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The Forum > General Discussion > PABLO ESCOBAR - Notorious Criminal, Murdererer and Drug Lord.

PABLO ESCOBAR - Notorious Criminal, Murdererer and Drug Lord.

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Yes, Boaz, I know.

>>I've shown clearly that any person, even one with a widespread following and public support, can be seen in 2 ways<<

Your intent with both this and the original post (which was, delightfully, ignored) was wholly transparent. A debater's version of the old huckster salesman's trick of "bait and switch".

You were going to start us off contemplating in awe the highly effective PR machine that - from a very oblique angle, it has to be said - showed Escobar in a less than villainous light. Then you switch us to your favourite hobby-horse, that Islam suffers from a similar bipolarity, according to your selected extracts from the Qur'an.

As I said before, don't bother.

In the free time I have thus created for you, I strongly suggest that you finally commit yourself to reading that book I have been recommending to you for ages - "My Life", by Sir Oswald Mosley.

Here's an offer. You tell me where to send it, and I will get hold of a copy and make sure it reaches you. Just so long as you promise to read it... you know, pearls, swine, all that jazz.

The reason it is so important for you to learn its lessons is quite simple. If you continue along the path you have chosen, then I strongly suspect that St Peter is going to have some pretty harsh words to say to you, before he sends you packing to the other place.

(And you don't want to go there, do you? Think of all those people you will meet. Doesn't bear contemplation, does it?)

I suspect that he will, if it is a good day and there aren't too many in the queue, take you to one side and say something along these lines.

"Boaz. Boazy. Mate. What were you thinking? All that hatred you stirred up. All that blood you caused to be spilled. What got into you? What did we say to make you think that this is how to lead a good and holy life? And now, it's too late, mate."
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 18 June 2007 4:30:32 PM
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Pericles, if I had time to read it I would happily receive it. No need for now thanx.

I'm a bit at a loss to understand your concern over stirring up righteous anger at things which are clearly abominable.

If I was stirring against National Socialism in 1936, I just wonder how you would be reacting? Care to enlighten me ?

It appears your concerns are based on the assumption of:

a) My selective and misguided understanding of Islam.
b) Your selective ignoring of a mountain of evidence affirming my posiiton.
c) You denial or lack of awareness of the significance of a group (just one of many) in Australia Hizb Ut Tahrir, who state categorically if they ever have power they will KILL anyone who departs from the 'official' faith.

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was in cahoots with Hitler, and assisted in raising 2 divisions of Bosnian Muslims for the Wafen SS who as you know played a key role in exterminating Jews.

This is a continual source of wonderment and dismay for me, to see you look death in the face and simply deny that it is there.

I'd be interested to know your actual feeling about such groups, and why you seem to be against others exposing them for what they are ?

If anything, the only idea I can glean from your writings is that you simply don't see them as any serious or potential threat, based on their apparently small numbers ?

Please give a decent answer to this, because I consider it important.
There has to be a very strong reason why one such as you would defend Islam's true colors from being nailed to the mast. I cannot imagine you would take issue with National Socialism being denounced simply because it would make members of the Nazi party feel socially uncomfortable.....would you?
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 21 June 2007 5:22:09 PM
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I'm not convinced you're serious, Boaz. My concern, as I have stated on many occasions, is that you pick and choose the "evidence" that Islam is evil.

Once you accept this, you will realize that all your questions have already been answered.

I'm out of the country for a while. Please behave while I'm away.
Posted by Pericles, Friday, 22 June 2007 9:06:11 PM
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Pericles, safe travels.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 22 June 2007 9:10:29 PM
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Pericles, safe journey, but ur still within email or internet I'm sure.

If you are not convinced I'm serious, may I remind you of the personal cost which occurred some months back ?

May I also remind you that I am no more selective than a lawyer who is either defending, or prosecuting a case. Each selects for a desired outcome. It is the JURY which decides.

The Jury is that group of the public, who weighs the evidence and looks for consistency, and corroboration, and an inescapable conclusion beyond reasonable doubt.

I believe there is overwhelming evidence far beyond reasonable doubt for the claim that 'Islam is inherrently violent, and aggressive, is political as well as spiritual, and is absolutely intent on world domination.'

I've also claimed and maintain with rock solid evidence, that violence we we in the Islamic world today, can be traced back directly to its founder. He attained power and retained power, by violence, this is not even deniable. He advocated violence and destruction of other belief system in THIS world and the next.
I've simply demonstrated all the above by selecting those passages which prove the point. Their interpetration is provided based on normal literary approaches.

What more is there to say ?

Hi Robert.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 22 June 2007 10:51:25 PM
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Boazy: "I'm a bit at a loss to understand your concern over stirring up righteous anger..."

Is this an admission from Boazy that he is indeed quite deliberately 'rabble-rousing'? Albeit self-righteously, of course.

Boazy: "If you are not convinced I'm serious, may I remind you of the personal cost which occurred some months back ?"

Please remind us, Boazy. What "personal cost" has your ugly little crusade brought you? While I think that it's inevitable that some portion of the hate that you spout will come back and bite you, it would be somewhat gratifying to hear how this has already happened - if indeed this is truly the case.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 22 June 2007 11:52:43 PM
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