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The Forum > General Discussion > Dancing in the Streets - Reverend Obama Comes to Town

Dancing in the Streets - Reverend Obama Comes to Town

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Geez boys..I suppose I should be moseying along then, packin' me bags and booking me floight outa this great nation...coz, according to you two, no-ones allowed to critcize our goofy PM without it being suggested they leave the country.

(Seems to be a recurring meme against anyone who critiques rabid right-wing politics these days)

But then again, I'm being told to vamoose by a OLO's resident moral/religious fundamentalist and a jumped-up petite bourgeoisie shop-keeper who thinks he's Oz aristocracy. I'll stay after all.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 17 November 2014 10:13:10 AM
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'But then again, I'm being told to vamoose by a OLO's resident moral/religious fundamentalist and a jumped-up petite bourgeoisie shop-keeper who thinks he's Oz aristocracy.'

as a warmist fundamentalist I know it upset you Poirot and the abc that Tony failed to bow to your religion. No doubt you would of preferred the wobbly knees of Julia in the presence of Obama. Time to grow up and realise the regressives lost the election. One progressive in awe of another despite regressive policies. Seems like the German President was most impressed with Tony! How could she overlook such a sexist p a Poirot?
Posted by runner, Monday, 17 November 2014 2:32:30 PM
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LOL, Julia was quite the flirtatious intern to Pres Obama and she was prone to going the big grope for his lower back and buttocks.

The smart money would have been on Michelle if the Grrls ever squared off MMA style, though. Julia had the weight down below, barge *rse and snooker table legs, but Michelle had youth and ferocity on her side, not to mention stink eyes that could curdle milk at twenty paces.
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 17 November 2014 4:12:29 PM
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Thanks, otb,

A thread wouldn't be a thread without the obligatory sexist rant from OLO's faux defender of feminine honour.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 17 November 2014 4:16:53 PM
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well, i like this article as i personally like Obama a lot.That was not Obama speech mentioned in this post,but i and most of us believe that Obama has the quality which gathers crowd.
Posted by thatintopen, Monday, 17 November 2014 7:44:53 PM
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It is a fact that Julia was all over Barack Obama and acted like a besotted groupie in the presence of a rock star. As well, her misogyny allegations were all bunk and were rejected by the disbelieving electorate, along with her gender war.

You would get the prize for your whopper leftist 'Progressive' colonial cringe to the US and the world though in posting that flakey blog BS from an unheard of lightweight attention seeker. Yours was the 'cringe you have when you are not having a cringe', anything to run down Australia. Disgraceful and obvious.

Australia did very well to get the G20 and it was truly marvelous to have Putin and Obama meet in the same room along with other world leaders. You and the tabloid media would never recognise any of that of course, but that is only to be expected. It is par for the course for you - it was never going to turn out any good.
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 17 November 2014 9:28:20 PM
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