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Don’t Be Fooled Worker Rip Off Is Rampant.
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Posted by rehctub, Friday, 4 September 2015 6:42:56 PM
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God it's time you lefties grew up. We are putting ourselves out of business, & damn quickly too.
I have worked for less than award wages on a number of occasions, as has my lady. We worked for a Whitsunday island resort for about 4 years, with the odd short break. We were paid something like the award for a 36 hour week standard time, but worked an average of 28 days a month. My day was usually from 7 AM, with the morning ferry run to the mainland, to 6 PM, with the last one back. There might be a lunch break, or there may not. Hers could run from 7 AM to 9.30 PM when she was running the dining room, with a couple of breaks of a couple of hours. She usually spent these asleep on the beach. You should have seen her tan. She worked a little less when pregnant. Usually running the office from 8 AM to 5.30 PM, but still 6 or more days. We loved it, & as we don't drink, saved a goodly sum, with no time to spend money. We also ran a couple of mainland & an island based cruise boat operations. We rarely got a consecutive 24 hours off, but loved the life. Back in the 70s & 80s no tourist operation could pay award & penalty rates, & stay in business. Ansett paid by the book at Hayman Island, losing a fortune, helping in their ultimate bankruptcy. South Molle also tried when owned by Telford, but also went broke. Smart people settle for what they can actually earn for an employer. Stupid people, like car industry, or Ansett workers, demand award & penalty rates, & end up with no job. Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 5 September 2015 12:20:55 AM
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Hassy, were you an employee of the Whitsunday Island, 7-Eleven? Sound like you were. As for Whitsunday Island resorts, check out their prices, a random check of a Whitsunday Island Resort, 5 nights from $2790 pp, an arm and a leg! Gee, and they have people with a "begging bowl" mentality working for them.
Butch, the only ones complaining about Sunday rates are those overprice small businesses, who simply can't compete with the big blokes. Aldi's have got sausages at $3.99/kg 7 days a week, what's your price? Interesting. Aldi have just opened in a new store in my area, in the same shop once operated by IGA Supermarket. When IGA were in there you could have fired off a shot gun and not hit anyone, now Aldi's got the place packed. Aldi pay above award rates and penalty rates on Sundays. Who said price don't matter? Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 5 September 2015 12:22:18 PM
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I guess it helps to be stupid, if you want to hold a lefty point of view. It is obviously a prerequisite to have no ability to add 2+2.
You Paul, have no idea of the costs involved in running any sort of resort. Running one on an isolated island is even much more expensive. I have written the budget for a small resort, & knew it was impossible for it to make money, even with cheap labour. Just the cost of running a power house, staffing it, & transporting fuel to it can chew up large chunks of revenue, as can supplying water. Daydream Island once had a 200Ft ship that did nothing but carry water from Bowen to the Island, when they could not find an engineer capable of running their desalination plant successfully. Just running an island's boats is expensive. A couple I ran for South Molle had annual fixed costs of $5,000,000, back in the 80s. one million for fuel; one million for maintenance; one million for crew wages; one million in insurance; one million in interest on the borrowings to buy them, & that would be for a good year with nothing exceptional going wrong. It is probably double that today. Yep, nothing like ignorance to fuel lefty claims & bulldust. Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 5 September 2015 1:59:20 PM
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Hassy, given what you say "I have written the budget for a small resort, & knew it was impossible for it to make money, even with cheap labour." We should get the shonky resort operators out of the place. They can take those shutter bug, nature trampling tourists with them, and leave the place to what it should be, a natural wilderness, and not some rich guys garbage dump!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 5 September 2015 2:35:38 PM
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Not surprised that the Greens are opposed to tourism. Or that they couldn't care less about small business and people outside of Sydney and Melbourne. This is the form of the Greens, <Unions bankroll IR-shy Greens Union donations to the Greens. The Greens, who are standing in the way of the Coalition’s two key industrial relations bills, received more than $500,000 in the 2013-14 financial year from unions, including the militant Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union and the Maritime Union of Australia. The Australian Electoral Commission’s latest financial disclosure returns reveal five unions, led by the Electrical Trades Union, contributed a total of $567,766 to the Greens in 2013-14. The party’s Victorian branch received the lion’s share of union contributions before the November 2014 state election, with the ETU making three separate payments totalling $360,766. The ETU’s largest individual contribution was $300,000. The Greens remain opposed to two previously rejected pieces of legislation that raise governance standards in trade unions and revive the Australian Building and Construction Commission, which the government will test again when parliament resumes next month. If rejected a second time by the Senate, both bills would provide the government with a trigger for a double-dissolution election on combating union militancy. The CFMEU, regarded as the most militant union in the country and facing claims before the trade union royal commission it extorted more than $150,000 from Canberra employers, contributed $145,000 to the Greens’ ACT, South Australian and Victorian branches...> and <The Trade Royal Commission in Canberra has revealed serious allegations of intimidation and corruption against the CFMEU. Those who have spoken out say it's worth the risk if it cleans up the industry.> The Royal Commission will meet in Queensland next. Good! Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 5 September 2015 7:36:43 PM
Smit stands to reasn that if you keep wanting more, yetbthe market does not allow for more, then something has to loose. That something has in a large been small businesses and, as most are now at a point whereby they either cut wages, or close, wages will have to either come down, more so weekend rates fir seven day businesses, or jobs will go.
In fact, I find it rather irresponsible for unions to have demanded such pay rises and conditions, knowing that they would one day lead to this. And you must remember, super is also calculated as a pay rise because that was how it was introduced, as an 'in lue of' payment.
So workers have enjoyed having their cake, but they can no longer enjoy eating it and they simply need to get over it.
The boom is over, Sunday is just another day and unless consumers willingly part with about 25% extra fir their goods on Sundays then there is no saving the situation other than to remove the unworkable rates.
Retail and hospitality, as well as tourism are what they have now become and workers will either have to accept that Sunday is a normal day, or find work in another industry and good luck with that I say.
It's called evolution my friend.