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Bluffing with the Future of Humanity.
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Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 15 June 2014 6:10:31 PM
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the fleuride..only/OCCASIONALLY
has dumbed them down/..NOTED A GEM\KEY-TRUTH/..clue*? <<Hi Paul...If you have another look at your last posting, you may notice that you..have not actually said anything - nothing substantial, only a (if quite accurate) shots, insults, (I don't know how to..classify 'two right feet')..and unsubstantiated assertions.>> that/minds\-me..that next/one.refutes..A POINT THUS/THINKING..IT REFUTES THE WHOILE <<>.You may be/ everything you wrote, but..there's no way of knowing/with such..fairy-floss.>> ie..rubbish-in=rubbish/out like..*the dayze--of soloman* <<..the American Political system is a strange bird, it actually has..two right feet...Yes,'s torn between a religious "Right" which can/get rather secular when it needs be,..and a secular "Right" which can/get rather religious when it needs be.>> ITS/STILL..ABOUT..THE MONEY-CHANGERS* <<>.As the American Bible..clearly states..on its dollar *bill>> PLEASE..NOYE*..bill*.[FIAT-BY/DECREE=A BILL*] -{..1N-*-$@t@n$-*-R&@!/\/\}.*[see-cobra*] <<In God We..Trust" <<..there was no room for.."Everyone>>..? thus}[every_1] *\1/*/1\*..[EVERY*ONE?]..<<Else Can Go To Hell".Joe Posted by Loudmouth,.Joe,..not everything need be analytically serious. When it comes n'..>>...RE THE ALL-RIGHT?/RIGH\RIGHT*\..LEAVING.THE LEFT-RIGHT/OUT*.? KEY BIT*..* <<<some are have two left feet...LOL. ...<<its about as funny as nhoj..with his picking up..*the clean side of the turd classics i tell ya graham ditto the deleted comments...would need their 0wn.threads let adults sort it out.the worst thing for a said 380 things,....most*of them swear words..except the swear words..mainly by using the/foreign meaning..into abstractum. *point being..if i took..all the ones..i..know to be swear words[like in common usages..they are spell.checked.and clearly if spell check has veted it no swear any post posted via the post watching program. to actual read slight/where none is in itself a judgment call/then editing the thread half every topic i personal.. it would be nice to know what 'specificly'.. was 'the offending words/person/creep] awoke the awareness/even know..'bought these your notice.;mars[and-onipresent][MIKE RIVERIA..wrh....;podcast3 rd/hour..] Posted by one under god, Monday, 16 June 2014 10:14:23 AM
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Hmmm, well yes Arjay.
I remember when Germany asked to audit their gold and was told by the US treasury that they could not be allowed to do so. Normally if in another field that was done the facility involved would invite the TV stations to bring their cameras and film the gold to prove it really was there. I would have expected Germany to say, well we are sending a ship to collect our gold. So I suspect that Germany was not told they could not do an audit, but were told that there was no gold. Germany could not of course admit they were broke as it might well collapse their economy. So instead they just made up the story that they were not allowed to audit. I note that when Venezuela demanded their gold they paraded it through the street when they got it. But then they didn't actually show it on TV. Yes, it really is a can of worms, but it is only about money, it is not about something real like energy. I think when that hits the fan the financial system fill fall over immeadiately if it is already in so parlous a state. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 16 June 2014 3:47:50 PM
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gold really is Only a small part of this
see the symbiology..the 'blitz.criege''invade and loot and moove on withdraw..and let the media redirection suggestion/begin/ im going with arjay feeling we are bluffing..with the future but the future is just fine for most of us[see u invaded the parlement house in cannberra...sat in the speakers chair in canberraBUT TRUTH IS ITS HARD TO HOLD. there will be no attack via nukes ya know the secret 'launch code was 0000000o the ruskies were never that dumb/ya seen the state of the new areoplaines thats the state with all the yani war macjine/but the good news is this war machine is less that 6 too big oo fail controllers/taking out them 5 will be the easy exiT/FROM THIS BLUFF..we stop feeding the war machine..if you make the instruments oF WAR/WE REFUSE ALL YOUR OTHER WORKS.FOR GIVING YOU MY CUSTOM..FEEDS THE WAR MACHINE OF DEATH/LIES DAMM LIES LIARS AND ORDERS..ENOUGH enough ..enough we are immortal spirits living out a life experience that we eternal spririts grasp the concept of ending..[a material delusion]..and.. Posted by one under god, Monday, 16 June 2014 4:38:09 PM
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work..out..this karmic game of snakes and ladders orders and diss order/chaos\and anarchy..[meaning..simply free from external oppressions]...write me down as anakissed..a worrior 4 peace.
all action was motion..that simply dissipitates..ever more till it exists alone in the minds that form the fine/finite-words of man. the new plan is 7..only..own more that the lower 40 percentile just think of that..the top seven..aussies..own more/plus owe more..[than the lowest 40 percent..IE..7 own more..that 10 million of the rest of us. we plant/they harvest BUT THEY STOLE..IT ALL..AS LONG AS THE DOLLAR GETS ACCEPTED..AS HAVING A VALUE.IT WILL BE PRINTED OUT TO THE LAST COPPER PLATED/IRON CENT. WE WILL PAY YOU OUT THE PRICE OF YOUR PROMISED GOLD nice new crisp hyper inflating paper notes/bills...[read a dollar bill/lol you trusting in the god on money sure were sucked in[heck i got a \hoard of yanki wall paper next to my deutcharks and zimbabwe wall paper. i bet we paid up[ front the yanki dollars not the delivery yanki dollar price/we sold our gold that was trewason/NOW WE SELL OFF THE ROYAL MINT[IT HOLDS THE PROOF OF THE CRIME[ITS TRUE VALUE IS THE COST/PRICE OF ALL THE LOOTED HOLD IT RENTED OUT TO BANKSTERS. Posted by one under god, Monday, 16 June 2014 4:38:44 PM
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The Illuminati are tied directly..through/ the sun and Isis cults of ancient Egypt..Killing was a mystical experience to this branch of the Mystery Schools...They not only maintained their control by murder and threats of murder,..they believed that the assassin could acquire the gnosis,..or soul energy from the victim. This is the theory..behind the human and animal sacrifices of Satanists..throughout history..(and the ritual child abuse etc). Satanists believe that sacrifices..release more of it than anything else...[Such are the dark and sordid machinations of the deluded souls..who think their gnosis accumulations..and illumination will give them some form of deity.or i..PRECIEVED/higher\degree-OF..Immortality. . .” (source) That’s just a quick glimpse... Research for yourself and learn much more... Massive casualties and deaths turn them on. As it does for those controlling them behind the scenes both here and inter-dimensionally. You’ll find this energy vampirism throughout any esoteric studies on this subject, popularized by the Matrix movies where humans are considered energy “batteries” to be drained and utilized. That’s pretty much what they’re up to. Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi – Leader of ISIS By the way, as far a manipulating the Arab masses, the choice of the supposed leader’s name of these high financed and western trained pre-positioned rogue forces is Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. This name couldn’t be any more incendiary. The schism between Sunni and Shia Muslims lies in disputes over who would succeed Muhammad as leader of the faithful after his death in 632. The Shiites thought the prophet’s son-in-law and cousin should lead as caliph, particularly given his blood relationship to Muhammad. Their opponents, the Sunnis, thought Abu Bakr, one of Mohammad’s first converts, should be their leader. The Shiites lost a series of wars for power in the early years of Islam and today are the clear minority in global Islam, making up about 15 percent of adherents. They are in the majority in Iraq and Iran. (source) No mere coincidence there. More, emphasis added: All of this cleverly engineered, any way you look at it. Posted by one under god, Monday, 16 June 2014 7:41:06 PM
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Bazz and UOG there would be no need for a gold back currency if our system was properly regulated but the foxes are in charge of the henhouse.
If everyone puts their money into precious metals,this makes the depression worse because more liquidity is removed from our economies. They now have no choice but to back a new currency with gold to bring back some stability because production and jobs around the planet are falling while the money supply in the share market continues to explode. Most of this debt is conjured out of nothing, creating inflation and thus should be wiped. I try to create some awareness because the more prepared all Australians are,the better off we will be in a few years. While it is good to see Russia and China taking this evil system on, we don't need them running the planet like our Western banking system has done for over 100 yrs. We have criminals running the system and very few have the foresight or the courage to take them on. Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 17 June 2014 6:39:05 AM
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ARJAY..the prOBLEM..IS really siMPLE
[CERTAINLY MORE EASY TO DO THAN TYPE..its bailout the consumer because the pyramid needs feed from its base..this 'top down -bullcc-rap'..thats just too insane/at that upper level/your taking value/not adding value. to CLARIFDY..see i can produce 4 LITRES OF PEE..[YES URINE] BETWEEN ALL OF US WE CAN PRODUCE..100 MILLION LITREs of urine. thats the max urine we can produce/YET BANKERS OUT OF OUR 100 MILLION LITRES..CAN SEll future[it can even make/print the looks like wee NOW..BUT THEY BEEN TAKING THE PEE//NO ONE CAN PEE AS FASAT ASA THEY ARE PEEING THE FAKE PEE DOWN OUR SEWERS[READ COMPYLSORY SUPER CON].. see on pAPER..ITS ALL GREAT..ON PAPER THEY CAN SH HOW frOW YOUom your HARD EARNED URINE,,THEY CAN MAKE 19 LITRES OF PISS[thanks be top fractional reserve you can put your dollar..into the federal reserve pee trough..AND 10 Litres or up to 100 litres can be sold for your work efforts banks been leveraging..their deposits..many fold over when we gave govt that licence/but by variouis ACXTS OF PAPER TREASONS/THE BANKS MADE THE DEBTS..SO BIG/THAT PEOPLE DONT WANT YOUR CYBER CREDIT/THEY WANT HARD INCOME PRODUCING ASSET.. WHICH WAS FINE/TILL THE INCOME CASH FLOW STOPPED. every dollar was BORROWED..INTO EXISTANCE/MUCH THE SO CALLED MONEY was never real money/only paper debt\..but the debt now is so huge/and the federal money printing so big/ cant end well/for anyone sothe big idea is default/we supposedly got the assets now we shoulda had before lending/or rather creating\the MONEY TO BUILD IT. ITS WORKED WELL FOR THE TOp 7 aussies who hold more money*[paper-wealth..[in tax free off shored trust funds]THAN 10 MILLION AUSSIES COMBINED NOW..NO ONE/LET ALONE NO 7 CAN WORK..10 MILLION TIMES MORE/HARDER..THAN US COLLECTIVE 10 MILLION CLEARLY;..THOSE HOLDING THE CHIPS CHEATED THE BANKING SYSTEM.. SOMEHOW. Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 17 June 2014 8:26:22 AM
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[as if gold or silber..[UN DEBASED]..COIN..NOT REAL COLD SIlver/just pARTITY/BY WEIGHT\LIKE GOD INTENDED A fair days work/for a fair days pay. honest tender/govt creating /lending out its own federated banks. yes many the bankers have killed but theIR EXCLUSIVE COLLUSIVE TREASAONOUS SCAM MUST END/OR THEY BE BOUGHT BACK DOWN To earth..faster thaN THECRIMINAL SYSATEM IS DOING IE TAKING BACK THE PROCEEDS OF CRIME FROM DRUGGIES/AND bwankers/who hold too many ceap chips..[YOUR SUPER IS GONE FOLKS/THE NEXT HYPER INFALTION WILL DEVALUE[WATER DOWN]..EVEN MORE OF OUR EXPENSIVE URINE. soon we drown/in..the elite piss/trough [IE THE GOVT TROUGH/DRAINED SO dry..they can sIN TAX THE NEXT PEE...into their solid gold urine-fountains.[once the people/know..GOVT ALLOWED BANKS/TO STEAL/LOOT..EVERYTHING FROM EVERYONE[OHH THEM POOR 7..[OHH THEM POOR 80 GLOBALLY]..WHO EMPOverished//quadrillions from billions. they never LENT..ANYTHING YOUR APPLICATION/ONSOLD TO THE FED..CREATED THE DEBT. in afect the contract is void/because thewy lied/they lent us nUTHING/BUT Bills[diollar bills=debt..A BILL IS A BILL*..MONEY IS DEBT. ONCE UPON A TRIME/IT WAS REALLY a PROMISE/NOW ITS WITNESS TO DEBT the more you got/the more debt is atatched to it/trUE VALUES HAVE BEEN INBVERTED..they said in 1029..a bill is payable with a bill/two biLLS SOMEHOW CANCEL EACH OTHER OUT WHEN THEY GIVE YOU ANY BILL SIGN IT R4V[REGOGNISED FOR VALUE/BECAUSE WE KNOW WHAT A BILL NOW MEANS 'CASH'..[or rather a promise of the coin[which is the ONLY/real value] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 17 June 2014 8:27:54 AM
Rob Kirby made his living from derivative trades for 11 yrs and fears for the future of all our humanity in the struggle for monetary supremacy of our planet.
Rob Kirby sees this game of bluff by our Western Financial Oligarchs ending in nuclear war. Our financial leaders bluff will be called by Russia and China and Kirby thinks they will flip over all the gambling derivative tables in a hissy fit and bring on the big one, rather than letting their grand vision of a new world order amount to naught.