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The Forum > General Discussion > Clive Palmer: straight-talking friend of the people, or out-of-control motormouth?

Clive Palmer: straight-talking friend of the people, or out-of-control motormouth?

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You appear to think that a AAA credit rating from three agencies and an economy that is the envy of Western industrial nations in the wake of the GFC is somehow "terrible".
It wouldn't be terrible if it were true but that triple A rating is nothing but a Labor hype of wishful thinking as is that envy nonsense.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 21 August 2014 6:52:37 PM
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"It wouldn't be terrible if it were true but that triple A rating is nothing but a Labor hype of wishful thinking as is that envy nonsense."

Are you planning to ever post something intelligible?
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 21 August 2014 7:02:01 PM
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Are you planning to ever post something intelligible?
Of course, as soon as an intelligible argument is put up. No point answering something intelligibe to parrot-fashion repeats of delusion.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 21 August 2014 8:40:05 PM
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The thing that has come out of this budget is very interesting.

It was in fact a very gentle budget, considering our current indebtedness, & the huge forward costs. To be properly effective to stop the rot, it should have been many times harder.

To watch the media in a frenzy, & Labor screaming was very interesting. If the Oz people are not prepared to wear the very mild reduction in government handouts in this budget, it is reasonable to say we are stuffed.

As we will not trim our expenditure ourselves, we will just have to enjoy the party for the very few years, before we find it done for us by the rest of the world.

I will now direct my endeavors to preparing my property to offer a reasonable life to my kids, & theirs, with very little cash income.

I had better put my stallion to a few mares. As Joe has quite truthfully told us, poor folk don't drive much, so we may need a horse or two.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 21 August 2014 10:58:20 PM
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Good evening to you all...

I have no idea what Clive Palmer is, or what he wants out of life, or what he and his ludicrous little party represents ? All I do know, is this gentleman must have far to much money on hand and not much to do with it all.

So one fine day he had a thought, that perhaps he might just purchase himself a small, average sized, parliament in which to play with. Not that dissimilar to a child and his 'sand box'. All this occurred in the vain hope his long moments of this awful boredom may pass, provided he has this parliament in which to amuse himself with ? It doesn't matter that he has no understanding of the rules, provided the parliament does exactly as it's told and provided there are no members therein who have any trace of oriental blood in their background ? You see, Clive doesn't understand much about their culture, in fact he understands very little, about anything.

So while this bumptious ignoramus amuses himself with his very own parliament, there are 20 million people who have to stand by patiently, until he's either finished altogether, or become thoroughly bored and shuffled off to his little cubby house, reportedly hidden deep within China somewhere.

Well good on you Clive you immature buffoon !
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 21 August 2014 11:13:08 PM
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I had better put my stallion to a few mares.
Careful, the lefties will call you sexist !
Posted by individual, Friday, 22 August 2014 6:52:39 AM
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