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'Reactivists' On The Move
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Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 13 October 2015 11:31:53 AM
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ttbn, Australia First Party are a political party founded I think in 1996, United Patriots Front are a collective of Nationalists, Patriots and Conservatives, their proposed but as yet unfounded political party is The National Democratic Party.
The best way to get updates is via Facebook, they're all pretty active online and unlike the mainstream parties the activists are accessible and will answer your questions and engage in discussions in the comment section. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 13 October 2015 1:00:22 PM
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I would not recommend any one had anything to do with that Face Book site, it is a riotous rant and would go close to being stripped from the net.
Posted by doog, Tuesday, 13 October 2015 1:58:40 PM
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Doog you're such a Golden Square.
Hey your mates in the pro Mosque/Anti Racist rabble have been busy with their spray cans: They also vandalised the Rosalind Park rotunda with the same slogans and anti UPF threats on Saturday night as well, I can name the people responsible if you like or I can just direct you to the post on the UPF page: Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 13 October 2015 2:36:13 PM
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Dear doog,
On the contrary my friend the site is very instructive. Just take a look at the link JOM posted on the other site; Just pick one of the characters in the comment section and go for an explore. I chose Johnathan Heartbrave who had posted a link to an image of a conversation he had with another supporter. Johnathan blocks out the identity of the person he is engaging with but his own words are enough; Johnathan: If I wanted to burn down a building my top priority would be those nutters in the trash house in Bondi. I'm a vigilante. I can bring myself to do things others cannot. Friend: Do you have experience in demolitions...?? Weapons ?? Hand to hand..?? Cyber ?? Johnathan: Mainly monitoring the media. Friend: intelligence. Always very helpful.. Johnathan: They're on two strikes with Monis and now this kid. I'd give them one more chance before contemplating reprisal. We need more info to come out about this kid's family anyway. I need to unfriend you mainly because the AFP are monitoring me. I would prefer they do not see our connection. You can still message me no problems. Friend: Ok mate NP Johnathan: there is a young journalist on Twitter who I'll tip off that we mean business. I'll censor the identity you're using on that account out. If you go to Johnathan's FB page you will see a veritable shrine to Tony Abbott. It would be a brave man not to think this bloke is a Liberal Party member. All very edifying. Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 13 October 2015 4:22:20 PM
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Steele, yeah the "Neo Nazis" are all connected to the Young Liberals, there's Jonathon Heartbrave and an even weirder character named "Felicity Sharpe" from Melbourne: Scott Harrison in Geelong,pictured here with Dr Napthine: And "Squadron 88" in Sydney, which is made up of four men linked to the Liberals in Penrith. This is why UPF have today released a statement condemning "Neo Nazis" and warning them to stay away from their rallies, they are political wreckers trying to open the door for the Liberal Party, it's the same tactic they used on One Nation with the Palmer-Coleman gang in the early 2000's. Mate Tony Abbott is the dirtiest character going around, these nutters, infiltrators and spies are his legacy and it's great that they're coming out of the woodwork at this time because it gives ordinary Australians an insight into just how mainstream parties work to suppress dissent in the community, the ALP have the "Anti Fascists" and the Liberals have the "Neo Nazis". Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 13 October 2015 5:27:10 PM
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Hi ttbn,
At first I thought you meant the Australian Federal Police, and I was about to get indignant at police intrusion into citizen's lives. And I took UPF to refer to the United Patriotic Front of Zimbabwe. Showing my age, I suppose. I suppose, with only 26 letters in our alphabet, that leaves only 26 x 26 x 26 = 17,600 odd possible combinations. Enough for an acronym for every person on both the extreme Right AND the 'Left'. Thanks, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 16 October 2015 8:34:55 AM
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It used to be that authors gave the name of an organisation and put the acronym in brackets initially to indicate how they would be describing the organisation down the line. Not any more. I don't know if it's age difference between them and us oldies, or just bad manners. I read a lot, and while the younger authors have something that needs to be said, I find the way they put it very irritating at times, and it detracts from what they are trying to say. With fiction, I find the newer writers (my favourites are mostly dead!) don't do description very well, if at all; good plots etc., but just words on paper, not a 'film in the head' as it used to be. Cheers, Franc Posted by ttbn, Friday, 16 October 2015 9:23:47 AM
Good luck to them. It's good to see ordinary Australians expressing their views on matters dear to them. There is a paucity of political interest in Australia. But these smaller groups need to choose their names more carefully. AFP, UFP: all a bit confusing, particularly when there could be marked differences in their platforms and tactics.