is solely down to financial considerations, employment (continuation) uncertainty and too much tax burden (local, State and federal governments).

What if the policies coming out of Canberra (both sides of government) were indirectly resulting in far higher number of terminations and women and couples of best childbearing/raising ages being forced to delay, with the inevitable fertility problems of late starts?

Not that some politicians might wrinkle their brows in contemplation of that. They are much more concerned about taking advantage of their travel and other entitlements. There are far too many of Dastardly's ilk.
Posted by leoj, Monday, 30 January 2017 10:33:00 AM
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In the above post,
"The Australian electorate strongly opposes the second proposition. That the State is kept out of it as far out of it as is possible"
should be,
"The Australian electorate strongly opposes the second proposition, demanding that the State is kept out of it as far out of it as is possible".
Posted by leoj, Monday, 30 January 2017 10:36:20 AM
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