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Change Australian Immigration Policy?

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Bazz, as one gripped by fear, you can apply all the labels you like to those who disagree with you. Maybe I can apply a label or two to you.
I know a number of people, both acquaintances and friends I mix with from time to time, who profess to be Muslim and I have no problems with that. I am not an apologists for the Islamic religion at all, I put it in the same category as religions in general, they offer nothing I can support.
You have convinced yourself that you have a complete understanding of these people, their beliefs and customs, and how they would react given certain circumstances. I put this to you, what is the vast majority of Muslims in the Middle East doing at the moment? Given the wars in Syria and Iraq, unrest elsewhere, you would expect them to be engaged in these wars. Not so, the vast majority are not engaged in war but are passive by-standers, and are the innocent victims of these wars. How do you explain that?
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 4 October 2016 11:09:28 AM
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Yep, Paul. "Passive bystanders" waiting to get to the big welfare bucks in the West. Muslims are noted for relying on Allah (who doesn't exist, so the ignorant West fills in) to do everything for them.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 4 October 2016 11:49:54 AM
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Paul, I have not labelled you with anything.
the term "Useful Idiot" is how you are labelled by the moslems.
It is the term they give to infidels who support them or make excuses
for moslems.
They call you idiots because you will be among the first to be given
the options, submit to Islam, Pay the Jizaz, or die.
Make no mistake that is not some middle ages demand, it is being
made now today.

I do not profess to completely understand them, I do not think they
understand themselves too well.
I have read enough of their activity and their writings to understand
that as a political movement they are very dangerous as the French,
Swedes and Germans are now finding.
It has been realised that the moderates are only that until the
Islamists get close to power then they comply with Mohommad's demands.

If you do not understand that then you are, like your party, not really wanting to know.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 4 October 2016 1:05:25 PM
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Paul1405: Recognising a vicious cult for what it is doesn't mean being "gripped by fear". And it doesn't mean hostility to or discomfort with anybody of different ethnicity. White Anglo-Saxon Australia and the policies of Pauline Hanson are straw men to cover for lack of a case that takes into account actual facts.

I was totally indifferent to Islam until Moslems paraded in the streets of London demanding death for the (indifferent) writer Salman Rushdie. What the hell were the British doing allowing these mongrels to parade in the streets demanding murder of a British citizen? During that period a postgrad student (an Indonesian Moslem) I knew told me that of course if he knew where Rushdie was hiding he'd pass on the word, it was his religious duty.

Another postgrad, a Moslem from Bangla Desh, complained that the university wouldn't allow Middle Easterners to use its swimming facilities. Puzzled me, until I realised what he meant was it didn't arrange segregated swimming so they didn't have to put up with men and women in the same facility. Hmm. Didn't stop me spending many days lobbying (successfully) for him to be given asylum when the then fascist Bangla Deshi dictatorship suddenly demanded his immediate return for interrogation.

A flaw that useful idiots share in common is conflation. They can't accept hostility to an Islamic cult unless they conflate the hostility with white racism or Pauline Hanson. I've heard Ms Hanson speak only twice – once recently on Q&A when she was out of her depth and once in parliament when she was the only one in the room who was absolutely right.

That was when the fascist Republic of Indonesia which had its claws in East Timor and West Papua was facing bankruptcy and parliament was debating a special loan to it. Pauline Hanson suggested that the loan should be with-held until the corrupt fascist dictator Soeharto emptied his Swiss bank accounts and gifted his ill-gotten gains to his country's treasury. Bigotry, kicking a neighbouring country when it's down, howled the useful idiots.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 4 October 2016 1:23:12 PM
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