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The Forum > General Discussion > One Year On, Was A Vote For ‘PUP’ Worth It?

One Year On, Was A Vote For ‘PUP’ Worth It?

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So you think an austerity budget is a populist policy?
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 13 November 2014 6:10:33 PM
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"So you think an austerity budget is a populist policy?"
Not directly, but it's certainly a vacuous policy. And it's largely the result of a populist obsession with surpluses, with most of the public under the illusion that any debt the government runs up now will have to be paid off by future generations.
Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 13 November 2014 6:45:02 PM
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Balancing the budget is neither vacuous nor populist, but there is not an economist in the world that thinks a country can continue spending 10% more than it receives in revenues without severe consequences.

Just the interest bill on Labor's debt is approaching $14b a year which could make a huge difference.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 14 November 2014 3:31:18 AM
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Shadow, independent analysis have pointed to a new $51 billion black hole in Hockey's budget, something the Treasurer wants to deny. He and the rest of them failed with the fundamentals, incorrect growth forecast, and overestimation of tax receipts. Its clear that Australia has a problem not with expenditure but with revenue. Hockey is now making noises about getting "tough" with his mates from the big end of town over taxation, something they have not been paying for years. Successive governments, both Labor and Conservative have let big and small business avoid tax for far too long. Added to this is some very suspect expenditure items, including the latest cost of military involvement in Iraq, never in the budget.
Lambie wanted to make some puerile gesture the other day about an unfair pay increase for military personnel, she was probably right, but in the end it didn't come off. For how long are you going to keep blaming Labor for this looming disaster which is in fact now becoming clear the handy work of the present government. I admit Labor must take some of the responsibility for the situation, but not all of it, and as time goes on less and less.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 14 November 2014 6:46:05 AM
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You know Paul, I almost think you are dumb enough to believe your last post Paul.

Almost, but not quite. No one could be dumb enough to actually believe that crap, or could they?
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 14 November 2014 8:13:47 AM
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Pup only came about due to the incompitance of the previous government and it's allience with those independents and the greens. In other words, they gained support by default, a protest vote if you wish.

He was always a loose cannon, always will be and as for his pledge to resign from business activities, yea right, pull the other one.

His voters got scammed by him, and Abbotts paid perennial leave scheme and more fool them I say because literally NOTHING happens without money.

It has been suggested that the life long gravy train for retired polies is coming to an end, interesting times ahead.
Posted by rehctub, Friday, 14 November 2014 9:43:24 AM
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