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Labors shortcoming are responsible for the Abbott government.
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Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 10 July 2014 4:54:29 PM
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I think there is more to it than just labor were idiots.
Without limited news and murdoch, the shock jocks like bolty and jones and the big money demolitions of labor over the mining and carbon taxes and the poker machine reforms a moron like rabbott would never have a chance Posted by mikk, Thursday, 10 July 2014 5:32:53 PM
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THIS RUBBISH RE 1 billion we cant spend per day=labor-debt to begn with its te states debt/2de that new debt number is liberal debt[including the 10 billion that joe hockey gave to the fed and the 10 billion e gave to the imf hat dont belong on labors sheet here we got the numbers being pumped up hard sao they can sell teslsta and the royal mint for fire sale prices/not to pay te det but so the public srvice slush fubnD CAN KEEP More govt asset under teir controkl for teir use not ours lets lookat the slush funds like this co payment insnbity DOCTERS GET 2 DOLLARS/ad big pharma gets a slush fun to pretend to look for cancer cures/by te ways we know science dont die[why borther yeah labor are spenders \ but libs are hiders and avoiders they have one mantra they beat /LABOUR=DEBT/lib=steal the public wealth/one gives us dbt/the other steals our common wealth/pee on both their houses/tHEN THE GEENS but did you see te great white hopes clever moovE TODAY/ seems the clive party put out a memorandum[the [public sevants buried/while circulating their own[clive got wind of it just in time and votec against te oo clever b half sneaky moove clive only wants a penalty clause/259%/he tax you avoid[its brilliant/the CLERK SAYS WRONGLY ITS A TAX/but its a fine a penaLTY brilliant stuff all round clive he seems to have united with the car dudes adviser/you watch these pair will go far/too far who knows Posted by one under god, Thursday, 10 July 2014 6:02:04 PM
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a moron like rabbott would never have a chance
mikk, Rudd/Labor could have never ruined this country as much as they did if it weren't for their moron supporters. You were one of them, you must be really proud ! Posted by individual, Thursday, 10 July 2014 7:38:14 PM
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Mikk>>Without limited news and murdoch, the shock jocks like bolty and jones and the big money<<
Can’t blame the totally biased mass media....Labor have the ABC Mikk we saw a thousand batt instillation companies open with false names and bank accounts...they made a couple of hundred thousand and disappeared....hundreds of millions paid for work not done.....all the work that had been done had to be inspected. The BER found large construction companies like Lend Lease charging two three four times the going rate for public schools, but the tradesmen they contracted were paid at the minimum rate. The private schools who found their own contactors got a million dollars worth of infrastructure, the public’s got a shade cloth and a couple of demountables.....disgusting. I will also remind you of Labors Aboriginal Housing Program, they built one third of the houses budgeted for and ran out of money. Nah Mikk, Labor are as incompetent as butcher said ....that’s why we have Abbott and Hockey. Abbott is a liar and betrayed the electorate immediately upon taking what do you do if you don’t want either of them in power.... Posted by sonofgloin, Thursday, 10 July 2014 8:06:56 PM
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The new Senate has barely kicked off and the newbies on the cross benches have had their first lesson as to the lengths the double dealing treacherous bunch that calls itself a government will stoop, when trying to get its own way. The bushwhackers tried to hoodwink PUP with false promises over the Carbon Tax repeal, fortunately their dishonesty was discovered in time, and their treachery failed, this time! All this dishonesty will achieve is to drive PUP closer to Labor and The Greens.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 10 July 2014 8:09:00 PM
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Why fight over who is bad THEY ALL ARE
I think we need go back to start dump the lot including Constitution and start from scratch. All deals cancelled Posted by Aussieboy, Thursday, 10 July 2014 8:34:08 PM
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What I am wondering is when are the holy Liberal supporters going to start apportioning blame to this current government, and move on from the labor-bashing rants they were indulging in for years?
Who wants to give billions to middle-high income families so mum can stay home with the new baby for 12 months? Who wants to waste hundreds of thousands of dollars on public school chaplains and 'marriage counselling'? Who wants to cut the aged pension, and disability allowances? Why yes, it's Abbott and his band of merry men.....and one woman..... Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 10 July 2014 9:40:32 PM
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don't forget who wants to spend billions on boat people & co, who want to keep propping up an incompetent Public Service, who wants to keep dumbing down the population, who wants to ruin Australia etc etc. ? The labor morons that's who. Posted by individual, Thursday, 10 July 2014 10:06:00 PM
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It saddens me to think we removed a successful government, over IR, only to replace them with the most incompetent government on record, who, by their own incompetence, forced voters to vote for this current government.
It was a huge gamble, costing us hundreds of billions all in the name of protecting a small sector of the workforce who were low paid, often for a good reason. As we speak the unions are at it again with false and miss leading ads about IR. They must be preparing for a DD election. Bring it on I say. Posted by rehctub, Friday, 11 July 2014 9:58:59 AM
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Don't try and shift the blame for this reprehensible mendacious con job of a govt...just because you're finally twigging that they're lying bunch of scoundrels with no clue. Read this... He's a Nobel laureate opposed to Hockey, Abbott et al who are nothing but puppets of the rabid far right. "There is something deeply ironic about Abbott's reverence for the American model in defending many of his government's proposed "reforms". After all, America's economic model has not been working for most Americans. Median income in the US is lower today than it was a quarter of a century ago – not because productivity has been stagnating, but because wages have. The Australian model has performed far better. Indeed, Australia is one of the few commodity-based economies that has not suffered from the natural resource curse. Prosperity has been relatively widely shared. Median household income has grown at an average annual rate above 3% in the last decades – almost twice the OECD average." "Australia should be proud of its successes, from which the rest of the world can learn a great deal. It would be a shame if a misunderstanding of what has happened in the US, combined with a strong dose of ideology, caused its leaders to fix what is not broken." So you're defending an economic rabble which goes under the name of the federal LNP...and attempting to shift the blame for their lies and ineptitude to anyone but them. Posted by Poirot, Friday, 11 July 2014 10:37:53 AM
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"As we speak the unions are at it again with false and miss leading ads about IR. They must be preparing for a DD election. Bring it on I say." What planet are you on? Tones was asked this morning about a DD...Lol!...he couldn't back away quick enough. I would loooove it if Abbott was stupid enough to bring one on. The LNP/IPA would get splattered to Kingdom Come in such a scenario. They're are presently polled to lose 30 odd seats if an election were called...I call that delicious. Credlin and the Masters would never be that stupid. Posted by Poirot, Friday, 11 July 2014 10:42:35 AM
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‘morning rehctub,
Labor/Greens supporters have a common and well documented technique for handling criticism. They do indeed acknowledge their disastrous policy failures and the damage to our society and economy. They do this indirectly by saying well, this mob are “just as bad”. This seeks to bring the current government down to the same failed level as the ALP/Greens efforts. What they are actually saying is OK, they were a disaster but the current government is just as bad. This then leaves the way open for the “laying of blame” and criticism of the government whilst offering mitigation and avoiding analysis for their own failed policies. Simples! As prime examples we have mikk who tells us that the ALP/Greens were indeed “idiots” but it was all Murdoch’s fault. Aussieboy’s classic offers the familiar “They are all as bad” and just for good measure we should scrap the lot including the constitution. A bit of positive reinforcement there. Suseonline is waiting for LNP supporters to join her in blaming the LNP for ALP disasters (assumption close, the LNP are at fault not the ALP). Poirot gets first prize for getting everything into one sentence. << Don't try and shift the blame for this reprehensible mendacious con job of a govt...just because you're finally twigging that they're lying bunch of scoundrels with no clue >>. Brilliant, I rest my case. Talking about no clue Poirot. I doubt there will be a DD because TA will get what he wants without it however, it is worth considering as a possibility for about March 2015. By which time the PUP will have self combusted, the ALP will be wearing the full consequences of the RC, the trade unions will be facing governance corporatization and TA will have most of the runs on the board that he needs. You and the rest of the fellow travelers have only one response to your predicament, squawk Posted by spindoc, Friday, 11 July 2014 12:42:23 PM
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I have managers who are like our OLO Lefties, no clue, no solutions, just lots of spending, on them ! My immediate EO is so incompetent it belies belief yet he thinks he is so clever even though the show is failing left right & centre. His line manager in turn consults him for sorting out problems by consulting the very bureaucrat who IS the problem ?? He is a staunch Labor supporter who adds insult to injury. I really don't understand why Qld Premier Newman hasn't cancelled all their contracts which are so obviously based on party loyalty rather than any professional merit. Now as we get into a new budget year these incompetents are already working on tactics to continue syphoning funds by way of mismanagement & make it look like it is the Coalition's doing. Well Coalition, get rid of those money wasting labor cronies & start building the country again. Posted by individual, Friday, 11 July 2014 3:04:58 PM
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‘morning Indie,
You offer some interesting points. So what is it that causes otherwise intelligent people, often well educated, to respond to emotive or ideological stimulus and to avoid critical thinking? Why is it that their “beliefs” dominate their responses? The answer is that there is another form of “intelligence” that dominates, it is called EQ or emotional intelligence. We tend to regard those with high IQ’s as being intelligent but this is not he full story. As many corporations now acknowledge in recruitment, they test for both IQ and EQ. The purpose being to determine a balance in both. Their main concern is the identification of well developed IQ and EQ that does not dominate. A dominant IQ can limit the ability to apply pragmatic solutions whereas a dominant EQ prevents even the identification of a problem. This is because a dominant EQ is driven by moral/value propositions and is therefore “blind” to any informed sources outside their self-referential network. What we often see on OLO is people who clearly have a high IQ and in many cases are well educated however, due to their dominant social driver, their EQ, they fail in most endeavors that require analysis, critical thinking, people management, strategic thinking and implementation. This also explains their predisposition to the use of “someone else’s” ideas, they have to borrow cliché’s and rhetoric because they are incapable of generating original thought. It is sad but this is not a failure of our education system, it is entirely of their own making. Posted by spindoc, Friday, 11 July 2014 4:33:20 PM
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I have had a lot & I mean a lot of dealings with so-called educated & intelligent people. The problem starts with education for education's sake not for merit's sake. In order to make our education system look efficient they have lowered the standard year by year ever since the Goaf. We now have people with a degree who can't change the wheel on a car or who can't add up in their head without a calculator. Many can't even spell but they're educated & therefore deemed intelligent. The resumé factor is another one in job selection. Most have resumè written by someone else & so incredibly couloured in yet those on the selection panels are too blind & incompetent to judge hence we have so moany incompetent bureaucrats in the Public Service. They always consult experts rather than people who know. So, when you have morons on the selection panel they're obviously selecting fellow morons for the available positions. The Peter principle is reigning supreme. Posted by individual, Friday, 11 July 2014 5:29:32 PM
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‘morning Indie,
I was both an employee and an employer in my corporate life. I worked for US multi-nationals for much of my working life. In Australia my division and direct reports for Pac-Rim operations included Canada, PRC, Taiwan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Australia and NZ, plus associated territories. As my base, Australia posed significant “educational” issues. We learned that many Australian “qualifications” from universities were not worth the paper they were written on. This was based on the direct comparison with education standards and values on offer from equivalent international tertiary qualifications within my region. Within the technical domain we had great success with Australian degree’s. In marketing, sales, humanities, arts and sociology, the products of university education was utterly abysmal. We would import from within the region rather than try to employ Australian graduates. I remember interviewing potential Australian graduates from about 1982 onwards and can testify to the deterioration in educational standards from that point onwards. We even interviewed university “academics” in order to try to understand why the Australian “product” was failing so dismally. We rapidly came to the conclusion that academics were part of the problem rather than the solution. We concluded that many Australian qualifications were based on values that had absolutely no relevance to employment prospects. I well remember the battles I had with HR departments as they tried to convince us Australian humanities degrees had something to offer. The acid test is always comparative and this never stacked up Posted by spindoc, Friday, 11 July 2014 7:23:10 PM
| | Mixed model[edit]The model introduced by Daniel Goleman[32] focuses on EI as a wide array of competencies and skills that drive leadership performance. Goleman's model outlines five main EI constructs (for more details see "What Makes A Leader" by Daniel Goleman, best of Harvard Business Review 1998):
1. Self-awareness – the ability to know one's emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, values and goals and recognize their impact on others while using gut feelings to guide decisions. 2. Self-regulation – involves controlling or redirecting one's disruptive emotions and impulses and adapting to changing circumstances. 3. Social skill – managing relationships to move people in the desired direction 4. Empathy - considering other people's feelings especially when making decisions 5. Motivation - being driven to achieve for the sake of achievement.Goleman includes a set of emotional competencies within each construct of EI. Emotional competencies are not innate talents, but rather learned capabilities that must be worked on and can be developed to achieve outstanding performance. Goleman posits that individuals are born with a general emotional intelligence that determines their potential for learning emotional competencies. None of these assess intelligence, abilities, or skills (as their authors often claim), but rather, they are limited measures of trait emotional intelligence. The TEIQue provides an operationalization for the model of Petrides and colleagues, that conceptualizes EI in terms of personality.= The test encompasses 15 subscales organized under four factors: well-being, self-control, emotionality, and sociability. The researchers also found TEIQue scores were unrelated to nonverbal reasoning (Raven's matrices),.. As expected, TEIQue scores were positively related to some of the Big Five personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness) as well as inversely related to others (alexithymia, neuroticism). Posted by one under god, Friday, 11 July 2014 8:25:35 PM
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"I have had a lot & I mean a lot of dealings with so-called educated & intelligent people."
So Indi, the educated and intelligent people would say " Monkey want a banana?" and you would grunt in response "Ah... ah, ah...ah". In that way you got your banana, see education is good for all of us. LOL. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 12 July 2014 6:56:16 AM
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Thank you for proving me right ! You fit the mould perfectly for one of those educated ? Posted by individual, Saturday, 12 July 2014 7:12:52 AM
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Sorry One Under God, but how can you expect people to take you seriously, when on the one hand you place a perfectly normal post, then, one made up,of riddles.
I'm sure there are two people using your name. Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 12 July 2014 9:10:00 AM
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wrechtub/lots of people use me
just in extrapolating a selection of quotes for greater edification..[see last wikipedia post] I HAVE HEARD THE SAME COMENT NUMEROUSE TIMES I FORrg created from ascratch laborioukly a sudy on the upper house[qld\ bu it was rejected becommong a topic cause i called it a senete I HAVE HAD OVER THE YEARS HAVE 30N TOPICS REFUSED MAINLY WITH THE FREAKING WORDS I KNOW YU CAN WRITE BETTEr than t5hat that just goes to show no one reads/WHAT I REPLY so i WILL YET AGAIN REPLY ONE WHO DONT EVEN READ MY NOTES/LET ALONE REPLY THE TOPIC..MOT OF THE TIME IF YOU SEE A CPMMA IN THE 'CORDCT'/PLACE/OR A SHAPE HINGY/THEY are just devices to assist clarity[yeah i know that junk is wasy\ted on you too/but via spell check/we both look more illiterate/wHEN WE CHOSE THE WRONG WORD BLAH BLAH BLAH I CUT AND PASTE IF I AGREE ITS CORRECT/I DONT EDIT IT BUT MOST IS EDITED TO hell and back/because some know how to write/but refuse to write the full facts/t5hen we come to those not reading yet opinionating/there is one typing cutting asting editing and occasionally correcting/but i spewak for many/even ore illierate THAN I DAMM rhere co the FEAKING CAPS/yet again i kill too many key boards replying nonsense why i get angry because i sweat blood getting the fact right and stuff the damm fraking writing informing drongos/im me till the next time your ignorance judgment of my writing style/avoiding comment to the topic/it\makes me angry i cant think why/maybe because so many illiterates klike you and belly have modified the mods mind.[he unlike you has first hand witnessed my illiterate scrawl/personaly] i told the ex-unionist one day all you get from me is a link/and i dont care what you think. another wasted post replying nonsense. Posted by one under god, Saturday, 12 July 2014 9:40:36 AM
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Oneundergod, you are a complicated guy, but always interesting!
Individual, you have a real problem with 'educated' people don't you? I am amazed you like to follow Abbott and his merry men, when he is one very religious and uni educated guy? Maybe secretly you would like to have been better educated? It's never too late you know. I'm not sure what course to suggest though... Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 12 July 2014 12:18:19 PM
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Suseonline "I'm not sure what course to suggest though", That's easy 'How To Peel Bananas, For Beginners'.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 12 July 2014 2:29:02 PM
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Lol Paul : )
I had a feeling you would come up with the perfect course! I was briefly toying with 'Racism, Are You a Bigot, as part of a Social Studies course for him.... Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 12 July 2014 3:46:54 PM
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Smart and Educated are not the same thing
Posted by Aussieboy, Saturday, 12 July 2014 4:12:14 PM
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Looking at some of the present politicians Aussie boy, I would have to agree that many of the 'educated' are certainly not smart!
Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 13 July 2014 1:26:37 AM
When Rudd came to power he did so with support not seen for over a decade yet, in the space of just two terms, their mismanagement and incompetence, the main cause of the waste, is what paved the way for the Abbott government to take office.
The sad part of all this is that there is no way Abbott could have defeated Rudd in the 07 election, which just goes to show how much we have slipped.